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File 13089489921.jpg - (36.64KB , 189x163 , 1306968430618.jpg )
3414 No. 3414 [Edit]
Let's assume that for X or Y reason, you find a certain, horrible doujin. The curiousity was too much and you read it.
After many months later, I almost forgot about that experienced, but the scar is still there. Everytime I see it, because someone is trolling and posts it, a am overflowed with so many different emotions and feelings, I feel like one of those girls that become a human toilet.
Basically the day I read it, my mind broke.

Have any one of you experienced something like this?

Pic almost related, I didn't fap to it, but damn that's how I feel.
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>> No. 3417 [Edit]
Whenever that happens I just close out of it in annoyance and don't think of it again.
>> No. 3418 [Edit]
I avoid doujins like they could kill me, and in a manner of speaking they probably could. Even some titles make me want to be sick.
>> No. 3419 [Edit]
Yeah, avoid them at all cost. I said it before, that one broke me, and let me tell you this, the guilt will follow you, even if you did nothing wrong, even if it is a scar instead of a punishment, the guilt would be there, always breathing on your neck.
>> No. 3420 [Edit]
I must admit that I've been curious before... and yes, I have read horrible doujins like that. Why I do it is beyond me though.

Just the thought of it makes me sick to the stomach at how someone as sick like that could do such a thing. but like it'll have been said earlier, curiousity is a strange thing and it should be banned in my opinion.
>> No. 3421 [Edit]
Yes. Yes there is. It's a comic made in mspaint. I think you know what it is.
>> No. 3422 [Edit]
excuse me?
>> No. 3423 [Edit]
Right, forgot that only a few people actually participate in the ks threads on 4chan, and not everybody's been to 4chan at all.

Well.... to be honest I don't want to describe or even upload it spoilered, but it's ..... it's horrible. I'd rather forget about it.
>> No. 3424 [Edit]
Actually I come from /a/, but I have no idea what are you talking about.
I assume it is an MSpaint of your waifu, but I don't know who is your waifu.
>> No. 3425 [Edit]
Hanako Ikezawa.

And yes, it is an mspaint comic, the comic is in one image. Let's just say it uses the word "chocolate", that's as far as I want to go into it.
>> No. 3426 [Edit]
Oh yeah! of course! now I remember! Oh wow, that's some funny stuff
>> No. 3427 [Edit]
No it's not funny. It's not funny at all.
>> No. 3431 [Edit]
Anyway, back on topic, I try to avoid those kinds of things like the plague but sometimes I get curious for the more tamer ones.. Soon after I start reading it though I quit to preserve my own innocence.

What does this have to do with /mai/ by the way

Post edited on 24th Jun 2011, 4:03pm
>> No. 3432 [Edit]
It may be just a random guess that I'm thinking of, but maybe the OP was implying that how we would feel about reading doujin's that would involve my waifu?

Or probably not. But if you ask me, when someone does a doujin so sick to my waifu, it makes me feel disgusted that I'd even have the curiousity to read it. It's rare to find one of her... but when I do, I honestly feel bad for her and wish I didn't pain myself for looking for it.
>> No. 3434 [Edit]
Well, this is one advantage of my waifu being less popular, I guess.

Poor Satsuki. People don't need to resort to posting doujins to try to troll you. Ah well, it works well for me.
>> No. 3435 [Edit]
I love reading doujins of my Waifu

Luckily the only not worksafe one I've read since I've begun to have affections for her was a true love type of thing. But yeah the curiosity is sometimes awful.
>> No. 3437 [Edit]
Just curious people, what kind of doujins did you read and why were they so disgusting?
>> No. 3438 [Edit]
They probably read hard gangrape or guro or something like that.
>> No. 3441 [Edit]
Because you asked, I might as well say it.

I've only read around two that focus around her (it's a good thing stuff on her is rare), and the kind they do about her just makes me sick. Do you honestly think I want to see my waifu get kidnapped and used as a thing that's suppose to fill a man's sexual desires and be used as a public toilet? Or how about the one where she's used as an object and forced to get pregant by hundreds of guys for her sister's safety (which got ruined in the end).

It makes me so angry and upset.

Post edited on 24th Jun 2011, 6:44pm
>> No. 3443 [Edit]
You see, it is funny, just because of the circumstances. You know somebody made that one to make people laugh.
Now, when you see a mind break or rape doujin, somebody made it specifically to humiliate that character, and to sexually excite men with her humiliation.
>> No. 3444 [Edit]
Be cool, anonymous.
>> No. 3445 [Edit]

My god. I'm swearing off ero manga forever before I run into something like that with mai waifu.
>> No. 3447 [Edit]
Who is your waifu?
>> No. 3448 [Edit]
Brilliant response to the situation, Anon.
>> No. 3449 [Edit]
No, I don't see how something that involves ... what goes on in that centralized around my waifu to be funny. You may be a sick person, but I treat Hanako with dignity and respect.
>> No. 3451 [Edit]
Agreed. We don't have the same waifu but I absolutely hate seeing my waifu treated horribly in doujins. I haven't read any in full but from what I've seen and heard it can get pretty bad, often at the enjoyment of others.

The irony of it is that I tend to have a pretty dark/twisted sense of humor and would normally find such horrible doujins to be funny if they were of other characters. But when it's my waifu I suddenly take it very personally and take a defensive stance. Funny how that works.
>> No. 3475 [Edit]
I understand what you mean, i saw the "bro" version of the ks mspaint comic, and it was horrible to say the least
>> No. 3491 [Edit]
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I don't really mind. It's just a drawing of my waifu, not my actual waifu, so I don't see it as demeaning her. However, some topics in general do disgust me, and I cannot bear to read them regardless of the characters involved. (Ntr and such). It doesn't get me sad, or disgusted, it just throws me into a fit of rage. I'm a very calm person by nature, and even though I tend to keep a straight face most of the time, my close family members can tell when something is bothering me, and it in turn bothers them to see me upset. Then I get even angrier because I made them get worried over something as trivial as some shitty porn upsetting me.

The best way I've found to get around this is to just leave conversations that veer towards those topics, avoid contact with groups that enjoy those things, and filter searches when fapping. It won't be perfect, but it'll work a lot better than doing nothing at all.
>> No. 4474 [Edit]
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I had a similar experience with this doujin called "evangelion retake" basically it was a shinji-asuka shipper-fest and that didnt really bothered me
However my beloved wife Rei Ayanami killed herself in the process and was even publicly humiliated by shinji. It was surreal, that doujin was pulled out of my darkest nightmares
The day i read that doujin my mind, my body and my soul became scarred. It was so shocking to see the dead corpse of my wife hanging on the ceiling . I think i got fever that day however with the love of Rei we both could get past that horrible experience
>> No. 4476 [Edit]
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That was just Ritsuko being a sickfuck.

>humiliated by shinji.
That isn't really true, is it? on Re-Take, Shinji fights the good fight to do everything right this time, just to learn that there's no possible way to do such thing and, instead, that everything we do have complex consequences (and so everything we've ever done will hunt us...

Given your situation, I understand your dissapointment about the Re-Take being Asuka-oriented; but I'd still say it's a masterpiece, regardless, completely different from the usual gang-rape idiotic eva doujins... I'd even say that it gave me the final push to sink fully and inexorably on Evaism (an annoy people forever after).
>> No. 4478 [Edit]
well, she went crying in public because of shinji (volume 2 or 3 i guess )
Besides the way they portrayed Rei... just horrible, she even killed herself
>> No. 4537 [Edit]
I think I'm probably one of the few who's like this (don't kill me!) but....I don't much care about doujins concerning my waifu(s).

Hell, to be even more specific 3 of my favorite doujins are of them, two of which are NTR. Why you ask? Mostly because NTR is generally ridiculous, but I know they wouldn't act like that anyway. I'm not really into guro or scat in general, but if others enjoy doujins of them I won't bat an eye. It's just porn fellas, nobody means anything by it, I don't try to censor people's thoughts, why would I care about their porn? I know my waifus wouldn't act like that, and I know that for rape scenarios mine are likely to kill anybody who might try in reality.

It's just harmless fun for people who need to let off some stress, no need to take it seriously.

Having said that: I would never show any such porn to my hallucinations as I would be dead within the day if they learned I liked some of it. Such is life in the zone.
>> No. 4594 [Edit]

I agree. There's some fucked-up Strike Witches stuff out there, some laughably ridiculous, some cringeworthy. However, it's only dodgy porn - anyone who acknowledges the concept of Rule 34 shouldn't have much difficulty reconciling with the existence of twisted and potentially hurtful doujins.

I too avoid them like anthrax. I just stick with the fluffy, cute and at times rather ecchi yuri doujins.

Oh, and a footnote on this whole "guilt" aspect. If your greatest crime was curiosity, then you are treating yourself with less mercy than a Shariah court run by the Taliban. If you need to do something with the negative emotions, simply recycle them as hatred for the sick cunts who made the doujin, then let it rest that way. You and your waifu are worth more.
>> No. 4601 [Edit]
>fucked-up Strike Witches stuff
Unless you have read Witches' no Panties, you do not know what you are talking about. The most un-fappable Strike Witches doujinshi out there that isn't guro. Poor Lynette... and Erica is a major cunt.
>> No. 4627 [Edit]
Whenever I see that kinda stuff, I just try to remember that she would never actually do that. It's not her. It's just porn with someone who looks like her and has the same name. There is such a difference in behaviour that it's easy to keep that person and her separate.

And, yeah, try to avoid doujins/fanfics/etc of that sort. If you feel some curiosity about it, try to figure out where that curiosity comes from and deal with it.
>> No. 4693 [Edit]

No, I agree with you. We can't control the actions and thoughts of others. But this is hard to explain to the average otaku regarding his waifu - the reason people choose and stay with waifus because it's easier and nicer to be in a relationship where you have all the control.

But the truth is no one 'owns' or 'knows' this fictional character any better or worse than others, because it's just your fantasy. They have as much of a right to drawn porn of your waifu as you do to have an elaborate fantasy involving your waifu as a kindly domestic goddess. The latter is still porn, it's just emotional porn.
>> No. 4696 [Edit]

Remember who you're talking to here. I have read that doujin, and I agree. It's a thinly-veiled Full Metal Jacket rip-off though. They were all cunts. Try harder.

Then again, I laughed my ass off at the actual film.

Post edited on 9th Aug 2011, 5:58pm
>> No. 4700 [Edit]
Are you saying you've read worse? A greater crapsack world that is more soul-crushingly depressing? If so, I want titles and authors. I love that kind of stuff. The stark contrast between moeshit and a doujinshi that makes you want to beat someone with a bat is an art in its own right. I have a little collection in the making. So far I only have the three-part K-On! doujinshi (the first of the series being Requiem 5 a Dream if I am not mistaken) and the aforementioned SW one.

If it weren't for what Yoshika and Erica did, the doujinshi wouldn't have been so bad for me. It was that disturbing, twisted enjoyment they got. Maybe I'm thinking too much about it, but that expression Miyafuji had when she began to rape Lynette wasn't even human, it was more akin to an animal.
>> No. 4758 [Edit]

Nowhere in my post did I say or imply I've read worse. Pay attention. Regarding Yoshika and Erica - it's only a doujin, that's how I'm able to just brush it off.

Also, using the word "moeshit" in an anime discussion is identical to using the word "nigger" in a political discussion on Barack Obama. It renders your credibility in tatters. Leave out the -shit suffix.
>> No. 5076 [Edit]
It always makes me sick, even if i just stumble over a fanfiction in which she takes part. She is always pictured as a evil or bitchy character (apparently most people fail to see that there is more to her than the bad first impression) or when she gets shipped with some other character. It enrages me, but i also fail to ignore it, its kinde painful, luckily there is not much about her.
>> No. 5101 [Edit]
I look at it on purpose, in a desperate effort to desentitize myself. Or to feel something.

I still cry when I think about "Mai-chan's everyday life" or "Witch's no pantsu" or "Concrete girl" or that one with the "Girls of [something]" (where orphan girls are sent to a prison to be gang-raped).

So I guess it doesn't work. But I know I'm still human. And sometimes I find myself thinking about them when I'm fapping. Harhui, I want to die...
>> No. 5102 [Edit]
No doujin, but I did encounter a picture of her being stabbed to death in an alley which still disturbs me somewhat today.

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