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File 131113540954.jpg - (524.79KB , 1185x1852 , Happy Birthday.jpg )
3823 No. 3823 [Edit]
well today its my waifu´s birthday and i made this drawing for her, i´m not very good at drawing anime so i put my whole heart into this,seeing this made me wonder about birthdays.

Do you know when you waifu´s birthday is?

if so how do you celebrate?

do you cook? buy her something?

in my case i mastered the art of cooking meatballs since its one of her favourite foods.
gonna make a cake too and celebrate with her.
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>> No. 3824 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!

It looked like official art for a second if you ask me. Nice drawing.

Do you know when you waifu´s birthday is?


if so how do you celebrate?

I'm in a permanent good mood for the day, I usually don't use the computer at all.

do you cook? buy her something?

I baked her a cake.. or pie last time. It wasn't that great but I think it's the thought that matters.
>> No. 3827 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
I hope you two have a great day.
Yeah i know her birthday,
for this year i just plan to cook her something nice (no cake though, since she dislikes sweets)
and depending on the weather i´ll probably have have nice stroll in the park but i´ll generally just have a nice and calm day.

And thats a really nice picture you´ve drawn there.
>> No. 3854 [Edit]
File 131128607497.jpg - (158.73KB , 631x800 , patchouli.jpg )
Maybe someone could help me out? Mai waifu is about 100 years old but neither of us know her birthday. She forgot it before we met. She tells me that my love is all she wants, but I'm always sure to make iron-rich meals for her.
>> No. 3865 [Edit]
I thought that was official art too.

If you drew that, you're pretty good at it!
>> No. 3947 [Edit]
File 131146013633.png - (661.24KB , 800x695 , 100000000031.png )
As someone with the same waifu, I have that problem too. Actually, I was thinking about it a couple of weeks ago. Because there's no real way to know at this point, I decided to start celebrating it on August 11th (the day that TH06 came out). It's not really a substitute for a real birthday, but it's better than nothing.

By the way, welcome. I just recently started posting here myself, and I don't consider you a rival or an enemy or anything just for having the same waifu. In fact, I'm happy that someone else understands how great she is.
>> No. 3976 [Edit]
File 131151150873.jpg - (191.19KB , 850x1200 , sample-7b6e40618fa3b3fa5b5c6996820d2096.jpg )
I try to make her a nice meal with what i have, i try to make it contain some fat/carbs (within reason, of course, i don't just make some greasy fast-food crap) because she's awfully thin and i think it'd be more healthy for her to gain a little bit of weight.

Although i never think that it's enough, although i know she is pleased mostly by my efforts for her. I try to buy something that she'd like, this year i bought some old programming and electronics books which we both very much enjoyed!
>> No. 3988 [Edit]
I normally just cook her something

I want to try Tree Cake this year
>> No. 3992 [Edit]
Computer nerd here. Old programming books? What language? BASIC, C, Perl? I've been wanting to learn for the longest of time. I just can't stay with it, though.
>> No. 4033 [Edit]
A computer nerd? Ok..

An introduction to Z80 Machine Code
Advanced C microcontroller projects
TTL Cookbook
Practical Computer Experiments

It's not a lot but i know she'd like them
>> No. 4045 [Edit]
Thank you very much my good man.

On topic: How would I celebrate my waifu's birthday if I had one? Hmm... though it would largely depend on her personality, I'm thinking right now go somewhere nice either for the day or for dinner or learn a song she might enjoy.

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