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File 131001480379.jpg - (291.83KB , 1000x618 , bb278d1724d9aba6ade25b11840ed595.jpg )
3626 No. 3626 [Edit]
Just a quick question to all those who adore Hatsune Miku.

Do you enjoy the publicity she is getting and how they are portraying her or do you just flat out ignore it? If the latter, how do you do it? Do you have an iron wall of ignorance or do you just try your best to not mind?

I'm asking because while Miku is having a "rough" time, I am also currently in a dilemma featuring my waifu having something "new" and is going through the spotlight again. I know that this new publicity shouldn't hurt my love for her but then again, it is pretty bad to see the image you based her on being used wrongly.
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>> No. 3627 [Edit]

Well she's not mai waifu if that's what you mean, but I am rather fond of her and I certainly do not enjoy this publicity she's getting in the west, nor do I think any one of us are.

I just ignore it, which is pretty easy considering I don't watch TV or browse through idiotic comments on youtube or places like /a/.
>> No. 3628 [Edit]
Yes, but people keep talking about it on tohno chan.

Hence you can't avoid this shit stink thats tainted Miku unless you block the threads about it on Tohno chan (doubt that people'd change themselves, already told them not to care about it but they didn't listen. Reacting to the problem only exacerbates it)
>> No. 3629 [Edit]

So what's the right safe thing to do here? Is it to remain ignorant of the horrible facts or shut off completely and wait until the whole thing blows over?

Those seem like the only two real decisions one can make, I think.
>> No. 3630 [Edit]
When this shit first started I thought it would be the usual deal with every other time she received recognition by the general public, but then I realized that this would be different than those other times. This is a full on fucking marketing campaign, not some idiot reporter working for some supermarket tabloid or whatever. This isn't going to be some article someone will link me to that I'll rage over one day, forget about it the next day and be slightly annoyed whenever someone mentions it long afterwards. This is going to be an ongoing deal, where Toyota will continue to make stupid ads that go against how I see Miku, more and more idiots, Ford Drivers, etc will slowly become aware of her existence and take interest in her, and of course media outlets everywhere will put out ill-informed articles about her as she "Takes America by storm"hurrfuckingdurr, and of course all of that brings the possibility of these people...corrupting her for their own purposes. I can only hope that never happens.

I try to ignore it the best I can, but I can't help but to feel incredibly angry that I can't really do anything about it aside from writing angry emails to Toyota that they'll just reply to each and every one of them with a response that states that they "sincerley apologize if our Corolla commercial caused you concern" or that they are "sensitive to the opinions of our customers" and that they "apologize if our commercial has offended you in any way." knowing full well that their words lack any form of sincereity whatsoever, because that's just customer service for ya. They don't care, they just want to capitalize on Miku's popularity and make as much money as possible by any means neccessary. Fuck them, their words are meaningless, but ultimately so are mine, BECAUSE I CAN'T DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT ASIDE FROM BITCH AND COMPLAIN.

I just want this to end as quickly and painlessly as possible, but I probably won't even get that...
>> No. 3631 [Edit]

So you're going through hell too I see...
It's nice to see someone on the same boat but it's really not nice to be on the boat in the first place. You can't just ignore it either... I don't know what we should do. Very problematic, which is why I say shutting down everything and not even looking at the media until this whole thing blows over is the best possible way to stay sane. That is a real tough ordeal to go through though.
>> No. 3632 [Edit]
wasn't miku made to be a marketing character in the first place? not that I don't find the toyota ads to be embarrassingly bad, but is this really that unexpected?
>> No. 3634 [Edit]

Do you really think your words or attempts are meaningless? I mean, if I did something out of the normal for me just for the sake of my waifu I would feel great knowing that. Don't you feel at least a little good knowing that your love for her just makes you do things you wouldn't almost ever do?

That being said, I too am going through this. I assume OP's worry is about Im@s(Like me), Persona 4, or TypeMoon. While it isn't exactly as big a deal as a full on marketing campaign, it's still incredibly troubling to know that your waifu is going through the anime spotlight again.. almost as if your peaceful life with her is just getting interrupted by tabloids or something-- is how I like to think of it. Nonetheless, I feel that this is just a test of will and determination, kind of. I have to deal with the new fans, the new shippers, the new fandom, the new pictures, the new doujins, the new everything. It sucks, don't get me wrong, but I want to make the best of it... even if I have to force myself to. At least... there will most likely be new figurines... I guess.
>> No. 3635 [Edit]

As a singer, I'm pretty sure her advertising a voice program gave her the characteristics that people associate her with.

Advertising for a car doesn't even make any fucking sense.
>> No. 3636 [Edit]
the advertising industry doesnt care at all about raping things for profit. If a character is created by an author for a fictional work, I could understand the surprise, but considering Miku was probably created by an advertising agency it seems strange to be suprised by this development.
>> No. 3637 [Edit]

Well, it's not like Miku was localized yet was she? I mean, it's not strange that she's being used as advertising, but out of all kinds of things it's a car? and not to mention, in America? I mean, there were figurines and alternate costumes of her wearing those racing uniforms and checkered uniforms and all but that's about as close as you can get to cars.
>> No. 3638 [Edit]
maybe they think she looks cool and exotic and japanese to american audiences... i dont know what runs through the mind of ford toyota drivers
>> No. 3639 [Edit]

If anything I would like to see the planning stages and conversations held by the bosses of the company and I want to know what the hell they were thinking. You know, I'd expect Touhou to be more related with driving Toyotas rather than Miku. "Drive a car and graze like your favorite Touhou characters", or some shit like that.
>> No. 3641 [Edit]
By focusing on internet ads and Youtube, Toyota is trying to go for the late teen's-20's Facebook-addicted, cheap car-buying demographic. So this lines up Crypton's desire to get Miku more US exposure and increase western interest in Vocaloid, and Toyota's desire to use a hip new trend to sell their shitty cars and distract people from the whole faulty brake thing.
>> No. 3642 [Edit]
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Don't even go there.
>> No. 3643 [Edit]
She's not mai waifu, but I'm a massive fan of Miku and I really like the Western campaign so far. They portray her as a very powerful yet charming female which is always how I imagined her.
>> No. 3644 [Edit]
If toyota was pushing a campaign built on eurobeat and drifting, that I'd get, and would find rather cool, this not so much.
>> No. 3645 [Edit]
>I just ignore it, which is pretty easy considering I don't watch TV or browse through idiotic comments on youtube or places like /a/.

Pretty much this. If we didn't have a thread on /tc/ I would have absolutely no idea something like this is happening at all. So it's pretty easy for me to ignore.
>> No. 3648 [Edit]
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Holy shit /mai/. Idolm@ster just came out and I watched it. Can someone tell me why I have to keep going to /a/ just to make sure nothing too hardcore is going on? Is it bad to be this curious? What happens if she gets trolled to death? What happens if they make a stupid meme or something? Oh god. So, with my mentality as unstable as fuck right now, what should I do? Ignore it? If so, I'll try my best to not even go there.
>> No. 3649 [Edit]

>Ignore it? If so, I'll try my best to not even go there.

/a/ labels 3 out of 4 girls as sluts for no reason so yeah, I think it's healthier to forget about it and pretend /a/ never existed.
>> No. 3650 [Edit]

Just asking, but is it normal for me to be doing this? Like, why do I want to know what other people think even though it's most likely negative so bad? I'm sure it's under the curiosity category... What's the likeliness that anything goes outside of /a/? That's kind of what I'm scared of, I mean; if it stays in /a/, then I can ignore it (or stays in 4chan for all I care), but if some idiots start spouting it outside of /a/, let's say youtube and or multiple forums... I don't know how I can avoid this.
>> No. 3651 [Edit]
The corporate heads who conceived this rape, and the so-called fans of Miku who eat it up and ask for more, they will all be crucified and impaled. Their blood shall wash away this putrefaction.
>> No. 3652 [Edit]
I know how you feel. The best thing to do is realize everyone is an idiot
>> No. 3653 [Edit]

Maybe you're just a masochist.

Seriously though, I guess it's kinda normal. Pretty much everybody wants to hear other people's opinion on some subjects. Isn't this why we're all here on /tc/? To discuss stuff we find interesting?

So yeah it's not exactly weird but it's just a little bit unnatural to want to hear the opinion of people whom you hate/who's opinion you don't care about/who are plain trolling. You wouldn't believe how many people on /a/ bash series/characters just because it's a fun thing to do (in their opinion) without even watching said series.

Do you care how Ford Drivers would see your waifu? Or the whole waifu thing in general? If not, why care about /a/'s opinion?

As for the spreading stuff - I'm >>3645 so again, if something isn't mentioned on /tc/ it doesn't exist/didn't happen as far as I'm concerned. I don't browse other sites so yeah.
>> No. 3654 [Edit]

How do I say this, I'm not a big fan of ignoring thing. It's like: I have to know everything to control everything, to put it shortly. You could also say I'm a masochist, but I doubt that it has any relevance to this. I guess you're right though, there is no real point to looking at things that are meant to hurt you. I guess for my sake and hers, I really should stop. Thanks. This thread and OP actually made me realize something today. Awesome.
>> No. 3655 [Edit]
I've gotten pretty good at just ignoring things that bother me and pretend they don't exist. It's kind of hard to do in the case of the miku thing though because even if I hide the thread here I still see it on the front page

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