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File 130989021241.jpg - (283.11KB , 600x664 , 19459248.jpg )
3594 No. 3594 [Edit]
Ugh, y'know, /mai/, I've been in a rut lately. Not really sure how to word this, so I'll just type it as it comes to mind.

A lot of the time these days, I feel like I'm forcing myself to love Satsuki because I've been with her for well over a year already, and I don't really want that to change. For most of the past year, including when I first came here and started lurking a month and a half or so ago, I felt pretty similar to most of you guys and your waifus. But lately, ugh. It's just felt different. There have been some periods where I've felt like I did in the past, but as I said earlier, it mostly feels like I'm forcing myself to love her for the sake of the past. Is this a sign that subconsciously, I'm over her and starting to move on? I cherish the time I've been with her as possibly the best year of my life, and I want to hold onto it if at all possible, but... I dunno. I just feel conflicted and lost here. What should I do?
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>> No. 3596 [Edit]
You should do what you feel is right. Maybe your interests have changed, or your whole character has changed; maybe you're looking for something different now than what you were after a year ago. This isn't something you should deny or fight against.

If that really is the case, you should accept it. You might just move on, or you might end up seeing Satsuki in a new light. Just don't feel burdened over it.
>> No. 3597 [Edit]
File 130990237346.jpg - (112.81KB , 450x687 , Kanako 72.jpg )
I often feel the same way about me and Kanako, mostly its because i feel, for some reason, that i am beginning to bother her.
I always think about the great time we both had together and how she "saved" my life.
It would be unfair just to leave her, because without her my life would be just complete hopeless...well you get what i mean.
But what ensures me everytime is when i think about the promises i made to her, i know it is cheesy as hell but i am just a fool.
I dont know how your waifu would feel about this, but Kanakos world would shatter if i would leave her and then i realise that she indeed needs me. That helps me a lot, just realising that its not just me clinging to her but she is also clinging to me.
Well i don´t know about your realationship but maybe you two have somehing simliar.
I don´t know if this is of help for you but i wish both of you the best luck for your future.
>> No. 3598 [Edit]
It's not completely fair to hold 2D relationships to the same standards we expect from 3D ones. After all, your waifu can't respond and react to your actions.

That being said, for me at least, 2D love is supposed to be something that benefits you. Sure, I do things that would make my waifu happy, but they make me happy as well, which is ultimately why I continue doing this kind of stuff. If you honestly feel as though the relationship isn't working for you anymore, you shouldn't feel ashamed about putting it aside.

That being said, I do tend to look down upon people who just hop from one girl to the next all the time, because they likely aren't taking it very seriously. If you think you're in love with another girl, it's okay to switch, but you better spend a lot of time thinking about it and making sure it's the right decision.
>> No. 3599 [Edit]
>If you think you're in love with another girl, it's okay to switch, but you better spend a lot of time thinking about it and making sure it's the right decision.

That's another part of it. There isn't another girl. I just feel like there's something of a gap in my heart at the moment.

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