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File 131053903248.jpg - (784.36KB , 1200x1000 , 1309023246227.jpg )
3678 No. 3678 [Edit]
Posted this on 4chan, but I figure it has a home here, too.

Attention all VN waifu-fags:

I'm feeling sort of down right now, so I want to express my envy towards you.

For all of us anime waifu fags, we can't ever even have the semblance of interacting with our waifus, minus imagination and lucid dreaming. We can only observe them as they go about in their waifu world and do their waifu things.

We can't ever experience them, even if it's through a proxy character. We can't ever talk to them, even if it's through a proxy character. We can't ever touch them, even if it's through a proxy character. Most importantly, we can never express our love to them, even if it's through a proxy character.

So I'm jealous of you VN waifu fags. Not angry. It's not your fault you fell in love with a girl in a VN, and it's not your fault I fell in love with a girl in a manga and anime.

I'm just envious, so envious, of how you get to experience actually spending time with your waifu, once again, even if it is just through a proxy character who you can only control through a few in-game choices.

That's... All I want to say, I think. Besides, probably, be thankful for what you have.
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>> No. 3679 [Edit]
File 13105481511.png - (579.90KB , 639x480 , Screen shot 2011-07-13 at 3_07_38 AM.png )
Does beating up your waifu count?
>> No. 3680 [Edit]
File 131055521724.jpg - (138.43KB , 402x400 , 9fbc5a61e7842af4add47306fe4d638ce30d59f1.jpg )
Come to think of it, Lucky Star does have a VN. I must now learn Japanese, please wait for me my love~
>> No. 3681 [Edit]
Mine is from a VN, but there's no player character and not much in the way of interactivity.
>> No. 3682 [Edit]
Stop this; you're not on 4chan.

Apropos VNs: most of the protags are impossible to relate with, in my opinion; so I don't really understand your envy.
>> No. 3684 [Edit]
File 131057233456.jpg - (64.47KB , 533x643 , 1305772721279.jpg )
I'm also jealous of VN waifus. It must be nice to at least have that simulated interaction with her, and watching (at least in some VNs) her profess her love. All I can do is watch her and imagine how she would act, but if she was a VN waifu I'd have even more details.

This is only to a certain extent though. If the protagonist of the VN has a strong personality it becomes harder to relate and thus the simulation becomes less real in my eyes.
>> No. 3687 [Edit]
I see it as more of a challenge. Rather than having experiences brought to you by a game, having a waifu from an anime forces you to seek out what it would be like if she were with you. I'm actually not saying VN waifus are not-challenging, as anons before me said; the MCs are impossible to relate with since they are most likely generics.
>> No. 3688 [Edit]
File 131058465870.jpg - (9.73KB , 250x188 , asuka_school.jpg )
I guess I could always play Girlfriend of steel. But that isn't the one Asuka I admire and love. Actually, I don't know how could I interfere with her character, in any depiction, without trashing it (guess I have no appropriate place in her picture, as far as I can see)...

Anyway, OP: that "proxy character" you keep reminding us effectively reduces us all to the same situation; that is: in love with a fictional girl, from a fictional world, that we'll never-ever-ever going to meet or, rather, get her to meet us. So the difference it's just a matter of formats, each one with its pros and contras, but ultimately equivalent.
>> No. 3689 [Edit]
Her VN is untranslated and will probably stay that way forever.
I probably wont be able to play it until I learn to read Japanese, or they release a program like agth that doesn't produce nothing but a mix of engrish and gibberish.
>> No. 3692 [Edit]
File 131059787350.png - (91.53KB , 243x271 , hanako_emb_downsad_close.png )
At least your waifu has a voice...
>> No. 3693 [Edit]

A voice shared by other characters, and a person. That gets confusing.
>> No. 3694 [Edit]
Alot of people seem to focus on what 3D is voicing who. Personally I don't care who the voice actor is, I associate a voice with a character instead of the 3D that voices them. It's a delusion that helps me keep 2D separate from 3D.
>> No. 3696 [Edit]
File 131060562423.jpg - (37.35KB , 225x350 , 49843.jpg )
I've only seen one other show her VA is in, and I didn't recognize the voice until I looked it up. So I don't really care about the person behind it.

That being said, I'll admit the voice is a huge part of the crush, especially because she is a singer. When I listen to her songs I just naturally assume it's actually Mio singing and not some 3D Japanese girl. Not that I have anything against the VA per se (I don't know anything about her, really) but I'd rather pretend she doesn't exist.
>> No. 3698 [Edit]
File 131061329088.jpg - (37.95KB , 454x650 , 120938413.jpg )
Forever waiting for the remake ;_;

Until then, I'm not really worth envying at all, especially compared to the other VN-waifu people here, because frankly, the interactions between her and Shiki are both unfufilling and mishandled from most relevant standpoints due to the lack of a route. It makes sense, but argh. It's really not that much better than an anime (And don't get me started on Tsukihime's anime adaptation, even though she might actually show up more there)
>> No. 3700 [Edit]
Well, it depends
I for one can't really see it that way, because I can't stop thinking of the proxy character, as you say.
It's not really me. And that hurts like a bitch
>> No. 3840 [Edit]

Ouch. That's your waifu? Sorry about killing her without a second thought (it was either me or her). If it's any consolation, I think she's cute and was disappointed she didn't have a route. I too am eagerly awaiting the remake and translation.

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