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File 129146035652.png - (371.88KB , 640x480 , oihaeslgviersiges.png )
358 No. 358 [Edit]
I would love to eat Kanako out. I would love to give her orgasms so intense that her vagina exudes liquid, whole whole body tenses up and her legs wobble.

..I just wanted to say that.
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>> No. 359 [Edit]
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>> No. 360 [Edit]
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>> No. 361 [Edit]
It's kind of admirable that you would think only of her pleasure before your own.

To be honest, I've thought about doing this also a bit.
To focus solely on making her happy..
although it is a bit embarrassing to say...
I'd love go down on her, to do my best to fully satisfy her.
There isn't a single inch of her body I wouldn't want to run my lips across.
The idea alone of making her feel good is more then enough for me.

provided of course she was okay with it.
donno, some girls I imagine might be weirded out by it.
seems to be normal for a guy to want to get it done for him, but I much much rather do it for her.
>> No. 363 [Edit]
I should add that I usefully try not to think of her in such ways, it would be nice if any relationship we had stayed platonic for as long as possible..
but really, she is a woman after all... a beautiful beautiful incredible woman...
>> No. 364 [Edit]
( ゚ ◡゚) b

But i've never fapped to her!
>> No. 365 [Edit]

Greentext and reaction images. It appears we're heading for the bottom.

Get out fags.
>> No. 366 [Edit]
Same as
Never once fapped to her.
she means much more to me then that, I'd just like to make her happy is all...
>> No. 367 [Edit]
Personally I don't see anything wrong with sex appeal contributing to a relationship. Just as long as its not the main thing thats holding the relationship up. Its hard to, nay, its strange not to be sexually attracted to the woman. You might think you're spoiling her purity or something if you think dirty thoughts though- I guess that varies from person to person.
>> No. 370 [Edit]
File 129146377083.jpg - (163.55KB , 1098x275 , bunbunbunbun.jpg )
Advertise on /jp/ then complain when you get normalfags and tell them to get out.
>> No. 371 [Edit]
>it would be nice if any relationship we had stayed platonic for as long as possible..
but really, she is a woman after all...

My thoughts exactly.

OP is a chivalrous gentleman.
>> No. 372 [Edit]
I guess my big hangup with this sort of this is that, this was a big contributing factor in why I grew disgusted by 3D, how normal people are all just obsessed with sex and think it's a joke to wait till marriage.
So I guess thinking or especially talking about such privet things would be somewhat hypocritical of me, or at least I feel so.
But on the other hand, I've had the same waifu for I think four years now, and in a real relationship, people would think something is wrong if such things never came up after being together that long, as nice as a platonic relationship would be, the other person might begin to think you don't find them physically attractive if you never once peek at them in the shower or do other such naughty things, they may think you're not serious about the relationship if you're what would seem to be, unwilling to accept all of the person.
We're all only human, and sooner or latter, no matter how pure of heart the two people might be, it's something they'll come up sooner or latter.
but I do still believe that to truly care for someone, is to have the self restraint to suppress such thoughts.
>> No. 373 [Edit]
I manifest myself as one of those in here who DO NOT want Tohno to be advertised (ED does enough anyway; let the good ones come by themselves)

on topic: I have never faped to mai waifu; but I do fap and, personally, doesn't scandalize me at all that some guys fap to theirs (I just profit from her in other ways).
>> No. 374 [Edit]
I've never really condoned doing such things, as someone who kind of believes in quality over quantity for the site.
But I can't help what other people do.
and you know, just because someone does that, doesn't necessarily mean they have good intentions in mind.
There is always the possibility of it being trolls and or people that hate the site for whatever reason and want to give it a bad rep on /jp/ or other boards with revers psychology.

or it could be someone that does have the interest of the site in mind, but doesn't know the best way to go about improving things.
The site's traffic isn't something that can be forced, not without things getting ugly.
most of /jp/ and a lot of /a/ seem to know of us, if they want to come over, that's up to them and as 4chan becomes worse and worse, they might give up on it, and maybe turn to us.
till then, best bet I think is to not shove out site in the face of the people, but just, gently remind them from time to time.
this place won't stay hidden if we put up flashing neon signs around town pointing to us, that much is for sure.
>> No. 378 [Edit]
See you tomorrow.

It's like people really like drama. Did some threads just get deleted?

>the shit that's Tohno nowadays
How should Tohno be then? I'm genuinely interested. Please makes us a thread in /fb/ or something.

To stay on topic since this is /mai/: it would be quite embarrassing for me to say such things about me and my waifu and I don't like to think too much about it, even though I do think about it sometimes. It's just something I like to keep private/simply not mentioning.
>> No. 381 [Edit]
You do realize that's probably some troll, right?

The normalfags on here aren't mods though.
Tohno-chan is still alright, but this elitist attitude you're pulling is not.
>> No. 386 [Edit]
I want to make Tenshi happy in any way I can, including, yes, eating her out. She's the only girl I've seriously considered it for, as the whole concept is pretty gross. I'm willing to make allowances just for her, though.
>> No. 387 [Edit]
i've been a neet for six YEARS and I dont give a shit how "normal" someone is
>> No. 388 [Edit]

>How should Tohno be then? I'm genuinely interested. Please makes us a thread in /fb/ or something.

Not the guy you responded to but I'd like to say a few words regarding this subject. As a matter of fact maybe I should even start a thread on /fb/ to discuss this properly but I don't feel there's much to discuss.

I'll get straight to the point: if you make a site and advertise it as an imageboard for borderline hikkis and NEETs it sort of makes sense that people will expect to 'meet'/'talk with' fellow hikkis and NEETs. Judging by some posts (especially on /so/) this is not the case and at this point I'd be surprised if more than 20% of the entire /tc/ population were hikkis and/or NEETs. You could say that stuff like that impossible to control and you'd be right, except people are pretty open about this and don't see anything wrong with such behavior.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind it in the least. As a matter of fact if a borderline hikki/NEET were to judge me based on my life style he'd probably say I'm a normalfag and even though I don't have any friends whatsoever and dislike interaction with other people in general I'd have to say he's sort of right.

To fully understand it you need to actually experience living as a hikki NEET. I spent over 6 months living that way. One day I had to go outside for some reason (probably an appointment with my psychologist) for the first time in said 6 months and it felt fucking surreal. After I returned home I was genuinly happy I managed to get back without fainting and I wished I wouldn't have to leave ever again.

That's one part of it. The other is the feeling of being a useless leech, a pitiful parasite. Again, it's not something you can just try to imagine and be done with it - you have either experienced it yourself or you don't know what it feels like. You could say that you're just going to some kind of vocational school/uni and your life wouldn't change that much if you dropped out today. That would be true for me, too. I don't really try hard or anything as I'm just your average useless, lazy bum so I have no doubts I'll fail (simultaneously, I know I could do it if I put my mind into it). My parents are willing to support me after all the shit I've put them through and I'm not even trying so of course I feel feel conscience-stricken. But it's nothing compared to what I've felt what I was NEETing. Feels like being the lowest scum on Earth and the most despicable life form alive.

So, if a person expecting to meet other losers as pitiful as he himself comes to /tc/ he'll get severly disappointed by our userbase. I know I would considering some of the threads we have. I mean fuck, on the old /tc/ there were even threads about fucking online dating sites where people genuinely admitted that if they were to meet a nice girl they would give it a shot.

Now, don't get me wrong. I like /tc/. As I said, for the better or for the wrose I'm not exactly a hikki NEET anynmore. I come here to discuss anime, manga, visual novels, video games and talk about my other interests with like minded people. I like /tc/ for what it is now but I feel that it's not what it was supposed to be.
>> No. 390 [Edit]
To be honest if it weren't for:
1) mai waifu
2) my borderline NEET/Hikki behavior (I usually tend to act more of a NEET/Hikki during vacation time and I'm often berated by my parents because I'm not 'normal')
3) my aversion towards the typical normalfag idea towards sex and marriage
4) and the fact that 2D is superior compared to 3D
I would be considered by an actual NEET/Hikki to be a normalfag.

On topic: I can't ever think about fapping to mai waifu or any of my favorites. Whenever I get the urge to fap to them, I think about hugging them and make them feel safe and comforted. (It happens whenever I see an ecchi pic of mai waifu or any of my favorites). And I'd think mai waifu would feel great from a little cuddling and hugging in bed. I feel disgusted by the more hardcore pictures of them and quickly avert my eyes and close it. I still don't like how normalfags are obsessed with sex and think marriage or any long term relationship is some kind of joke. I do fap to other 2D girls that I don't have any attachment for, though.

I know how some people say that "If you don't fap to your waifu, you don't love her." But I fap to other 2D girls, it doesn't count as cheating. I love mai waifu for who she is, not because I think she's 'hot' or 'sexy' (Even though mai waifu is cute, and even many of my favorites are 'cute' in some way). I just can't fap to her, because I'm not obsessed with fucking or fapping to her as normalfags do.

I could go for 3D girls but they are not interesting to me. It's as if they are nothing but clones of each other, even if they look vastly different from one another and have different interests or POVs or what not. They just seem all the same to me. There were even times when I forced myself to like 3D in the days before I had mai waifu. I mean, I do get asked out by other girls (mostly because some girls think I'm 'cute'), but whenever I go on dates with them, it ends in a disaster. It wasn't pleasant, and I felt depressed until I had mai waifu.

I don't like how we have to advertise on any board on 4chan. Most people here already have been on 4chan before and are still on 4chan. And many people on /a/ and /jp/ know about /tc/. Besides, we get enough attention from the satirical article on waifus from ED, if anyone is curious about a board dedicated to waifus in general.
>> No. 391 [Edit]
I guess I should confess...

lately I've been thinking lewd thoughts about hanako. I know it's wrong to do so, but as tohno pointed out, she is a woman, and I a man, it's human nature to feel some sort of sexual feelings for the one that I love. it still feels wrong, but it's human nature, it can't be helped

that's not to say that those sexual feelings are stronger than my love for her, I still like to imagine us doing things together, and I still love her very much.
>> No. 392 [Edit]

Don't feel bad. it's not wrong in the slightest. It's plagued me a lot too, actually, but I've come to realise that, well, any healthy relationship also has sexual desires. If not, they're just strong friendships. If you want her to be completely pure, as you love her, then you don't love her as a woman, as your lover, but as a deity, which has nothing wrong with it, but... you have to realise which way it is so that you can adjust yourself accordingly.
>> No. 393 [Edit]
I guess you're right. thanks for that.
>> No. 394 [Edit]
File 129152313243.png - (370.11KB , 640x480 , kana96.png )
>how normal people are all just obsessed with sex and think it's a joke to wait till marriage.
>I do still believe that to truly care for someone, is to have the self restraint to suppress such thoughts.

Some of us aren't religious at all, Tohno, AND/OR never intended to get married, stood for virginity alone as a virtue, or considered sexual pleasure itself as a dirty dispicable thing (how to even play eroge -those of us who do- or why even keeping a /ns/ board in here if that was the case?). Beholding such ideas isn't implied at all to be here: none of them have any necessary relation with being inside the hiki/NEET/otaku lifestyle, deep enough at least to have a proper waifu and reject the entire 3DPD in her favour (wich is what actually bond this board -and community- together). We surely come from very different backgrounds, but we can share this regardless.
>> No. 395 [Edit]
File 129152893978.png - (87.12KB , 400x400 , 1245814906107.png )
i sometimes wish i could be completely indifferent to sexual urges...
At least i have no more attraction of any form to 3D anymore.

At the very least, i never seem to use Kurokona for those urges. (though the few 'ecchi' images i have turn me on)
>> No. 396 [Edit]
I haven't ever thought about it. Sex with Miya, that is. It's weird to think about that I haven't, but I haven't. I mean, it seems unnecessary to me. I wouldn't refuse it, god, no, but I won't ever be offered it, so...
>> No. 397 [Edit]
Eating out =/= sex or fapping to.
>> No. 398 [Edit]
So many of you guys never take it easy anymore.

Feels bad, man.

Well, whatever. It's not like I can control how you react to things.

To be back on topic, I've thought the same about Torako, I've never seen a problem with sexual things and would rather give pleasure than get. For someone I can actually stand, mind you, like her.
>> No. 399 [Edit]
I am too disgusting to imagine myself making love to my waifu so I just imagine I'm her NTRing me
>> No. 400 [Edit]
File 129154484967.png - (142.38KB , 500x304 , how.png )
How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her vagina?

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