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File 131138581959.jpg - (84.91KB , 417x618 , q-ko9.jpg )
3872 No. 3872 [Edit]
Hey guys, my waifu's birthday is coming up and this is the first time I've celebrated it with her. I know that I should get her a cake and all to celebrate it with but....what do I do with the cake afterwards? Do I eat it myself and imagine that it's like her eating it? Or do I throw the cake away later on? I don't like throwing away food though... So please, if you've ever celebrated your waifu's birthday before, please tell me how and what you did with the food! Much appreciated!
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>> No. 3882 [Edit]
This is exactly why I don't eat with a picture of mai waifu.
>> No. 3886 [Edit]
File 131140079663.png - (1.10MB , 964x723 , lunch_with_my_love.png )
I've yet to have done an acutal cake yet, but have done the meal thing before a number of times.
sometimes I'd just eat it as normal, other times while reflecting on my relationship with said waifu.
99% of my meals are eaten alone in my room and I don't care/think about it, but those waifu meals (no idea what to call em) are the ones that make me feel lonely.

I know the idea behind it is to pretend to be eating with your waifu, but doing so scares me, scares me because the day I've done that, is the day I feel like I've truly gone insane/lost my mind, and would probably be followed by having conversations with her, hallucinating ect.
I like to think I still have some sanity left, sure, I have might have strong feelings for a fictional character, but at least I know it.
I guess I still worry about going over the deep end, even though I'm pretty low as is.

Anyways, just do what feels right, follow your heart.
>> No. 3925 [Edit]
So no one here experienced it?
>> No. 3944 [Edit]
I too would like to know how people pull this off. I imagine a small meal for two is done, and the rest is just eaten over a span of days. It's probably only done by the more hardcore for the reasons Tohno pointed out, though, so don't expect a pile of answers to sift through.

I hate to be one of those guys, but who's that a picture of? She looks vaguely familiar.
>> No. 3946 [Edit]
>> No. 3948 [Edit]
My feelings are that you should try and make the cake. It doesn't matter if you can cook well or not. In my case it is probably for the best that she can't eat my cooking.

The fact that you are putting effort into this is all that matters. You are giving her affection and telling her that she is special.

I think it is perfectly fine to talk to her. She is the only one you can really count on you know. We may be nice to each other here, but she is the only real friend you have.

I am not trying to be mean here, it is just that if you are here, this may very well be true. If not, I envy you somewhat.
>> No. 3949 [Edit]
On valentine's I made a cake offered it to my waifu and staunchly shelved the leftovers. I kept out of mind completely ignoring it for about a week, then threw it out as it was stale.

It's best to not even acknowledge any leftovers exist until you can reasonably rid yourself of them.
>> No. 3956 [Edit]
I find this depressing on many levels. Better to get a small cake that can be finished off by one, yet could still pass as a two-man job.
>> No. 3964 [Edit]
If you eat it yourself, the illusion is lost.
>> No. 3965 [Edit]
Also, I didn't buy the cake, I made it. I feel that is an important distinction.

I'll simply work harder on a better one next.
>> No. 3966 [Edit]
and it's not lost by rubbing a cake into your screen?
>> No. 3967 [Edit]
Uhm, what?
>> No. 3969 [Edit]
If you're not going to eat it yourself, what do you do with it then?
just toss the cake out at the end of the day?
>> No. 3970 [Edit]
I set it aside, and once it grew stale I disposed of it.

That was the sum total of my interaction with the cake. I especially did not apply it to my computer.
>> No. 3971 [Edit]
Of course this was after presenting my waifu with it, and cutting a section of it out for her.
>> No. 3972 [Edit]
I made an apple cake and my grandma ate all of it.
>> No. 3973 [Edit]
you don't think that's kind of wasteful?
>> No. 3981 [Edit]
Not at all, I made my loved one a cake.
>> No. 3991 [Edit]
I have to agree with the man here. It's the thoughts behind a gift that make it special.
>> No. 4348 [Edit]
Dude just...
I eat it because I hate wasting food

But the thing itself is eating the meal. Just shut off your rational brain for some time, pretend to be eating a meal with her, and the turn yourself back on and face the misery of reality.

At least that's how I do it
>> No. 4350 [Edit]
File 131203713949.png - (355.87KB , 841x478 , Rei tries to cook.png )

No doubt about it. Just, for instance, and as a product of my very own thoughts, I would never present mai waifu with a meal not edible to the point I couldn't even enjoy it myself; in general: I would never give her the poor service of a shitty gift, like a soup of mud that a chlid gives to her mother expecting her to drink it (and like it); I think I'd do better, then, in making and delivering such gift sollely in my thoughts, where nothing concerning my lack of talent needs to become a problem.

I do agree that appreciation is finally subjective. Yet, I ground that value on the results, not the efforts; and even if such was the case, the truly valuable effort would be, minimally, to overcome one's personal given limitations and perform something nice that we couldn't before like, v.gr. cooking an enjoyable meal.

And yeah: wasting food is heartless... but what isn't? who we are, privileged people and mass producers of garbage and misery, to criticize anyothers' waste in a fundamental level? Some of you guys DO suck hard for throwing a (supposedly special) cake away; but no more than I do everyday by just staying alive.

Post edited on 30th Jul 2011, 7:53am
>> No. 4356 [Edit]
I don't necessarily eat cake with my waifu for her birthday. I actually just feel right with buying her a slice-- for me to eat afterwards. It's not like it's possible for her to eat anyway, and I'm sure we both would agree discarding it would be a waste of effort, money, and love.

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