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File 130902554835.png - (42.58KB , 1400x1000 , 1300924958828.png )
3457 No. 3457 [Edit]
Expand all images
>> No. 3458 [Edit]
File 130902818928.jpg - (354.78KB , 1500x779 , do it for her.jpg )
I did mine long ago
>> No. 3464 [Edit]
Do what for her?
>> No. 3465 [Edit]
Work a shitty job in a nuclear power plant
>> No. 3467 [Edit]
File 130904876623.jpg - (747.42KB , 1400x1000 , forher.jpg )
In my case, it's putting up with a crummy life, and trying to maybe someday live a decent life which she wouldn't be to ashamed of, in stead of just taking the easy road and eating a bullet.
Someday I'll have a steady income with a place of my own and have a life sized doll of my waifu...
>> No. 3499 [Edit]
File 130921426731.jpg - (647.55KB , 1400x1000 , Do it for her.jpg )
I think it needs more pictures.
>> No. 3555 [Edit]
File 130948344630.jpg - (484.02KB , 1280x800 , doitforhim.jpg )
>> No. 3556 [Edit]
he was technically a freelance supervisor
>> No. 3557 [Edit]

Don't forget.
You're hime

Post edited on 30th Jun 2011, 8:01pm
>> No. 3558 [Edit]
a princess forever???
>> No. 3559 [Edit]
But of course I am, Len being my prince of course
>> No. 3563 [Edit]
File 130961077489.png - (804.52KB , 1400x1000 , 130902554835.png )
I'm sure she'll forgive my horrible image croping and sizing skills.
>> No. 3569 [Edit]
File 13097256323.jpg - (674.12KB , 1400x1000 , my waifu.jpg )
Unfortunately, I can only find screenshots of her T _T
>> No. 3570 [Edit]
File 130975129793.png - (878.09KB , 1400x1000 , do it for mio.png )
Well, that was fun.
>> No. 3585 [Edit]
File 130983430076.jpg - (3.94MB , 2362x1575 , Misa-chan.jpg )
Loved doing this

My new wallpaper <3
>> No. 3586 [Edit]
You're assuming everyone here is from 4chan.

The original picture is "Don't forget, you're here forever", so replacing "her" with a "him" doesn't really make sense in this context. Not that it matters.
>> No. 3587 [Edit]
File 13098397341.png - (849.49KB , 1920x1200 , do it for her2.png )
Truly a heartwarming wallpaper.
>> No. 3657 [Edit]
File 13101330794.png - (1.27MB , 1400x1000 , 130902554835.png )
She's going to tease me for my inability to do this right. I'm okay with that.
>> No. 3658 [Edit]
As far as I know, Kagamine is or would like to be female and they replaced "here" with "hime". Hime means princess.
>> No. 3659 [Edit]
File 131015208463.png - (921.73KB , 1400x1000 , maeda.png )
>> No. 3660 [Edit]
File 131017821851.gif - (25.56KB , 168x259 , iguessthatsokay.gif )
Oddly enough, I think MAEDAX (G/R) properly counts as 2D.

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