/mai/ - Waifu

Rabu rabu~

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File 130821657148.png - (23.39KB , 800x873 , My_Anime_FAmily.png )
3307 No. 3307 [Edit]
Ok, we have waifus. But what about other members of family? Don’t you think that some character would be a perfect friend for you? Or a cousin? Or…

So, there is a list. Add picture, write name and status (waifu, friend, aunt, etc). Feel free to add any character that you like to take from 2D world to your life. Nothing is obligatory: you may post 12, 3 or 24 characters. Please, post 2D parents only if you would like to replace your actual !

P.S. It’ll be better, if somebody alter the list and make more place between squares. I’m not good with graphic.
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>> No. 3308 [Edit]
I saw the pic and was gonna rage. But then I looked closer and it said 'My Anime Family and Friends'.

Everything went better than expected
>> No. 3311 [Edit]
I thought I was the only one who did this. I have image folders dedicated to each friend.
>> No. 3314 [Edit]
File 130825019051.png - (423.64KB , 800x650 , animefriends.png )
ok i did it
>> No. 3333 [Edit]
File 130834913486.jpg - (399.33KB , 800x652 , 130821657148.jpg )
That was fun.
>> No. 3501 [Edit]
File 130921814317.jpg - (205.00KB , 800x682 , Friends.jpg )
All my friends are either schoolgirls or perverts.
>> No. 3508 [Edit]
File 130923020575.png - (666.17KB , 789x856 , anime-friends.png )
I went with bros, and once I finished I realized there are still worthy bros to add. Maes Hughes for example. The dad from FLCL. madarame from genshiken(and everyone else from that show) And probably a few from the big three, but I'll fix it another day.

It hurts to remove people from the image, so I'll have to add more squares.

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