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File 130889399553.jpg - (212.56KB , 920x1124 , 1306204937623.jpg )
3398 No. 3398 [Edit]
They told me you could give me some kind of advice

I have an existentialist crisis, it's about my waifu. I don't want to love her anymore.
I realized that loving her is selfish. I know that I will never be able to hold her hand, hug her or even tell her what I feel, yet I still dream of having her in my arms.

Everytime I see her blushing for her loved one, I don't feel angry, on the contrary, I'm filled with joy, knowing that at least there is one man that can make her happy; I root for her and get angry at her for screwing up, because she is ruining her oportunites over and over again.

I just want her to be happy, but I know that I will never be with her, still I desire that.

What should I do?
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>> No. 3400 [Edit]
If you truly love her, then just let her go.
>> No. 3401 [Edit]
>I know that I will never be with her, still I desire that. What should I do?

PROTIP: Even if it was based on a 3D, you would never get any closer to your actual beloved one since it's never the thing in-itself what you love, but your own concept of it.

Playing your cards well, you may be able to hold a 3D in your arms like we'd like to do (indeed) with our waifus. But that would be, at its best, just like (a closer to zoophilia equivalent for) holding your daki or a dutch wife labeled as your beloved. Since authentic love stories only happen in narrative and art, it's just a corollary that fictional characters (like Misaka) are safer and more legitimate objects of true love than 3Ds...

So, if anything of what I've said makes any sense to you -and you give it some credit- you'll understand that, if you really love her, you shouldn't let her go. Love really happens only in our heads; it is intellectual, so we must learn to either deal with it, or profit.

Post edited on 24th Jun 2011, 2:36am
>> No. 3402 [Edit]
File 130892081227.jpg - (46.11KB , 317x336 , 1265080504041.jpg )
Did you suggest 3D? Because I'm HOPING that I am just misreading your post.
>> No. 3403 [Edit]
I'm not that poster, but honestly, it's embarrassingly clear that he didn't propose what you imply. Cool your head down, open it up and read the lines properly, as well as what lies in-between them.
>> No. 3406 [Edit]
   ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
  と    )    | |
    Y /ノ    人
     / )    <  > Λ∩
   _/し' //. V`Д´)/
  (_フ彡        /  ←>>3402

   ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
  と    )    | |
    Y /ノ    人
     / )    <  > Λ∩
   _/し' //. V`Д´)/
  (_フ彡        /  ←>>3405

>> No. 3410 [Edit]
I won't lie. I have no fucking idea what the fuck is going on there
>> No. 3411 [Edit]
>Waifus are NOT a surrogate for 3D pigs.
Of course they're not... do I really write so badly?

OP has a problem: he loves his waifu but, very reasonably, he longs for some sort of physical contact with her; he feels the understandable need (wich I very well share) of the kind of retribution we would get from a 3D interaction, that is, to be able to feel his waifu or get some sort of tangible response from her. That's why I even started to talk about love among 3D/physical/real world: because that's the root of OP's problem; and what I tried to point out is that, if we are aiming for real love, courageously, he should realize that no real interaction can ever be had with any kind of beloved entity, so the closer he'll ever get to have a real love affair is actually with (the fictional character that is) his waifu and, hence, he shouldn't leave her...

TL;DR I do am a strong detractor of 3D love. I even called it a form of zoophilia in my post. Please, consider to hold your grudge at the very sight of the term "3D", at least long enough to detect when someone is actually on your side.


Post edited on 24th Jun 2011, 1:38pm
>> No. 3412 [Edit]
I think I get it a little better now. I don't want a 3D relation or love that girl.
I love Misaka Mikoto. It may be a little sad that I will never be with her, but that doesn't change the fact that I love her and I want her to be happy.
Thanks, I think things are a little more clear now.
>> No. 3415 [Edit]
>do I really write so badly?
Pretty much yeah
>> No. 3416 [Edit]
Oh, I see. Well I deeply apologize, I seem to have horribly misinterpreted it. It's just that the phrase "Playing your cards well, you may be able to hold a 3D in your arms" set me off and my reading comprehension suddenly failed me.

But back on topic (and now that I understand what he and you saying), I think know where OP (and you) are coming from. Sometimes while being dragged to a mall or something with my parents and I see people holding hands (especially like around Christmas time), I long for the ability to hold Hanako's hand and to have her walking alongside me as well. Even in bed as I hug my pillow it just feel too cold and unnatural and it would make me happy to have her there so we can fall asleep in eachother's arms. Maybe even hear her respond to me when I tell her that I love her. Even small things like hearing her welcome me home from work with a kiss, or hearing her respond to me when I say "good morning" or "good night", Even when I talk to her I would like to get some sort of feedback from her, if not in voice then at least in her expression.

I know it's stereotypical couples crap, but it's stereotypical couples crap that I would like to experience with the one I love.

He's saying "take it easy" in the form of ascii art.
>> No. 3436 [Edit]
>Of course they're not... do I really write so badly?
I understood just fine
>> No. 3452 [Edit]
I understand what you're getting at but I'm actually going to have to disagree. You say that this "pure love" between two people can't exist but I actually have some faith that it can. I believe that if my waifu were to become 3D in this world and she loved me as I loved her, there would be no reason why we couldn't share the type of fabled, authentic love that many of us long for.

I guess we could get into a more philosophical debate about it but like most things regarding 2D love, I think a lot of it comes down to subjective feelings. Personally, my problem with 3DPD is not the 3D, but the PD, or specifically, unattractive personalities and mannerisms. If my waifu were to become 3D she would be a little less attractive but I'd hardly call her pig disgusting. Just my opinion though, and I totally respect those who disagree.
>> No. 3455 [Edit]
File 130901718586.jpg - (79.25KB , 850x510 , 1308785735367.jpg )

The opposite of feeling jealous when your partner dates somebody else. Though a monogamous person would feel jealous seeing their partner kiss another person, a non-monogamous person could feel compersion, a sense of joy in seeing their partner happy with another person. But monogamous people can feel compersion, too, if we extend the definition out to mean any situation where you feel the opposite of jealous. If a friend wins an award you hoped to win, you can still feel compersion (though you might be a little jealous too).

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