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File 13075188678.jpg - (122.20KB , 1366x768 , Misaki hair flip.jpg )
3191 No. 3191 [Edit]
Has there ever been another girl that reminded you a LOT of your waifu?

Recently I've been thinking a lot about Misaki from Softenni. I don't love her, but it's interesting how similar she is to Tenshi, from her looks to her personality.
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>> No. 3192 [Edit]
File 130751930784.png - (304.40KB , 550x750 , 99f8a27ec86f0478cad848d92d3ecb124afb6de1.png )
Yeah, well sort of.. not really.. okay, just a little..

makes the show pretty nice to watch... I donno...
>> No. 3193 [Edit]
Not even close, personality-wise. However, the number of blonde-twintailed red-eyed black-clothed characters (no accusations made, but they all date post Fall 2004 as far as I know) is shocking, from generic eroges to the popular Konjiki no Yami of To-Love-Ru. I have a habit of scanning things really quickly so when I'm just looking around the boorus or elsewhere I see a flash of yellow, red and black and I pause only to see it's not her, which gets annoying sometimes.

Other than that, no-one really reminds me of her.
>> No. 3194 [Edit]
File 130752578983.jpg - (40.75KB , 300x426 , MaisonIkkokuwideban-vol1.jpg )
The majority of my waifu's backstory is basically a giant homage/expy of Maison Ikoku. She herself is based on Kyoko, albeit less innocent-seeming...and with superpowers. Everything's better with superpowers.

See, you'd think that I would fall in love with Kyoko first, but it just didn't happen. I think it's actually really weird, myself. What makes her so different? She's basically the same character.

It's my favorite Rumiko Takahashi series for sure.

Also, Yuko from xxxHOLiC reminds me of her as well. Same VA, but it's just that some personality aspects echo how Miya would act.
>> No. 3195 [Edit]
Not much really, though bits of Nagi and Tooru in A Channel remind me of her.

She looks a LOT like mine though.
>> No. 3196 [Edit]
File 130755066851.png - (845.52KB , 490x688 , d124345926f4e435cfd0150514c503bf.png )
Different looks, same attitude. They're in vaguely similar circumstances too, so making the connection is only natural.
>> No. 3198 [Edit]
Kobayakawa Rinko from Love Plus.
>> No. 3201 [Edit]
File 130756038496.jpg - (28.78KB , 500x375 , kanon-13572.jpg )
Shiori Misaka from Kanon. Nagisa is the further development of Shiori's character. Cuteness, innocence and inner strength.
Though there are some differences - Nagisa is more childlike - and more optimistic.
Here is a short comparison
>> No. 3562 [Edit]
File 130959322538.png - (154.37KB , 310x314 , d7f24cdd263efe2cf209709d37aecd37.png )
She reminded me of her when i first saw her, but no other character has reminded me since.

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