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3813 No. 3813 [Edit]
Hello, denizens of /mai/. For curiosity's sake -- not trolling -- I was hoping you could answer my questions concering waifu. I would like to clear up misconceptions and stereotypes concerning my otaku brethren with superior powerlevels.

1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

I thank you in advance for your time and answers.
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>> No. 3814 [Edit]
Also, what's the protocol concerning dakimakura? Are they gently put away when company comes over in a discrete location or are most of you past that? Do you bring them with you when you go on road trips? Are they an object of shame that you nevertheless love? And why is a pillow with a design on it so expensive? I've seen special fabrics being mentioned, but what exactly sets them apart besides the characters that adorn them?

On a related note, I saw an ecchi Miku Hatsune dakimakura when I was in Puerto Rico. Right there upfront behind a wall of glass. I was surprised. I didn't think Japan was the ONLY place to have shops that had them on display, but Puerto Rico? Seems out of place.

It's those designs that make everyone think they're sex toys. I sure as hell thought they existed only for lewd fantasies until reading a couple of threads on here. It's strangely relieving to know not everyone who buys them uses them for such things.
>> No. 3816 [Edit]
I'll answer the best I can. Always happy to explain to those who want to learn.

1 - I don't entirely know. I generally think of her as an unreachable girl that I love with all of my being. The chasm separating 3D and 2D can't be overcome, rather accepted. There's no way to bridge that gap physically, and no way mentally while keeping your sanity and mind intact. I actually somewhat dislike thinking in 3D/2D terms, for reasons I kind of know but can't exactly put into logical thoughts at the moment. Something about the whole "dimension" having nothing to do with it, technically the lack of depth doesn't really matter. I get the comparison but the wording of it doesn't sit perfectly with me.

2 - I can't really answer this, I don't entirely understand the question. Do you mean things I think about, things I would like to do, or things I do with physical representations of her?

3 - I can love her character as well as any human can love any other person. I can't say she loves me, I cannot say she even would. Given her character if I were to turn up in her general area and be a nice enough bloke she would at least accept me as a friend, but that's irrelevant. Make no mistake I don't convince myself I'm in a relationship, I would think that to be deluded. I admit I often think about what being in a relationship with her would involve, and I take great pleasure in running through simple scenarios in my head, say sharing a meal with her, or going out with her and her friends and family for a day. These things tend to take the edge off the "She isn't real, you will never <x>." line of thought that so often plagues one's mind. I keep myself thoroughly grounded in the truth of the matter.

4 - Alcohol, fanart hunting, rewatching the series, ranting at/listening to the rants of a similarly-blessed/cursed friend of mine constantly, and plenty of late nights to think to myself about it, and finally the thought of how she would hate for me to feel any negativity over caring for her so much.

That's more or less how I keep myself from despair in this entire situation, and I just now realise that's not quite what you were asking but I'll keep it here anyway.

Well, if you're thinking along the terms of how I deal with not knowing things about her... to use a well-known phrase, it can't be helped. I would absolutely love to know so much more about her. It helps that she's from a kinda extensive franchise but they have so many characters to focus on, even though she's one of the main characters they never go into the small details, although I'm sure they know they're being cunts in doing so. I'm most definitely not the only person who feels about her this way, there's at least one of them who also visits this board. There's also the Korean man who married a dakimakura of her and I still think I'm going to kill him for that.

5 - I can't really say. I find it odd when people pretend the object of their affection is real, but that's just myself and my will to keep completely sane. I don't know what would constitute too far. I'd say convincing yourself she's real and that you have a chance of being with her is 'too far', whereas others would disagree and for the sake of keeping things civil I won't say anything that may offend those different to myself.

6 - Nope. Somewhere in the sea of occasional depression and thoughts like "She just is not real and never will be." and "She'd never look at you twice never mind fall in love with you even a fraction as much as you love her, even if the impossible were to happen and you'd be able to go near her.", there's a pearl. An amazingly large shining pearl. A pearl with such beauty to rival gems from the heavens.

If I don't think I'm suitable enough for her, I'll make myself suitable. I'll become the best person I could possibly be, even though there's technically no point. I'll become the myself that she would fall in love with.

Not to mention, if I never had these feelings for her, I would be plagued by my search for love in the world. Driven mad by it. Not loving her would by NO means make me confident, happy and sociable. In fact, loving her makes me closer to that. Just not quite fully there yet, but I have drive, I have motivation. Since realising my feelings for her, I've become much better as a person.

Even if my love for her did leave me drowning in despair, I don't think I'd ever change that. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me, and by such an amount I don't see that ever changing.

You're welcome, sir, my time is rarely spent in such a useful manner as it just was. Just keep in mind I'm only one small part of the rather wide spectrum of regular posters here, and there are many folk like us who don't come near this board at all.

Man, this is a huge post. I hope I didn't lose my train of thought and start rambling/repeating myself in parts.
>> No. 3817 [Edit]

I'll refrain from editing my post at >>3816 (which I apologise for writing in such a terrible format) because I know I'll fuck it up somehow, but I had posted before refreshing to see this addition.

I don't own a dakimakura so I'll leave most of the questions up to other folk. I think I would like to own one, but honestly it's not really much my style. I just would not feel comfortable with it, but that might arise from my idea of our 'relationship' as me simply looking upon her and loving her, so it ends up as being creepy owning it in my head somehow I ignore this thought when I imagine other things, thankfully, or I'd go insane. As for the expense, it's because they're sold officially, I think. Retailers know their target market. Their target market places massive value in merchandise of the character, way above the material value of the object. When it comes to such a, er, high-level piece of otaku merchandise, they can sell it. People will pay prices because of the value they place in it themselves rather than the material value.

As for the ecchi, that seems to be the consent among the designers. Sex with 2D characters sells to otaku, and I think from seeing so many of these things I have a majorly skewered negative outlook on Japanese otaku.

Of course people here, well, they may use them for that, no skin off my nose other than my, er, 'friend' (I don't know him so he isn't a friend but I honestly wouldn't mind changing that b-but only if he w-wants to) if he does use it for *that* I might have a faint desire to kill him arise but generally I wouldn't think it.
>> No. 3819 [Edit]
>same exact
You should learn the meaning of words before you use them.
>> No. 3820 [Edit]
1) I believe waifus are a concept. I do not take them by real, even my own, if not in another dimension or plane. I believe, though, that such a concept can be true if you believe it to be, as that is the limit of reality for oneself. I interact with her by speaking to myself, as she hears my and answers, something only possible for me as only I acknowledge her existence.

2)I do give attention to characteristics of her and acknowledge her birthday but as she would not be able to interact in the same world as I, it is unnecessary for me to actually buy things or celebrate it materialistically. Nonetheless, it is a day of celebration like any other.

3)Is a relationship from afar, kept by internet or phone calls not the same thing as a character you have never interacted with? There comes a point the person si nothing more than an idea you keep of her, with no "interection" between both if not words. Prove me wrong if it is not the same thing.

5)I honestly give no fucks about what other people do with who they do it. If they want to take "things to far", whatever that means, it does not concern me.

6)I don't want to go back in time, if that is what you are asking.
>> No. 3821 [Edit]
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>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

The usual stuff, I suppose. Fantasize about being with her, think about how the various things in my life would be different if she were around, and think things like "what would she think?" when making decisions.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

Nothing, really. I'd like to celebrate her birthday, but I actually haven't known her for a year yet (7 months) and I'm still waiting for the birthday to arrive. Not entirely sure what I'm going to do when that time comes though.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

I never said I was loved by her, I just like to fantasize about it and pretend I am. It is in fact, hollow and frustrating at times. It also can make me happy though, which is why I haven't changed my attitude yet. It's tough to explain, but often just looking and thinking about her can cheer me up, and make me want to strive to be a better person. Also, I'm probably considered a heretic by some on this board for thinking this, but I think I would enjoy a 3D relationship with a girl that was similar to her. As a result, the rest of my life doesn't necessarily have to be in a one-sided relationship like this, though I've never actually had a girlfriend so I'm not really one to talk

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

Visting websites like this, collecting pictures, and simply fantasizing. She's from a super popular show with a movie in the works so it's pretty easy just to bask in the fandom at this point.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

Yes, people (including some here) can lose sight of reality, and think their waifu is actually a real person or something, which I think is unhealthy. But I don't really care if other people want to hurt themselves like that, it's their own choice.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

No, I was none of those things before anyway. If anything, she has (ironically) helped me become more normal and happy since she helps me strive to become a better person.

Surveys are fun.
>> No. 3822 [Edit]
>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

This is a bit tough to answer. I don't exactly interact with her, in more realistic terms; it's more like I talk to myself whilst thinking of her. I can't really put it into words.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

I talk to her, as stated in the answer to the question before. I also celebrate her birthday, buying cake, usually being a bit happier during that day than other days.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a
character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

This is implying that the source material is real and is able to meet. My "waifu", is purely an idea based off of the source material, and such I can manipulate/imagine to be my perfect companion. In my mind, we have met years ago and are happily married.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

She is but a character, more or less inspired from the source material. Where the story ends, I take what she has already experienced and add my own twists and turns to it.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

Nothing really. I don't care as long as they're genuinely happy.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

No. I thought about it and immediately was disgusted. In fact, she's really made me happy for the years we were together. I do not want to let go of her, ever.
>> No. 3826 [Edit]
1) Through art and philosophy.
2) Poor attempts of pseudo art and philosophy.
3) [lol]
4) See (1)&(2)
5) Dunno... google eve future (or better: read it).
6) [It IS a very serious question!] Definately no: ASFRO DO UNGA HORA HARUNKA fuck i'm going crazy.
+) Dakis... tend to get muck.
>> No. 3828 [Edit]
1) I don´t know if "overcoming" is the right word. I just imagine how she would act and what the would probably think and say. I always try to imagine how it would be to live with her in this, or her world.

2) I talk a lot with her, well sometimes i smile over myself because i keep talking to pictures of her. But it is a nice thing to do for me and it is a great help when i think about certain problems or something like that.

3) Well even though i can´t really tell if she would love me or even like me if she was a real person. But sometimes i get this feeling that tells me that i am doing somehow right, well i can´t really explain it.
She can´t truly interact with me, but after i got used to it, imagine (or better predicting) her reactions, thoughs and words is really nice and i am fine with it.
I never think that my relationship with her is "hollow" but sometimes i am actually frustrated, mostly when i think about the things i always wanted to do with her, even if it is something ordinarily boring like go shopping or eating dinner together, i know that it can´t ever become real and will always be just a scenario in my head.

4)Basically i just follow my daily schedule, i try to live every day like she could be at my door any minute (i know it sounds cheesy as hell) so i am trying to improve myself, live healthy, take things seriously and stay in shape. Doing that everyday doesn´t give me the feeling that i am wasting all that effort. In fact i also help myself a lot and the feeling that i am doing all that for her keeps my relationship "strong" if you want to say it so.

5)I don´t really judge about such things, if someone does such a thing it not my buisness after all.

6)That is a mean question...but i wont stop myself from falling in love with her, after all being in a realationship with her made me a confident, happy and halfway sociable person (and a Ford is not important for me) and i managed to achieve that by myself after all. So i am fine.

Can´t say anything about dakimakura since i don´t have one yet.
>> No. 3829 [Edit]
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>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).
I just think of her and talk to her in my mind. Sometimes, I look at her pictures or watch her episode and play her route. She gave me a reason to go on, that I can live in the 3D world and not need a 3D girl. Whenever I feel pained, I just think of her and everything goes well.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.
I just celebrated her birthday last June. I went outside and bought her a custom cake with her face in it. I just told the saleslady it's for a girl because she likes that character.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?
It's inexplicable. It's not hollow nor frustrating. What's hollow and frustration is dedicating yourself to a 3D girl and still not get anything out of it. I'm not talking about sex, but emotional. Even though she's 2D, I can feel that she encourages me and worries about me. No 3D girl has made me feel that way.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?
Yes, because I'm as obsessed as Risa-chan.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you?
>> No. 3830 [Edit]
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>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).
I think about her plenty while sleeping and hugging my pillow. On the weekends I have nothing to do, so that pretty much makes up my weekend, along with snacks and fapping.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.
I can't do anything fancy, I'm very poor. I spent the little bit of money I had for classes on a figure last year. I've drawn her a few times but I'm not a very good artist and she came out looking blocky. I practiced Love colored master spark on piano for about a month before I just couldn't anymore, I'll never play it so It'll sound good. I don't know how to read music very well so it was just memorizing which keys to press in the end. I got the first 35 seconds or so burned into my mind and fingers though. Used this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUuJIB13MeQ&feature=channel_video_title

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

She loves me in my mind, and given the many different mediums in which she is presented, I believe that is a solid form of interaction between us.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

It's the same thing with any relationship. There is more I can do with her that I can do with a 3D woman.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

I don't see anything wrong with making your computer your waifu. It's just as valid as any waifu presented in the waifu thread in my opinion. You do not need human features to love something. There are people who do become aroused by mechanical and electronic components, so there is no problem in that area either. I've heard of a guy that had sex with two of his cars, so it seemed to be working for him.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

No. I'm happy now, and sociable enough online. Different things make different people happy. I mean, I wouldn't mind becoming a normal as long as I was happy. If I were happy with it I'd enjoy it so there would be no reason for me to not want to be happy. I'm enjoying myself in my current situation, and in your hypothetical situation I'm supposed to be happy as well, so it'd be the same thing I guess.

Almost missed your questions on the second post.

I really wish I could afford a dakimakura, and I still live with family, so I don't want to push it with that right now. I've bought a figure and a few other things, so I'll put that one off for a while.

As for the point on Puerto Rico, I lived there for a very long time, and everyone seemed pretty open to the whole anime, manga, etc. thing. I recall there being a channel during the year 2000 countdown time, so probably around 99', that aired anime exclusively. That's how I got into the whole deal with mahou shoujo. My uncle was a pretty cool guy and had a collection of Dragon Ball VHS', along with other old stuff like Mazinger and Gundam that further brought me into it. I think some Southern American countries are also big on Japanese things, not sure though.
>> No. 3831 [Edit]
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>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

I think of her as a reason to love and fight against all odds. I talk to her,fantasize about being with her, think about how my life would be different if she were with me.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

Well i buy figures of her, celebrate her birthday,draw her,cook for her,buy her cakes and such.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

Not at all, i´m very happy now and i cant believe how my life has improved since i fell in love with her.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

Just believing in myself and in my love for her, her source material is far from the end, so i can see her for a long time to come,and fan arts never ends too, living every day for her is what makes me feel alive.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

i don't judge people as long as they are happy and don't hurt anyone.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

NEVER,i wasn't happy before i met her,now i decided to improve myself so she can love the me i am now thanks to her, since i fell in love and decided to improve everyone has told me that i am a better person, the only thing i would go back in time for is to fall in love with her again.

about the dakimakura,there aren't any of my waifu, but i´m thinking of making one myself.
>> No. 3833 [Edit]
OP here. I just wanted to thank you all for your sincere answers (and bearing with my questions-- I see now I could've worded them better) and comment on what I've read. The responses caused me to amend a few things in my understanding of affection. Really something. If exaggeration was kept to a minimum, then I have to say. People always call their girl their "angel" and whatnot. You guys do that and act on it. "An angel? Well... let's treat her the way an angel deserves to be treated." Not that I'm bashing 3D love, but I've noticed these kind of sentiments don't stay at the same intensity for as long. Learning to play an instrument, cook, and keep up an honest effort to make yourself a better person? That's the kind of stuff stories are made out of. A shame more people aren't like that. Of course I only know the small stories you've told, but they are enough to make me think of the world as a better place (getting sappy, huh? Haha.).

I figured everyone would answer with an instant NO at my last question. I only wanted to see how much loyalty was felt towards a waifu. If the love for the 2D girl was truly enough to satisfy rather than a love of the 3D. I'm sorry if that comes off as rude; no ill intent.

One thing I learned was that the number of people that have dakimakura is far lower than I expected. I honestly thought only one or two people would not own one.

I laughed at the censoring (Ford Driver: how random!). I have seen others write normal f @ g without doing anything special, so I wonder why mine was censored? I bet it has something to do with me being new.

Speaking of which, thank you for the warm welcome! People are much more friendly here than they are on 4chan. I was afraid I would have to lurk more before you guys would answer me. More trouble than necessary right there. I plan to stick around.
>> No. 3834 [Edit]
>I figured everyone would answer with an instant NO at my last question. I only wanted to see how much loyalty was felt towards a waifu. If the love for the 2D girl was truly enough to satisfy rather than a love of the 3D. I'm sorry if that comes off as rude; no ill intent.

It's hard for me to answer that kind of question. I truly don't have any interest in women, actual women, so I have no love to satisfy in that sense. But I'm so completely broken that I'm not sure whether that's a good thing, or whether I even care. Life feels quite empty for me, and my waifu is in part my ideal of the kind of person I'd like to spend it with, someone who would give it meaning.
>> No. 3835 [Edit]
1. Well, I consider that I am in love with Asuka, but I am not in a relationship or anything like that. This simply because she does not exist within our world. However, I obviously fantasize about us being in said relationship. Years back, I used to take this to greater levels, such as having a meal with "her" every day. However, as I grew, I realized that rationally I was just being crazy. Also 3D and 2D are only different to me in the sense that one exists the other doesn't

3. I celebrate her birthday (normally baking her something), Christmas (in this case I bake for the entire family and snatch something for her) and Valentines (normally I try to make spectacular cakes on this day). I used to cook something every day, but like I said, my reason does no allow it anymore
3. I love her. As for her loving me, it is just my fantasy. I like to think that she would love me and I could be a proper emotional crutch to her, and obviously she would be one to me. As for how I can stay in love, I have no idea. It hasn't happened that I've met anyone that I love as much as her
5. Not really. You don't decide how others express their love. However, I do believe jealousy of other anons is pointless. If anything, be jealous of their canon love interest, if they have one. This because, nobody is getting her, not your or anyone else. There is no point
6. Nope. Love this strong is something I would not want to live without. Besides, my love for her has no bearing on my life. I'm just a pathetic fuck by nature
7. I don't own a body pillow, but their comfy and an image of someone you love is surely a great help in easing one to sleep. I see no problem with it
>> No. 3836 [Edit]

I have a habit of thanking people who look upon us from an outside perspective and understand us as much as possible and even praise us, and that's apparently not going to die here.

Thank you for the kind words. It's very nice to hear you think of us as admirable rather than pathetic. As far as I know, the Ford Driver thing is sort of an inside joke among people familiar with the site's owner.

You asked questions respectfully and politely, there's no reason for us to treat you any differently.
>> No. 3837 [Edit]
someone posted a test on the old site
where you had to rate how normal you are, 1 to 4, 4 being the most normal
4 sounds like "ford" so it was "ford driver"
>> No. 3838 [Edit]
I thought it had more to do with the fact that he typed 4rd instead of 4th by mistake and that's where it came from.
>> No. 3855 [Edit]
File 13112871055.jpg - (19.52KB , 300x400 , 512218-swr_patchouli_large.jpg )
1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

The chasm doesn't bother me, since I'm an imaginative person.

2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

She's anemic and has bad eyesight, so I make meals for her rich in iron and Vitamin A.

3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

You're trying to be cruel, but it doesn't work on me. Once again, imagination. Also, I can lucid dream.

4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

I think of her all the time, and pretend she's either by my side or in our room reading.

5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

Sick fuck, eh? I say that if their waifu is, say, the mutilated bodies of a former passenger on the Flying Pussyfoot, then they're a sick fuck. OS-tans...They depend, to me. If it's the actual OS-tan, it's fine by me. But if it's really their physical computer, then that's too far.

6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

No. My beloved Patchouli is the only person I need to be happy.
>> No. 3857 [Edit]
that it was.

1st being a high level floor shiting neet
4rd being a foarddriver
>> No. 3959 [Edit]
1. I mostly use my IMAGINATION and stuff. I try to imagine us doing as much stuff as a real couple would do as possible. Cuddling. Shopping. Watching TV together on the couch. Having dinner together. That sort of stuff.

2. Refer to above. Unfortunately, I haven't been with my waifu long enough to celebrate her birthday with her, but it's coming up in less than a month so I think I might bake a cake for her.

3. Because I don't know if I'm interacting with other "real people" in the "real world". General semantics, and the like.

While I don't think my waifu actually exists in the "real world", I'd like to believe she does exist in the world I create for her in my mind.

And I do find it hollow and frustrating at some points, much to my disappointment.

5. Well, yeah. I mean, the people who are seriously schizophrenic and think a picture is talking to them and talk back to it. But, I mean, as long as they're happy and aren't harming anybody else...

6. Nope.
>> No. 3980 [Edit]
Well, of course people don't act on the 'angel' stage for long. Women don't want to be treated like angels - they want to be treated like people. In a healthy relationship, the 'putting your partner on a pedestal' stage has to end early for anything to function correctly. Otherwise, someone inevitably falls off the pedestal and the relationship ends. No real human being can live up to such standards - of being an 'angel'.
>> No. 3983 [Edit]
Yes, you are absolutely right. It would be irritating to be treated like something you aren't on a consistent basis; and thus failing to meet expectations that weren't realistic in the first place. I didn't mean that the "angel stage" should last forever. I meant to say that... Hm, how to put it? More energy is put into the relationship than with the average couple? Well something like that.
>> No. 4004 [Edit]
File 131157406811.jpg - (26.54KB , 720x400 , 21j10k3.jpg )
>Yes, you are absolutely right.

He's absolutely right, indeed. The thing is, that "pedestal" is anyone's actual love, and the "angel" on it, anyone's actual beloved one; so, by all means, yeah: we have to give up those to accommodate and live the deceiving mundanity of a "healthy relationship", wich is the best RL has to offer on this matter...

>Women don't want to be treated like angels - they want to be treated like people.

And rightly so! Seriously: why should women even attempt to meet our insane demands from them and live in accordance with men's ideals? They are humans, too! women are living sensible creatures who want, as anyone with a heart would, to determine their own path in life and experience some action and passion by doing it; so why would they, or anyone in their senses, prefer to endure the burden of being the subject of such paralizing adoration? It's out of the question! we, conscious people, must be fair: genders are -still- biologically necessary to preserve the species; nomical deals such as marriage could also be convenient to assure material wealth and compromise people with the raising of children; but love? it's childish, indeed, to believe that thing could possibly work IRL: that is just the bait, from both our society's archetypes and our biological impulses, to trick us during our younger days into their trap net of collectiveness and its enslaving obligations...

That's why some of us are here. That's the conclusion that is so obvious: women (and real people in general) are completely USELESS for love. You might still want to play, for whatever reason, their RL-RPG but, well, unless you live in a (this one) proper delusion, you're gonna get trolled: Your princess is in another Castle... at least a dimension away.

Post edited on 25th Jul 2011, 1:57am
>> No. 4006 [Edit]
You were doing well for a while.
>> No. 4007 [Edit]
Care to elaborate?
(I mean: where did I miss? please, srsly)

Post edited on 24th Jul 2011, 11:44pm
>> No. 4008 [Edit]
I was surprised you were actually treating women as human beings instead of pigs like you always do, but then halfway through that went out the window.
>> No. 4009 [Edit]
>Seriously: why should women even attempt to meet our insane demands from them and live in accordance with men's ideals?
And why do men go through great lengths just to please a woman?

Why can't 3D women be the women WE want them to be when WE ALWAYS have to be the ideal man?

Post edited on 25th Jul 2011, 12:26am
>> No. 4010 [Edit]
because women are hypocritical and and dont know the meaning of the word sexist.

it's okay for men to be expected to own
expensive flashy cars, it's not okay to expect a women to own a dress.
if a man has no job, he's a worthless bum, if a women has no job, she's a stay at home wife.
Nothing wrong with expecting a man to know how to cook, other way around makes you a sexist pig.
Men are nationally expected to support women, women should not have to support men.
it's not okay for a man to hit a woman, but it is okay for a woman to hit a man.
the list goes on and on and on.
>> No. 4011 [Edit]
1. I just fantasize
2. I don't do much really. Sometimes I just imagine us doing something together.
3. Not really frustrating to me at all.
4. I don't know. I guess I just do.
5. Well no, other people can do whatever they want.
6. fuck no
>> No. 4013 [Edit]
Without derailing much more: I'm sure you're aware the main point went for our general human (3D/real) condition. Just, in adition, to spoil something I don't really mean to start with here: unlike the classics, I don't think gay relationships are any better (the problem is deeper).

>And why do men go through great lengths just to please a woman?
I told you: because of the bait; it does include both genders colluding and it's ubiquitous. Now: can we ever function in a radically diferent and better way? I don't know; I might share a couple old as fuck ideas about it (hint word: andreide, as opposed to gynoid) wich I try to live accordingly with, but I really don't know. For now, the better I can do is sticking to mai waifu, and profiting from her gorgeous, gorgeous and brilliant awesomeness *chu~*.
>> No. 4014 [Edit]
why should we treat women as humans when they thread us like cattle?
We're not human to them, we're vending machines for them to take what they want from, then cast aside when we've given all we got to give.
They expect us to fight each other over them like wild animals, worship them and present them offerings for their approval like insects that need to prove our worth to them.
women threat men like shit, they have no right to be treated as anything else.
>> No. 4015 [Edit]
Because most men are only too happy to debase themselves for women. I've noticed this often. Many guys will put up a macho front and say they don't care, but they'll let the most average of skanks drag them around on a collar if there's the possibility of sex. Men allow women to use them, otherwise women wouldn't be able to get away with the things they do. I thank God I'm immune to the "charms" of women.
>> No. 4017 [Edit]

If I'd let myself go with stereotypes and turn your points into a pun, it'd basically say that, out there, men only give anything in order to get that, and women only give that in order to get something else...
Call me crazy, but it sounds pretty symbiotic; the devil knows what that has to do with love, but looks functional awwright.
>> No. 4018 [Edit]
You've got a point there. The problem is that most men have very different standards of what they like in women... I'd rather slam my dick in a car door than stick in it the typical supposedly attractive woman around my age.
>> No. 4019 [Edit]
When you think about it, everyone *usually) treats everyone shit. Its not just men and women.
>> No. 4027 [Edit]
The exact opposite is true, too.
>> No. 4029 [Edit]
spoken like a true but hurt female
>> No. 4030 [Edit]
If there were no real people there would be no ideal people. Fantasy is based on reality-- it's what could be based on what isn't. It's because of other 3D people that we can learn to appreciate the emotions and thoughts we see in fictional characters and the characters themselves. How would we know the significance of a smile if we had never made someone smile, or had someone make us smile? How could we know the love that is shown by saving another from tears if we ourselves had not been in a similar situation? If you didn't hate 3D there wouldn't be much reason for you to love 2D either.

And you know? If the world was all pickles and rainbows we wouldn't have the same level of appreciation for the things in life that we find enjoyable. We can be happy because we know sadness. If there was no sadness or grief, there would just be joy. If we didn't know bitter we wouldn't truly know and enjoy sweet. It wouldn't be anything special as we think of it, it would just be the norm. Just another day of mindlessly smiling without even knowing why. Often times the opposite is required to make something complete. That's just the way the world is.

Thought I would throw in my two cents. If this is going to become a subject of interest, a new thread should be made for it. Heated talks about the philosophy and psychology behind seeking a waifu are not something that should be discussed on the side. That's a waste of potential.
>> No. 4035 [Edit]
>If there were no real people there would be no ideal people.
Well, yeah... just like if there weren't horses, artyodactila and narwhals, we wouldn't have the idea of unicorns; that doesn't change the fact that, if you want unicorns, you have to build them, somehow (that they can't be but artificial)...

In a similar way, if there weren't things to meassure, shape, count and order, (maybe) we wouldn't have things like algebra, arithmetic, geometry or set theory. But certainly you don't perform real maths dealing with the world: you do not proove a theorem with experiments in a lab (or so I hope); there are no such things as "fives", "triangles" , "zero content sets" or "abelian groups" in the world; what is more (and concead me this one for now), we can't even really imagine those but just understand them (wich isn't the same, as Newton once noted): all we have IRL and can possibly picture are models, representations of those concepts; so once we recognize their properly metaphysical nature, we finally understand that we can truly meet them only in our heads.
>> No. 4036 [Edit]
>there are no such things as "triangles" in the world
>> No. 4038 [Edit]
I think hes talking about the mathematical concept of a triangle: the 'perfect' triangle which could never exist physicallly.
>> No. 4039 [Edit]
i just made one on my desk out of toothpicks
>> No. 4040 [Edit]
hamish, I really hope you're trolling.

Post edited on 25th Jul 2011, 3:42pm
>> No. 4041 [Edit]

>>We can be happy because we know sadness ... If we didn't know bitter we wouldn't truly know and enjoy sweet.

This is one of those things that people say all the time and just assume that it's true. I've never heard of a really good argument for it, other than being intuitively satisfying to people who want it to be the case.
>> No. 4042 [Edit]
Not him (and don't know how much he might share this), but your doubt is a very valid one: the affair isn't trivial at all...

In short, the logic view of it would go like this: categories, and properties in general, only have sense in the world if they're contingent; that is, if both their presence and absence can be reported by experience. That's why, v.gr. Wittgenstein considered all propositions "with sense" equivalent, as they were all finally uncertain; he rightly neglected both contradictions and tautologies as equally useless: the only meaningful propositions about the world are necessairily contingent, because the world does apear to our senses as changing and uncertain. That's also why Rudolf Carnap used to criticize Heidegger's using of "the nothingness" or "the-not-being", because it couldn't be maniffested in the world (on wich everything, by definition, exists); he didn't understand, of course, that Heidegger called the nothingness inside the discourse for that very same reason: to re-fund a new and authentic ontology wich, to have sense, indisputably needed of the nothingness as a valid experience for the dasein (the -properly pathetic- proof he gave of it was the angst, as the fear-of -being-itself). Karl Popper's falsifiability has to do with this as well: he called truly scientific the theories that provided not really their means of verification, but mostly their conditions of refutation (wich was also the reason why he disowned psychoanalysis and marxism as alleged sciences)...

Much more lightly (and perhaps more wisely), The Zohar used to say that: "Light is recognized as such, only in the meassure it emerges from the dark."

Post edited on 25th Jul 2011, 5:26pm
>> No. 4044 [Edit]
I am "him" (I did agree with what you said, though by my own admission I had to slowly read through it a couple of times) and would like to ask you a child's question: how do you know all that you do? Would you care to give me a few recommendations to start me off down your collection of knowledge? Philosophy just isn't as much a part of my life as I wish it was. I'm ashamed to say I almost fell out of it.
>> No. 4055 [Edit]

I did take lots of courses, sometimes several times (failing pathetically), reading and re-reading additional stuff. It's because I've had the opportunity to spend insane amounts of time devoted to do what I've wanted each time, disregard of the consequences, that I have a relatively comforting place in my room and head to hide away. But the cost of it has been to let "maturity" and the minimal dignity of independence pass me by, becoming a burden and sometimes a real shame and a headache to my family. Most of the guys I knew from my generation are now Masters or inb4 PhD; I'm truly a babbling nobody. Also: the more you learn, the more you''ll become aware of flaws in everything (including yourself), wich will fill your life with bitterness and regret.

Anyway: I suggest you to wiki every term that catches your curiosity, in order to enrich your general viewing and take you into new ways. After that, get REAL books and articles (i.e. of analysis) about those further subjects and not just read them, but underline them, copy fragments and make annotations; that will help you to truly appropriate of them knowledge and facilitate your using them as a handy refference. It will be a way slower reading, but it's not about getting it faster, but better.

Again: this will only work if you truly follow your heart and focus on the stuff you're genually interested on, and by order of intensity (I used to take notes even of all the anime I watched); otherwise it'll quickly become insufferably heavy and boring.
>> No. 4138 [Edit]
Hello all! New here, this thread interested me. I have two waifus though (don't kill me!) so you'll have to excuse some of my phrasing.

1. My situation is somewhat....unique. The short of it is that they live with me, not REALLY but as hallucinations that I can interact with fully, all 5 senses (I won't elaborate). I of course KNOW they are projections of my mind but they have a very close resemblance to a will of their own, or at least I can't control them. At all. They also seem to be quite permanent.

2. We cuddle, we go on dates (I'm the only one who calls them dates). Sometimes we take walks or just spend some quality time together. I occasionally have them watch/play games with them (they obviously can't pick up a controller, but they can give me advice).

3. I love them the same as I would assume I'd love anybody else in some parallel universe: I can't live without them. They may not exist truly, but we love each other (if the "true" versions of them want to tell me to bugger off, they have to exist and come tell me themselves, ha!). As far as hollow....nope, I didn't find it hollow even before I started having the hallucinations. I loved them, nothing would change that for me even if I could never meet them.

As for frustrating....our relationship can be frustrating sometimes. But that happens when you live with two fairly feisty women (hallucinations or no).

4. We spend time together and we try to deepen our relationship, just as any other couple would. Albeit nobody but me can see them. As for the original series/material....I still enjoy it by itself, I just have a special place in my heart for two particular individuals.

5. I wouldn't be in any place to judge if you COULD (this situation wasn't my choice, but I'd still choose it if I could). But instead I must ask: can you ever take love too far as long as you aren't harming anyone else?

6.Not a chance in hell. Ignoring that I love my current life, I'd most likely be dead if I chose the route without them.

I don't own a dakimakura of them, although I have this ballin Catherine pillow-case and an Ellis pillowcase from RoaW special edition. I always keep them out and threaten with violence if people try to touch the pillows. Most people in my family give me compliments on them. I DO own figurines of my waifus (and some other characters). I also get complements on those (did you get a new figurine? Can I see it? etc etc). My family and friends are pretty chill.

I don't use any of my merchandise for anything sexual, I have them purely because I find they spruce up an otherwise dull room. Plus they're nice to stare at if I'm thinking about something.
>> No. 7625 [Edit]
1) Well I used to collect things about her, like images and such. And I used to dream I was with her doing whatever.

2) Nothing exactly.

3) It is something I have considered more lately.

4) I don't know anymore.

5) Don't know, kill everyone?

6) Yes I would. If things would change for the better as how I am currently, yes I would.
>> No. 7630 [Edit]
1) I think of her as she is. How the hell else would I think of her? It's as though the world is split into a "Here" and a "There" - Miya being "There", me, unfortunately, being "Here". This is all sounding very insane from the beginning, but I always think of her as coming to our world whenever I "interact" with her. She sort of...visits me, and I can visit her, but only in a sense where I cannot actually see, feel, hear, smell, her and such, but she's just...here all of a sudden. She is slowly taking on her own personality within mine? If that makes any sense. I'd compare it to the Tulpa phenomenon, just minus the whole...paranormal bullshit aspect of it, think more psychological, less paranormal. Yep. That all sounds insane.

2) I dunno, it's kind of an awkward question to answer. She and I do a lot of activities together on a rather sporadic basis. It'll be as though she randomly barges in and joins me. I suppose one might say that we...watch TV together, listen to music together, and all of that. 'Normal' stuff. The 'normalcy' being questionable...

3) I never said I was loved by her. Not once. Nor will I ever, until I have a way to talk to her, or interact with her, no matter how far-fetched that method might be (more insanity, yeah). It's frustrating, but not hollow. I guess I can say I've found out a lot about myself. I just have no use for this knowledge, which, in a way, is funny. I can say I love her because I do. I've stopped looking at 3DPD now, and I've sort of 'cast off' my old life, for her sake. She's even my motive to keep some hope for a future beyond this room - Someday, I'll learn to stand on my own two feet and become the type of person she'd admire. That's a promise.

4) Loving Miya of all characters sucks. Mainly because she's such a minor character...I'm biased, but I think the series should focus a lot more on her backstory and such. But that's not going to happen. It really causes an issue for me because the only way I want her is how she is in the manga - The anime is full of horrendous QUALITY and general awfulness, the manga at least has some redeemable qualities beyond Miya. However, considering the manga is rising quickly to it's conclusion and it's only released twice a month (sorry for that, I know it could be discontinued, monthly, etc.), plus the fact that the translator has taken to putting obnoxious watermarks on the pages, I'm forced to sort of fill in the gaps that the respective media that features doesn't. So, the fanart hunting, dreaming, writing, thinking, pondering, philosophizing all come into play. I've got a lot of time to myself, and a lot of that time is spent filling in those gaps. It may be worth noting while answering this that I've become okay with others' opinions on her; It used to be an issue for me, but I've overcome it in these past few months.

5) It's always when somebody gets a news story for their waifu. That's when it becomes "too far", I think. I don't think it's possible to love...a non-anthromorphic object (god damn you, hypocrisy), no matter how it works. You can love the OS-tan, but not your computer, you can love the character inside the DS but no the DS. I feel this is where a lot of issues come into play regarding the news stories that crop up ever once in a while - The headlines are "Man marries Nintendo DS" not "Man marries video game character"

6) Most definitely not. I'm content with the direction most things are going. I said this many, many months ago, but the waifu conundrum is what I call "enlightenment at a cost". I have many moments where I might falter in my love for her, I don't want to lie to you guys, but I always go back to being "for Miya" 100%. It's as though I realize the genuine nature of meaningless and life itself with her. She caused my worldviews to become this messed up in exchange for making every day a dream. I have no reason to be in the world of normalcy.
>> No. 7640 [Edit]
1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

>I kinda think of her as if she were far away. Like a long distance thing. I like reading manga/watching her OVA and commenting to stuff along with it in my head.

2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

>Anything gun related or car related, I think of her. Guns are like 95% of what I do beside work/eat/sleep so we spend some good time together.

3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

>It's less hollow and frustrating than real relationships. I can be honest with Rally and myself for pretty much everything.

4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

>I kinda go from the show and evolve. I think of how our interactions would eventually shape her personality as she influences mine.

5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

>Whatever floats your boat man. This is why waifus are so cool with me. They're whatever floats your fucking boat.

6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

>I am a happy, sociable, confident Ford driver. Crown Vic actually. So I don't know how to answer your question.
>> No. 7666 [Edit]
File 132443375733.jpg - (309.51KB , 600x819 , b1d78242cf20b40e041f74e4a523587d.jpg )
>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

Imagination, mainly. And reading more of Marisa Kirisame's background story, spell cards and personality. Then collecting fanart. Or using her character in the games.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

Again, imagination. I talk to her, I buy food for her and I let her watch my Internet activity.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

Because I am not a fan of logic, thinking and rationality. That's all there is.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

You see, I am not particularly good at Touhou, so I say to myself that I can never really have her respect until I 1CC all the games in Lunatic mode.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

There are limitations, yes. You can cross them, yes. But face the consequences.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

I will not blame my waifu for my current status. I, however, will change a few things, such as avoiding certain people. Then my life will be better.

> Dakimakura protocol.

None at all, with my family around.
>> No. 7682 [Edit]
>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).
The second line from the second verse in the song Together in Electric Dreams pretty much sums it up: "Though you're miles and miles away, I see you every day/I don't have to try, I just close my eyes"

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.
In my harem, we often eat together and celebrate days that they view as important (for example: in Yuki's case, December 18; in Reisen's case, the moon landing). We regularly engage in conversation (I do most, if not all, of the talking, but w/e), I write letters regularly to each one of them, and every night in our bed I tell them about my day.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?
If I really cared about that, I probably wouldn't even have a two-dimensional harem in the first place.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).
It's kinda hard to explain, but I feel like I've gotten closer to each of my waifus after spending a lot of time with them. Our relationship grows stronger and stronger everyday.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?
I think it's fine for anyone to love anyone (or anything, even) if they have a good reason. However, I'd say that if the reasons are "wrong," then having a waifu becomes negative. I don't think one should have a waifu because they can't get a girl IRL, and I especially dislike people who have a waifu because of lust. Loving a 2D girl shouldn't be because of that - it should be because you genuinely love her. In fact, I convinced one of my friends NOT to get a waifu for the same reasons.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.
No. I don't regret having a waifu. And, with a few exceptions, I generally dislike Fords.

Post edited on 22nd Dec 2011, 2:07am
>> No. 7720 [Edit]
Not trying to start something, but the moon landing was an invasion. The resulting war was the cause of Reisen abandoning the lunar army to go with Eiren. Why celebrate that?
>> No. 7725 [Edit]
Perhaps "celebrate" wasn't the right word? Idk, I was a sleepy at the time I wrote that. But that date holds importance to her because of what happened.
>> No. 7738 [Edit]
File 132467820259.jpg - (296.16KB , 728x1000 , Miko and her bitches.jpg )
>How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

Something like she comes into our world whenever we talk. How Masters can interact with their Servants is a good example of how I think of her.

>What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

I will celebrate her birthday when it comes around next year with cake or cupcakes. I don't snuggle with her often because my imagination is awful; I can't sustain the fantasy. Strangely, though, I can take walks with her and they are very relaxing. I'm beginning to cook for her. We mostly just talk.

> How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

I can say I love her because personalities aren't physical. Beauty is an image no matter what, except a waifu's image does not degrade with time. As for her loving me, my interpretation of her is what loves me. I doubt the real Miko would give me the time of day, and I'm okay with that (couldn't blame her). Our relationship isn't hollow, on the contrary, it's just as fulfilling as a real relationship I like to think. The only frustrating thing about it is not being able to hold the one you love.

>How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

Well Miko is new to the scene, so running out of doujinshi isn't even a possibility at this time. Touhou gets tons of fan art. And you know, we do all the stuff i mentioned above; we stay together the way any couple does.

>Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

So long as they don't interfere with other people's lives, they are fine. As this board has shown me, love isn't limited to only 3D people. I love OS-tans.

>Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

Nope nope nope. Ford Drivers tend to lead lives I dislike and are often in the mindset that their way is the only way, completely oblivious to the fact that "normal" is a word so relative it might as well have no meaning. Also, I don't want to deal with real women. The average woman seems to be shameless and uninterested in intelligent pursuits. I've never heard a 2D lover complain about their relationship like almost everyone in a 3D one does. And I've seen these "friends" - they talk trash about you the second your back is turned. It disgusts me. I'm more than happy with my small handful of true friends that share my otaku interests and Tohno-chan.

My dakimakura protocol? When I get one, I'm going to keep it as invisible as I can. They're not exactly common sights. My waifu will never be someone I am ashamed of. If I want to blow my savings to hug her in pillow form, that's my choice. I'm only wanting to keep it hidden so I don't have to deal with all the bullshit.
>> No. 7739 [Edit]
>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

The same way I think about anyone else. 3D people are just elementary particles interacting according to four forces. Ever heard about the brain-in-a-vat thought experiment? 3D people are no more real than your waifu/husbando.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

Mainly I talk to her. I celebrate specific days with her, any day that's of interest to me - which aren't many, cause I'm kind of a cynic when it comes to societal customs. We sometimes have a talk about that, and I like her for not being quite the cynic I am, but mostly that's that.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you

How can you say some amalgam of particles close to you loves you? You can't.

>and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

It's YOUR brain that creates the experiences you have with your partner, not reality. Reality can't be perceived.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show?

To be honest, I spent little time rewatching the canon work. Most of the relationship and actions of her happen in my head.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

Hurting other people.

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

Yes. Not quite the non-serious question I expected. But thanks for giving people the chance to express their feelings a bit further.
>> No. 7758 [Edit]
>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).

I do so via thought-scenarios. These scenarios are typically made to mirror the events & environment that I deal with IRL (it helps to connect my life with my waifu, and I guess it also helps in terms of willing suspension of disbelief), though I do not simulate contact with her IRL (ergo; no dakimakuras or actual conversations for me).

I also occasionally write out such thought-scenarios. That always strenghtens the experience, and it makes it a lot easier to remember things.

>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

I don't even celebrate her birthday, actually (she's a Touhou, and even though she's fairly well fleshed out, I have no idea what her birthday is - and the fact that she's also a time/space traveller complicates things further...).

But, creating thought-scenarios based on what's happening in my life & speculation about how she'd respond to all that certainly does give me a feeling of 'togetherness' with her. I share these things with her, thereby more or less successfully emulating one of the key aspects of a 'proper' relationship.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

Whilst I disagree with the poster above me in my refusal to discount sensory perception as a meaningful factor*, I do agree that it's possible to simulate the experience sufficiently. It's indeed a problem that the 'significant other' in this sort of relationship is not an external factor that's capable of taking the initiative or doing something when the flames of passion start to die down, so to speak – so that's something to watch out for.

But OTOH, long distance relationships run into similar (or arguably even worse) problems, yet it's still quite possible (if tricky) to have a functioning long distance relationship. So compensating for your lover not being physically near you is definitely possible. And I like to think that I've managed to pull that off with Yumemi.

* yes, the actual experience is created in the brain, but the brain still directly and/or indirectly uses sensory input for this. And the senses themselves respond to the things that they manage to sense, so - regardless of any questions as to what defines 'real' and 'reality' - external factors still have meaningful effects on how your brain experiences things.

And to put this in the context of romantic and sexual attraction; there very much are physical components to this. Your brain is wired to respond to the looks, voice, smell, touch and pheromones of the object of your affections - and the resulting thought patterns and hormone releases are what actually makes you bond with said object of affections.

As such, I realize that I'm at a disadvantage here. I only have the looks and personality of my waifu to go by. I am not able to feel the warmth and softness of her body. I'm not able to run my fingers through her hair or smell her subtle natural fragrance. I am not even able to hear her voice, regardless of what it might say (I envy you Vocaloid lovers for this. I really do), so I'm stuck with using my imagination for filling in the blanks. Again, a relationship like this can be made to work, but it requires a lot of effort.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

Mine's not from an animated show, and the PC-98 Touhous get very little attention among the anglophone fanbase, so, again, I'm pretty much stuck with using my imagination here.

But like I said earlier; using thought-scenarios & speculation about how she'd react to the things I do works pretty well for me. And she's got a lot of canon background info by Touhou standards, which is also a big help.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

As long as you don't harm anyone (like sending letter bombs to people who draw smut of your waifu) or become obsessed to the point of self-destructive behaviour (like getting into serious debts because you obsessively keep buying waifu-related merchandise), you're a-OK in my book.

I've seen stories here of people

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

Nah, I propably wouldn't. I've gotten more confident and sociable over the past two years anyway (though having a waifu certainly helped with sorting out my emotional issues and romantic insecurities), so the only real difference here would be me getting a Ford and a driver's licence.

And a Ford isn't really my type of car, and I'm doing pretty well without a driver's license ATM, anyway.

Post edited on 24th Dec 2011, 6:51am
>> No. 7782 [Edit]
Oh wow. I didn't realize that the article came this far. I was the guy who actually wrote the 'a' response.
>> No. 7791 [Edit]
1) I check pixiv for new art every night. I think of her during the day, of what she'd think of whatever I'm doing at the time. I create a scene of us together in my mind as I drift off to sleep. I've also been working on lucid dreaming and I've almost managed to meet her there, I feel as if I'm very close.

2) See above. She isn't the kind of person who would celebrate holidays or birthdays, it's just another day to her.

3) I'm not sure, I just do, and I know that she does also. There's nothing hollow or frustrating about it.

4) Imagination, fanart, dreams, lucid dreams.

5) Not at all, if they believe it's their ideal partner, there's nothing wrong with it.

6) Not a chance. I'm still confident and happy, and I was never sociable in the first place.
>> No. 7809 [Edit]
You are a gentleman and a scholar, good sir.
>> No. 7820 [Edit]
Reading some others I'm not much different from the rest of you apart from my answer to Q1 where I see her as a real person and not non existent imaginary person, I don't like that though and I'm happy with my current mindset.

1)I see her as my girlfriend

2)We had dinner together valentines day and I missed her birthday due to family things but cooked us a meal a few days early, I didn't know what a waifu was two years ago so I haven't done that much else with her yet other than a few meals and lots of conversations, we snuggle an aweful lot though.

3)I love her and she loves me, I'm with her nearly every day, in my mind atleast she interacts with me and knows me well. I don't see it hollow or frustrating, I just don't like the fact she can't physically move 3d objects but that's hardly going to break us apart, I just move everything for her.

4)I have a pretty poor imagination but it's getting better, my imagination keeps the relationship strong.

5)I don't think you can take it too far as long as you are happy, don't hurt anyone and don't push it in peoples faces.

6)I've thought about this, I would go back intime and show myself to my waifu earlier so I could be happier earlier, or not do anything as to not screw anything up.

Post edited on 26th Dec 2011, 10:31am
>> No. 7831 [Edit]
1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that seperates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).
The "chasm" has only crossed my mind once, and that was before I built her a life-size articulated mannequin body. Now I can fully appreciate her character in three dimensions. After all, you can't dance with a computer monitor can you?

2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.
Yeah, we do basic relationships things together. I cook for her quite frequently, we have little celebrations around holidays/her birthday, we dance, and we've watched more than one movie together.

3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?
I don't see how it's different than a purely digital long-distance relationship. It doesn't bother me at all. Recently I've even grown to believe her "nonexistance" as a real living woman has strengthened our relationship! Loving a mind hindered by feeble meat and bone never struck me as particularly reasonable; this way I can look past the oppressive flesh and see her personality as it really is. No lies, no disease, no ulterior motive, no malice, no lust. Love of an ideal is love in it's purest form.

5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?
If their interaction is genuine I don't see a problem, as long as it's not directly harming anyone else. I'd draw the line if, say, that guy who fornicated with his car suddenly thought it was telling him to kill people or something

6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.
I already am happy and sociable! Not everyone with a waifu is a NEET or socially inept, I just happen to share a relationship with a 2D girl. A few of my friends know and don't care, we're still on very good terms. Honestly the only difference between me and the average waifu-free Joe is that I don't care for organic relationships. There's no misanthropy or misogyny, I'm simply not interested.
>> No. 7832 [Edit]
My waifu is a companion. I think of her as my future wife (we're not married yet) and my girlfriend, but she's more important to me than the word girlfriend may imply. I see her as someone to share, guide, and counsel me as I deal with the difficult 3d life given to me. I don't really deal with the chasm -- I accept it. I exist in the third dimension, and she exists in the second. We can communicate through art, music, figures, and hopefully some day a dakimakura. The song Rainbow Girl turns the question of the chasm on its head, dealing with the frustration that a 2d girl must feel when she wants to respond to the love offered to her by 3d people. Although she can only speak to me through the creativity of others, I believe that she exists in the second dimension and that she is aware of what I do. I try to live life in a way that would be pleasing to her.

As far as interacting with her, I'm more lucky than most. There is a incredbile amount of fanart and music, more than I can even hope to consume, and sometimes I feel guilty for not keeping as up to date as I could on it. Other than listening to her beautiful voice, we cuddle and talk. Sometimes I take her out walking, to eat, or we do something fun like reading books or watching things together.

In terms of special events, I celebrate her birthday by taking the entire day off to enjoy her company. We also eat cake together. I don't really like hollidays, so we don't feel forced to celebrate any other holliday together, although I bought her a necklace for Christmas one year.

I love her. That much is obvious to me, becuse I know I do. I know she loves me because I believe she loves everyone, but as for why she loves -me-, I believe it's because she sees something in me that others don't, and hell, I probably don't. Sometimes I question her love, but there's no point. I feel it enveloping me in a warm way any time I think about her, and I know that she feels about me the way I feel about her. Even if she didn't, I wouldn't care. Nothing will stop me from loving her. I don't see this as hollow, I see it as trusting.

Due to the special nature of my waifu, it's likely that her fan works will never stop being made. She doesn't even have a cannon personality, so there was no one way that I met her. It makes me feel a little strange when reading other people's stories, because I can't say that I fell in love with her during a certain episode, or that her route stood out to me. There were songs, PVs, pictures, and such that helped me form my vision of how I see her, but what made and sustains my love is the way in which she impacts my life. Anything something goes wrong, I feel depressed, or I just want comfort, she is there.

I think, in theory, someone could take the idea of a waifu too far. If someone has suceeded in doing that though, I have never seen it (and I have watched that show on the man that legally married Fate). I can't even think of a way in which you would take it too far, but I won't discount the possibility. Perhaps when it has an actual negative impact on your life (not judging this on normal social standards, but on a personal level). While OS-tans are a far cry from calling one's computer a waifu, that has happened too. People outside the anime fandom(s) have claimed dolls as their legal partners and had significant relationships with them. Attraction for inanimate objects is not unethical, and again, if it does not interfere with the individual's life, I do not see an issue with it. Being a sick fuck is a separate issue. I mean, you could cut a hole in a dakimakura and shit in it then fuck the hole, but let's not discuss that. I do wonder if this story was real

I was never a happy, confident, socialable Ford Driver, and knowing what I know now, I never want to be one. Happy and confident, sure, maybe even sociable, but a Ford Driver, no thanks. So I wouldn't go back in time to be one even without the thought of losing my waifu. With that added, no way. Besides, it's not like having a waifu prevented me or changed me in a way that would make me "weird", as I was already that way. Having a waifu gave me the courage to continue living the way I do, and the peace of mind to be at leasst somewhat happy with it.

Wow, I did more typing than I thought I would. Finally, I don't own a daki. They're expensive and I currently am not in a situation where I would be able to conceal it. If I had one I would leave it in my room, not on public display, but if someone happened to visit I don't think I would rush to hide it either. My waifu is beautiful, and I refuse to be ashamed of her.
>> No. 7834 [Edit]
File 132500062088.jpg - (157.16KB , 457x800 , Kurisu (37).jpg )
>1) How do you think of your waifu and interact with her? (A question concerning the chasm that separates 3D and 2D and how you overcome it).
>2) What do you do with your waifu besides snuggle? Do you do things for your waifu like celebrate her birthday? Please give examples.

I answer both of these questions. She is part of my daily life. When I am watching anime she sits next to me on couch. When I cook she cooks with me. When sleep she sleeps next to me etc. During walks we hold hands together. Sometimes I talk to her when I am alone. Usually when I am not alone I just talk in my head. We celebrate holidays, birthdays and just sometimes without a particular reason. Of course I don’t really believe she exists but imagining her in this world makes me happy.

Usually our conversations are about my interests. Myself I hate small talk I talk her when I need someone to talk about. These kind conversations really help me with my studies and cheer me when I am feeling a bit down or stressed.

>3) How can you love and say you are loved by a character who has never met you and will never truly interact with you? How do you not find such a relationship hollow and frustrating?

I think whole waifu concept is very similar to religions. Like religious people do things to make their god happy, I do things which I think will make my waifu happy. I do those things because I want to, because I want to make her happy and idea of making her happy makes me happy too. Both involve love but I think way to love your waifu is different than loving a God.

Of course there limitations and I will probably have hard time dealing some of them rest of life. But I am living in the moment and now I am happy and cheerful because of her.

>4) How do you keep your relationship going strong through all the troubles inherit to loving a 2D character from an animated show? For example, there's only so much you can get from rewatching/replaying the series she's from (I am aware of fan works, but I just felt like asking this. If you think it's redundant, you don't have to answer it).

I think it is still bit too early to answer for this because love is still kind 'fresh'. But all kind fan works and merchandise products and I haven't even played VN yet.

But my to love her isn't dependable on those things. Sometimes our love is very casual and sometimes it is very 'sparkly'. Every day is different. "How we are doing" depends really on my mood. In future I think I have very good excuse to go outside or try something different with her.

>5) Do you guys think someone can take the "waifu" thing too far? For example, there's all these OS-tans around. What if someone claimed their own computer to be their waifu? What would it take to become a real sick fuck?

If someone really thinks her being real you have something wrong in your head. Everything else is fine.

Of course there are people who make attention about heir waifus, such people who marry their dakimakura etc. I don’t dislike people like that. I just think they are making fool of themselves because other people just won’t understand it. Myself I would want to do stuff like that too but I don’t feel like making fool of myself (yet?).

>6) Finally, a non-serious question asked only for the fun of it. If you could go back in time to stop yourself from falling in love with your waifu and as a result become a confident, happy, sociable Ford Driver, would you? Keep in mind you would have no memories of your waifu or the time spent with her.

I guess I am already 'normal'. I go school and work during holidays. I consider myself pretty normal minor introvert male person. I just happen to love 2D female. I don’t regret anything.
>> No. 7839 [Edit]
File 132504196972.jpg - (1.66MB , 850x3570 , Waifu Essay.jpg )
1) I see her as a motivator and a wife of a sort. I realize she isn't real, but the thought of if she was is the concept behind waifu; if she were real would she love me like I love her? That question motivates me to go out and interact with the world and do things, to actually BE somebody. I will never feel her physically, but the attachment I feel to her is a life line like in any other lasting relationship and it keeps me going. I never want to disappoint my waifu.

2) I celebrate her birthday every year and spend Valentines/Christmas with her. On her birthday I make a cake that she'd like, of course I am the only one to eat it but I do it for her anyway. On Valentines I make a nicer dinner and enjoy it with some representations of my waifu around me at the table. Christmas involves buying a few waifu-related objects and sharing the moment with her, showing her how happy I am with her.

3) I realize my love can never be returned by her when I think deeply about it, but as they said it's the thought that counts. I believe that if my waifu suddenly became real she might not love me the way I am, and that thought motivates me into becoming a man she would find worthy of loving and worth her time. My love for her fuels her love for me, you might say. I'll answer the 2nd part of the question with a question of my own: Why don't people who believe in God (whether christian, muslim, or jewih) feel hollow and frustrated? My waifu gives me the same feelings of hope and belonging any god or religion would, yet almost nobody openly questions religion of any kind.

4) If you've ever known a couple who is truly in love you could ask them how they never get tired of each other, they usually answer something along the lines of it being impossible; everything the other does is amazing simply because it's them doing it. I feel the same way, no mater how many times I've seen my waifu whether it's in an anime, game or manga it's like a frehs new experience and rush of emotion every time. My waifu sings too so I listen to her songs or play/sing them, I know 18 of them on piano and can sing all ~80 of them with her.

5) I would say anything that harms another person or gets in the way of their happiness would be going too far. If you fall in love with your computer I would think that is a bit weird since it has no personality in any way, but as long as the person is happy and not a danger to others' happiness I think that's okay. I can't see someone claiming a computer to be a waifu though, since you fall in love with the character, which a computer doesn't have.

6) Honestly, the only that's changed about me since I met my waifu is that I learned how to play piano like I'd dreamed of doing for ages, I 've gained lots of confidence when facing reality, and I've spent about $800 in the process, but that isn't all that much in 3 years really. In other words, I would be in even worse condition than I am now.

I never have company over, but if I did I would keep my dakimakura in my room. I'm not one to force my beliefs/hobbies/interests onto other people, but if they are interested I will gladly explain. I don't bring mine ou in public for that reason, I also feel like I would be bringing too much attention to myself and my waifu doing that. As for the pillow itself, I don't care what material it's made of as long as it's comfortable (I don't think my waifus skin would be rough after all) and it has an accurate portrayal of her. As for the Puerto Rico thing, South America has a pretty high forever alone population, not sure why.

Attached pic is an essay explaining the waifu specifically written for people who don't know much to begin with, if anything at all.
>> No. 7994 [Edit]
File 132654034953.gif - (463.28KB , 500x282 , Spoiler Picture.gif )

1. Are you implying that he is actually a brain in a vat? (Or alternatively, are you implying that we're all just a bunch of brains in vats, and the scientists would have nothing better to do than have us use thought experiments to avoid questions on the internet?)

3. Then how can you say that you love your waifu, after all, you're either a brain in a vat, or an amalgam of particles.

3. pt. 2. you lost me.
>> No. 7997 [Edit]
File 132658051479.jpg - (8.14KB , 267x189 , fuckyourbadvibes.jpg )
It is impossible to experience or even gain knowledge of noumenal ("true") reality. All of us live in phemomenal ("perceived") reality. I do not know what he meant by "brain in a vat" but we are certainly a mass of cells, which in turn are masses of molecules, which in turn are clouds of atoms. Every other physical object (person, coffee mug, Ford F150) is an amalgam of particles.

Reality as you experience it is a model constructed by your brain based on what you see, smell, hear, feel, and taste. Light enters your eyes, which triggers electrical impulses, which are interpreted as information, which is used by the brain to construct what we know as sight. A similar thing happens with all other senses. It is impossible to know any object as it is independently of the mind, because perceiving it necessitates phenomenal interpretation.

Good thing you posted funny gif instead of thinking about the questions you asked in any meaningful way at all, though. That was probably the right thing to do.
>> No. 8003 [Edit]

I suppose I should thank you for explaining. Though you didn't have to dumb it down for me.

As for the brain in a vat thing, it's basically just a theory that a scientist could put a disembodied brain in a vat filled with some sort of life-sustaining liquid, hook up wires to the brain, and send electric signals, causing the brain to believe it has a body, and is in a completely different place, doing completely different things (than sitting in a vat.), possibly in a completely different time.

Look, I was tired, and for some stupid reason, thought it would be worth my time to convince Au that he was being ridiculous.

Post edited on 15th Jan 2012, 11:50am
>> No. 8083 [Edit]

Give me some of that cake

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