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File 130920209286.jpg - (133.15KB , 800x600 , f29f00779ceb000341823e737898793c.jpg )
3494 No. 3494 [Edit]
Most of you are 3D people who are not attracted to 3D but instead prefer 2D.
What if it were the reverse? Where you are 2D, but prefer 3D?
Sometimes I imagine these characters who are basically like you guys: NEETs, otaku, hikkis, socially awkward, etc. They have an interest known as "reality." Reality is basically their anime, manga, video games, etc. They are only attracted to 3D people due to reasons such as thinking that 2D is too perfect and boring while 3D is more complex and interesting.
These people's 2D relatives, friends, and society outcast them due to their interests. They're the only ones not interested in finding a 2D relationship.
What do you think of this?
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>> No. 3496 [Edit]
Each dimension adds more room for flaws, which will be filled. Sakuya can control time, so that would make her 4D. If I could interpret 4D beings, i'm sure she'd be the ugliest thing I would ever have the displeasure of staring at. Luckily I wont have to.
>> No. 3498 [Edit]
File 130921185719.png - (232.63KB , 640x480 , the_celestial_by_nekokasanevocaloid-d38sqnx.png )
I'm 3D and I prefer whatever D Tenshi is in.
>> No. 3500 [Edit]
<When a world of 2-D beings discovers the existence of our universe, they send a team of beautiful Domni-Matrixes into our world to prepare it for total integration. However, once liberated from their flat and dreary 2-D existence, Compiler and Assembler quickly discovered that cybersex with a couple of 3-D guys is a lot more fun than world conquest. Now, in between interfacing with their boyfriends, Assembler and Compiler must protect the Earth from being deleted by their former masters and an army of killer programs.


<Compiler and Assembler have been given 3 days to return the the 2-D world. If they do not return the council has sworn to destroy it. How will the they spend their last days on earth. Will they be able to confess their love. If only things were that simple. Now a mysterious character is eliminating other individuals from the 2-D world. Can Compiler and Assembler stop this new fiend and be together with those they love.


Who says time has to be the 4th dimension?
>> No. 3502 [Edit]
So let me get this straight and please correct me if I am wrong when I say this.

Reality is basically their anime, manga, video games, etc. They are only attracted to 3D people due to reasons such as thinking that 2D is too perfect and boring while 3D is more complex and interesting.

Wouldn't they also not only be interested in 3D because 2D to them would have many "flaws". IE: if you were in the 2D world, everything in their point of view wouldn't be perfect, yet they are interested in a new and strange world where their dreams would possibly become reality.

I really am sorry if what I am saying isn't making any sense. But when I read your thread deeper, I would say that if you were in the 2D world, your life would probably be the same as it were in the 3D world. Except the only difference would be that you crave the 3D world.
>> No. 3505 [Edit]
>Who says time has to be the 4th dimension?
The string theory does.

Also, observation of the world around us proves it.
Don't believe me. Experimentation time!
Look at a clock and post your results on Tohnochan's /mt/. When you're done look at the clock again. You will notice time has moved forward.
>> No. 3517 [Edit]
>Compiler and Assembler have been given 3 days to return the the 2-D world. If they do not return the council has sworn to destroy it. How will the they spend their last days on earth. Will they be able to confess their love. If only things were that simple. Now a mysterious character is eliminating other individuals from the 2-D world. Can Compiler and Assembler stop this new fiend and be together with those they love.
What a brilliantly-written synopsis. The voice, the flow, the novel use of punctuation; I'm in awe.

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