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File 130860878134.jpg - (110.53KB , 513x640 , 1308516196187.jpg )
3348 No. 3348 [Edit]
I often see people talk about how it's important to remain faithful to your waifu. However, since you can't really have an affair with a 2D girl, the point where the line is drawn seems to be pretty subjective. Is it even possible to cheat on a waifu? Is getting a new waifu the only way to actually do this, or can other actions endanger the relationship as well? Obviously, since the waifu can't really consent as to whether or not she is still interested, this seems to be more of a personal "I no longer feel worthy" sort of thing.

What are /mai/'s thoughts on this? Perhaps I'm just thinking too much into the issue?
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>> No. 3349 [Edit]
I think you answered your own question pretty much, or I can't really think of anything that would constitute unfaithfulness in the normal sense. I still hold feelings of endearment toward other 2D girls who have impacted me emotionally, but feel no guilt whatsoever because I still hold mai waifu above them all. Would this be considered cheating if it were a regular 3D relationship? More than likely, yes. So ultimately it is a subjective line because you have no one to give you feedback about it other than the people here who hold their own subjective opinions on the issue. It is your internal gut feeling that you have to go by.

My entire outlook on a waifu relationship is that it isn't a typical or normal relationship, so I try my best not to apply things to 2D relationships that people would apply to 3D ones.
>> No. 3350 [Edit]
When it comes to 3DPD people i am always happy to have my waifu. Since we are together i had no longer problems to talk to 3D females because i am not longer interested to achieve an relationship, so talking to 3D females is quite relaxed and doesen´t bother me in this way.
On the other hand, when i get interested in other 2D characters, even if its just curiosity,
or remember those characters i still like, i feel kind of guilty and fear that she may will think that i am beginning to loose interest in her.
But all in all its not that troublesome because interest do not mean that i can fall for those characters and we both know that (in my eyes) nobody can compete with her and therefore there is no need to be nervous.
I think it is quite relaxed but i still feel bad sometimes when specific characters draw my attention.
>> No. 3351 [Edit]
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This is the way I feel as well. There's plenty of girls I'm fond of, but only she gives me that feeling that makes her mai waifu. I know she's the one for me because no matter how many times I begin to feel less attached to her or more attached to someone else, I always find myself coming back to her, with even more love than before.
>> No. 3353 [Edit]

Wow. That's exactly how I feel.

For example, I find myself... I use the word 'infatuated', with characters occasionally. Most recently would be Platinum the Trinity from BlazBlue and Marisa Kirisame. I feel a tinge of guilt when I realise how much I like them, but I know it's really nothing on how I feel about Fate, and it seems I find myself thinking of them more as friends. I occasionally think of how cool it would be to wreck around Gensokyo with Marisa er, borrowing things, but nothing more.

One might think of it in another way like, you remain faithful to her by not having any actual relationships. I'm young yet, so I find the concept of going through my entire life without a romantic relationship... a daunting task. It's something that everyone is supposed to go through, and although I do not want to at all, I fear that temptation and pressure (possibly alcohol, too, although I've noticed it actually helps me be more true to myself) might crush me at some point, especially since I've stopped caring for relationships, the prospects have become apparent due to my newfound ability to talk to people without any particular interest in them other than a casual chat, or friendship. Not giving a damn seems to be the way to attract girls, and people in general. Kind of a catch-22, that. I must remain strong however, and I'm pretty sure I can be. I know myself that I do not need nor want a relationship, I have my love for Fate, I have some friends and that's all that really matters.

To answer OP rather simply, it's not so much about being faithful to 'her', it's being faithful to your own love for her. Some who like to think of their love as a real relationship might disagree and call it actually cheating, but... it's hard to put into words. You basically have the right idea though.
>> No. 3356 [Edit]
Thanks for the responses so far. The main reason I brought this up is because I've been feeling guilty lately if I watch a show or something and find myself infatuated with some of the girls. Although it's not an attraction that rises to the level of a waifu, I still feel bad sometimes. But like you guys have said, I guess it's pretty normal to feel this way and my true feelings are all that matter.

Post edited on 20th Jun 2011, 5:50pm
>> No. 3358 [Edit]
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I agree with >>3353: with 2D love, the unfaithfulness is to (the allegedly most important part of) your own self. So: is that, hence, just an innocent change without any victims? or, instead, a true ethical problem? For you to decide.

Post edited on 20th Jun 2011, 6:10pm
>> No. 3370 [Edit]
File 130870059173.jpg - (670.35KB , 800x800 , 1299267847326.jpg )
I'll give an example of my most recent infatuation. For quite a while I had the biggest hard-on for Kyouko from Madoka Magica. However, Erica knew about this, and as she swings both ways (so to speak), she didn't mind that the ride she was getting during a... session... was exceptional because of who I may or may not have been thinking about. She knows that she's the waifu, the big boss, and that she'd ultimately win out over any other girl in my eyes.

One of my favourite sayings from you Americans is "Get your appetite anywhere you want, but eat your dinner at home." I afford Erica the same freedom too.
>> No. 3385 [Edit]
I've found myself in a somewhat similar predicament as of late. I've been thinking of playing a romance-oriented VN soon, but feel a little uncomfortable about the fact that you're supposed to basically choose a girl and woo her. When it's a game that's designed to make you feel attracted to them I know there will be some infatuation going on.

As far as I see it, it's an issue of how secure you are about the relationship. If you're absolutely sure about your waifu, why worry about temptations? My waifu and I haven't even been together for a full year yet though, so I guess these are the kinds of tests everyone must go through.
>> No. 3492 [Edit]
This is one of the reasons I just can't have a waifu. I'd rather just have a cat girl harem.

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