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File 130730678229.jpg - (459.41KB , 1036x1026 , cb4ad71bb66957b36b4b7e0ac3882797.jpg )
3162 No. 3162 [Edit]
Hi /mai/. A 'single' guy here with a question to all of you.

From what I noticed people tend to fall in love with 2D characters relatively shortly after they were first exposed to the media said character comes from (obviously anime/manga in most cases). I obviously can't give you any exact numbers but if you asked me about an estimate I'd say that on average it's a character from one of 20 first series someone read/watched.

So, in how many cases is it not true? I'm particularly interested how many cases are there where someone was immune to charm of 2D (despite being constantly exposed to it) for a long period of time (at least more than a year) and then finally fell in love.
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>> No. 3163 [Edit]
File 130730818014.jpg - (34.94KB , 512x384 , Kanako 159.jpg )
Well Love Hina was one of the first Anime i´ve watched but i fell in Love with Kanako some years after that.
I hope she forgives me for the long time i needed to realise how perfect she is.
>> No. 3164 [Edit]

Interesting. Do you perhaps feel like you always had feelings for her but it took you a while to realize it? Or did you suddenly notice her in a different way for some reason? Why did it happen in the first place? Did you rewatch/reread the series, saw some fanart, perhaps even read a doujin? And - most importantly - did you keep watching anime/reading manga after watching Love Hina or did you have a break from those media? If you were constantly exposed to them can you estimate how long did it take for these feelings to develop (both in time and in an estimate of how many other series you've seen/read)?

Sorry to be intrusive, I'm just curious.
>> No. 3166 [Edit]
File 130730943154.png - (587.37KB , 700x980 , e517d5edf4a5e3fe16453017db56135f.png )
I have been watching anime since I was around 7. Your claim that people immediately fall in love after discovering their media is ludicrous.

More on the current topic though, I was not introduced to Touhou until I was 17. It was not until I turned 20 that I fell in love.
>> No. 3169 [Edit]

>Your claim that people immediately fall in love after discovering their media is ludicrous.

I never said 'immeadiately', though.

And sorry but from what I've seen it's true. I only 'studied' some 20 cases but I've seen this pattern too many times not to wonder about it.

I'm not trying to 'discredit' anyone here, nor do I want to try to claim their love isn't real or is in some way worse than that of people like you (where it took a lot of time). In some cases it's even more admirable as they stayed faithful to the same girl for so many years. No need to feel offended, really. It's just curiosity on my side.
>> No. 3170 [Edit]
File 130731149798.jpg - (104.87KB , 263x455 , Sakakiportrait.jpg )
Kids don't fall in love at age 7 anyway. Generally it happens around age 13, which is when I developed a crush on Sakaki. Just because she wasn't really mai waifu doesn't mean I didn't hold some affection toward her.
>> No. 3171 [Edit]
I knew where she was from for over 2 years but I didn't actually start "paying attention" to her until about that 2 year mark. The time there that I spent being interested in her specifically until I admitted I loved her was around 5 or 6 months, I think.
>> No. 3172 [Edit]

She catched my attention from the very beginning but back then it wasn´t love, i watched a lot of anime after that and my attention drifted to other interesting characters. After some years i started to think about the characters i liked in the series that i´ve watched and then my attention came back to her. Then i realised that she was always the person i´ve been looking for, both in the 2D and the 3D world, i remembered the things i knew about her and started to collect as much information as possible about her.
I´ve gone a long way to realise it was always her, but i am glad that it realised it after all.
I am still watching anime and reading manga, and still certain characters catch my interest but not one of them can compete with her.
>> No. 3173 [Edit]
I'd been watching anime for some two or three years before finding Satsuki.

On the other hand, Tsukihime was only my second Visual Novel. So maybe I do fit into this claim rather well.

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