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308 No. 308 [Edit]
Do you think you would have a waifu if real women had the personalities of anime girls? How important is appearance for you? Did social incompetence influence your choice to have a waifu or is it completely the fault of real women?
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>> No. 309 [Edit]
>if real women had the personalities of anime girls

what of an amazing question you've just came with; because that's quite the reason i don't even try relating with women anymore: they can't possibly be like anime heroines/girls (and, IMHO, it's also unffair from us to demand for it), so it's useless to even try with them. but if the world became such as that was the case... well, it'd be so much of a different world that i can even start properly picturing myself on it. what i know for sure, is that i'll end up with this hiki thing already, go out and take my chances once again; altough i'll most probably fail anyway, given my dispicable nature, ending either as some shinji or (in the worst case) makoto poor inverse-doppelgänger.
>> No. 310 [Edit]
Well, in theory, yes.

If you could make a 3d girl be genuinely interested in me, forever. Also, she'd have to be happy and so on and so forth.
>> No. 311 [Edit]
>Do you think you would have a waifu if real women had the personalities of anime girls?
This is an interesting question. In theory it could work, but given the inherent nature of 3D in general, they can never possibly have the personalities of anime or other 2D girls. It just can't happen.

>How important is appearance for you?
It is beneficial, but not that important.

>Did social incompetence influence your choice to have a waifu or is it completely the fault of real women?
I think it's completely the fault of real women. Any man can get a 3D pig, but it's because many are dissatisfied with 3D pigs that they choose to prefer waifus over 3D pigs. Social incompetence could be a factor, but it's still the lack of appeal that 3D women have in general.
>> No. 312 [Edit]
I'll never understand the 'japanese bird (verb)(noun)' meme...

And no op, part of the appeal of a waifu is she has something special about her that attracts you to her, there's also the whole lack of needing to spend money on her (besides buying figs and such if you desire), toiling your day away to pay more bills and such because of her.

Plus, sadly, odds are that if half of us here found a girl with our waifu's personality, she'd either be ugly, fat, or undesirable in some way.
>> No. 313 [Edit]
The majority of 3D women are nowhere near as attractive as 2D. Add in having an anime girl personality on top of that and you have something impossible
>> No. 316 [Edit]
>Do you think you would have a waifu if real women had the personalities of anime girls?

I'm 99% positive I wouldn't. Forming any kind of relationship (even friendship) with other people is generally pain in the ass as there are always some kind of obligations you bind yourself to through them. One one hand I'm and on the other I'm too considerate to form such relationships anyway and just be a 'social leech'.

At this point I don't even have awaifu for pretty much the same reason. Well, that's part of it, while the other part is what Necrosage described in his thread - the feeling faded away and I don't want to get involved in something like that again (poeple should learn from their mistakes).
>> No. 317 [Edit]
if I fould a 3D that resembled hanako's personality, sure, I wouldn't push her away. though finding a shy, gentle and caring girl these days among the hordes of bitches and whores is nearly impossible.
>> No. 318 [Edit]
>Do you think you would have a waifu if real women had the personalities of anime girls?

>How important is appearance for you?
Not at all

>Did social incompetence influence your choice to have a waifu or is it completely the fault of real women?
It was actually my choice, I could have had a few girls a couple times but, I chose to remain a virgin.

...Now what exactly is an anime girl personality? What are some common traits?
>> No. 322 [Edit]
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>an anime girl personality
I think he means that cheerful, carefree attitude most of them possess. What I wish I could. ;_;
>> No. 324 [Edit]
It's hard to say. I love mai waifu not because she's a perfect moeblob, but because she's just like me, faults included (it doesn't hurt that she's also beautiful). Personality is the biggest reason I don't have a girlfriend; I wouldn't have much trouble getting one, as girls in middle school even asked me out. The problem is I still have yet to find a real girl that has a likable personality, and rarely, if I find one that does, they're physically unattractive.
>> No. 327 [Edit]
>girls... asked me out
are you, by any chance, the brohono who looked like cobain?
>> No. 328 [Edit]
Perhaps it would make them more tolerable to be around, but 3D pigs are always 3D.
>> No. 329 [Edit]
This is a good thread that should be on /mai/.
>> No. 330 [Edit]

Not the guy whom you asked but I think that's not that big of a deal, happened to me a few times, too. People usually want to have what they cannot have and so some women go after men who treat them like shit and after 'mysterious loners'. The girls who asked me out knew next to nothing about me (well, that's why it happened in the first place I guess).
>> No. 331 [Edit]
The appeal of it is is that it something I can internalize.
It fulfills my psychological needs for female companionship without having to actually deal with people.
>> No. 333 [Edit]
>Do you think you would have a waifu if real women had the personalities of anime girls?

Really intriguing question, but yes.

>How important is appearance for you?

Not that important, but I would be lying if I said I didn't care at all.

>Did social incompetence influence your choice to have a waifu or is it completely the fault of real women?

I wouldn't say it was brought about by either.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
Are you me?
>> No. 341 [Edit]
Same for me. I think they just liked me because I'm tall and have nice hair; we were complete opposites personality-wise.
i dunno lol
>> No. 342 [Edit]
Good question.
how disgusting women are was a very big factor for my turning to 2D.
Sure, as it is I find the very sight of 3D women very unpleasant and often times down right disgusting, but this might not have become the case if I was raised in a better environment and didn't lock myself away.
yes, why I have a waifu is because of how completely disgusting and revolting 3D women are in personality and because she's what I find to be the perfect girl, but if there were already nice girls out there, now thats something to think about..
I've always been uninterested in being around people, and liked being alone.
I really have to wonder if I would have been pushed away from society nearly as much or at all if women weren't all bitches and whores.
Thats the real deciding factor there, how I'd grow and evolve around them.
If normal outside life wasn't as disgusting to me as it is now, I almost want to say I might not have gotten half as much into anime and thins life, but even when I was a normal kid, I would still rather stay in my room and play video games or with my toys, and didn't much like going outside, so I don't things would have changed that much, even before I developed a disgust for 3D, before getting into anime, I still found myself on the path, i'd ignore friends so as to stay at home alone in front of my tv.
Now if women were to all magically turn into decent people over night.
I probably wouldn't change my lifestyle, I've become far to entrenched in this way of living and thinking, my mind had already been warped to the point of no return I believe.
At this point, simpley can not find 3DPD atractive, and that's not something I could easily change.
Perhaps if I banned myself from computers and all forms of 2D, and forced myself to join society, after a dozen years I might accept 3D or would more likely go insane and kill myself.
There's just no going back for me now.
>> No. 344 [Edit]
>Do you think you would have a waifu if real women had the personalities of anime girls?

You know, I'm not even sure how to answer that. Let me explain why: I'm so introverted it's hard for me to even be functionally aware of my surroundings. When I write with pen I end up getting it all over myself because I don't even know what's going on with it when I'm not implicitly directing it. I've tried getting a driver's license at the behest of my parents but I'm so bad at driving I've almost killed the testers about twice and failed another 3 times because I simply cannot keep myself aware of the surroundings. I lose things that are in my hand or pockets on a daily basis. I forget what I'm wearing, I don't mean this in the funny occasional way either. I forget where I am constantly. When I talk to people I'm almost completely unaware of their face or even body. I try to maintain eye contact sometimes because I know that's socially appropriate but the weird part is it's like I'm not even looking at them despite the fact they're in my center field of vision, It's impossible to explain this sensation.

I'm sure you're getting a pretty accurate portrait of just how introverted I am at this point. Basically it comes down to this I guess: even if real women were perfect or superior to 2D, I wouldn't notice them. It's just beyond my ability. I've never once been attracted to another real person. In High School I couldn't even notice the Girls.
>> No. 350 [Edit]
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A very interesting and thought-provoking question, op.

Having met Osaka and becoming her husbando, I felt that "real" girls would never compare. Let's say that if I did not have a waifu, and if "real" women were just like anime girls, I likely would go with a "real" woman. But since they are not like anime girls, my 2d waifu Osaka is the only one for me.

Appearance is not really important to me. I attempt to judge based on personality and how they act and such. I still like seeing what I consider a good/pretty/cute appearance, but I prefer to base a relationship on inner traits. Osaka's appearance and personality are very cute and beautiful to me. I love her all around.

My social incompetence was pivotal in my choice to have a waifu instead of a "real" girl. I have aspergers, am arguably geeky, and am socially awkward. I also am a ginger. Needless to say, I was never the smooth-talker or girl-getter. Then again, I never actively sought a romantic relationship with a real girl. This was also because of the general attitude of women against socially dull guys like me. Upon learning of the whole waifu subculture, I searched for "that girl" and eventually found Osaka. I always read and was told that Mrs. Right was out there somewhere. Never thought I'd find her in the pages and episodes of Azumanga Daioh.
>> No. 351 [Edit]
That's really hard for me to think about. I don't really get attracted to 3D women. I mean, I've never really taken 3DPD to heart, it's always been a joke to me with some underlying truth behind it, but not enough to literally be disgusted by most of them.

However, I've really been attracted to any. I do focus on personality more than looks, and there aren't any real women that have the personality I'm looking for. Therefore, I can't really tell.

I'm not disgusted with them, but I've never found anyone I like, nor any reason to be with them even if I did like them.

Looks aren't an important factor to me, but I do kind of hate the way real human faces are structured. They just seem unappealing to me, really.
>> No. 369 [Edit]
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It could be more complicated than a fetish for the "mysterious artsy boy", but I think I know what you mean...

I, for once, ages ago, was the (let's say) "obsession" of a certain 3D; tough I can tell now the thing she was really obsessed with, was (finding someone supposedly "good" and "special" alright, but more than anything) HAVING A BABY; you know: not really raising a children, but just "having a baby"... maybe as someone/something to love and who wouldn't treat her like shit (she has been abused), but that's just psycho bullshit and what the fuck do I know? She just was like that; and we were quite opposites; so while I saw her as my ticket to an unknown "exciting" world, she very probably saw me as a lifesaver to clung from its shit...

TL;DR Whatever the hell that is, some 3Ds might very well like "our kind"; but they must be so fucked up to do so in the first place, that relating with them can be (to say it straight) very dangerous (and I mean for both). So, unless the entire fucking universe changes (like in OP's hypothesis), better stick with your waifu (at least I don't want to regreat -even- more crap).
>> No. 402 [Edit]
Honestly, probably 35% of the reason I choose mai waifu over 3DPD whores is appearance. I fucking hate how 3D women look. Their ugly faces kill me, they look like pig creatures. Their nose is always too large and distracting, the amount of make up they wear to hide their pig disgustingness is disgusting itself, their faces are never truly symmetrical, honestly, their appearance is like the cherry on the shit sundae here. I find it rather shocking anyone can even half tolerate their bullshit.

So to answer your question, no. Even if all 3DPDs acted like anime women, I would still prefer anime women.
>> No. 403 [Edit]
I hope you aren't too serious because there ARE beautiful women out there with symmetrical faces, no make-up and all that jazz, even if they are bitches and whores. I think it's more womanhood, bitchiness and feminism that I despise rather than the woman figure (if that were the case I might hate my waifu as well). Of course there women out there that are downright disgusting and make me want to vomit.
>> No. 405 [Edit]
Not that guy, but I agree. Almost all the women my age around where I live dress and act in a way that is completely unappealing to me. But if they changed all that for the better, some of them would probably be attractive. Too bad that's never going to happen. Sometimes a few family members ask me if I have a girlfriend, and if I tell them I don't like women or I'm just not interested they'll think I'm gay, and that would be a real shitstorm.
>> No. 3106 [Edit]
The more you think about them, the more human beings seem flawed (physically). That's okay, though - So am I, and so are you. I just think that 3D's are...boring, in terms of appearance. Some that seem beautiful at first are actually quite ugly when you really look at them.

Personality, is a big factor in my "3D < 2D" mindset, I will admit. It's just that some real women are simply ugly dolls.
>> No. 3108 [Edit]
I can't relate to 3D women at all, yet I do not hate them. I don't think they all look disgusting, and I am convinced that there are some good ones out there. I guess I am a hopeless romantic. I find it very unlikely that I will ever meet such a woman though.

My social incompetence has been an influence. It isn't 3D women's fault that I am socially retarded. That said, I have always loved 2D characters even as a young child. I really have had crushes on 2D women as far back as I can remember.

My waifu is the most amazing woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. So sweet, strong (both physically and emotionally), capable, beautiful, and just precious. No one could be her equal.

I still am not adverse to making friends; it is just that I don't seem able to do so.
>> No. 3130 [Edit]
It's my social incompetence and general dislike of women and 3D in general. The sight of most 3D just disgust me. If they acted like anime girls it'd just be weird; unless they acted that way before time and they stayed like that; which is impossible.
>> No. 3131 [Edit]

You are me.
>> No. 3133 [Edit]
I think real women could look better, but since many if not all of us have no interest in what most people consider attractive, both in terms of physical appearance and attitude, we find them disgusting. At least that's how I feel when I go outside and see them, they try their hardest to look like and act like sluts, and my shrink still wonders why I'm not interested in them. If I told him my real preferences he might take it the wrong way, and I might get in some serious trouble.

Anyway, to the OP: it's possible. But since it's not the case, the question is moot.
>> No. 3137 [Edit]
No I am too shy, manipulatable and afraid to ever approach a 3D no matter what her personality would be.

Regardless, she would take advantage of me, I would say something wrong, or she would have some sort of problem with me, overreact, and hate me for it. Hearts broken. Enemies made. She'd then try to find every person I associated with (a small number mind you) and spread awful, awful untrue information about me until I was thought of as a pervert and a dead-ender, making irreparable damage to my social life, social skills, and driving me into my room, only associating with three people outside my family, never looking for a job for fear of rejection, muckrakers, and asshole bosses and managers and being forced to work with others who look or act like her putting me into a hyperventalating PTSD attack like what happens whenever I smell her perfume at the store or pass a girl looking like her and making me burn with pure white hot rage to the point where I just want to stab some tires and making me wonder why I even gave that opportunity a chance, as I fall apart and cry in the corner of the mall parking garage hugging my iPod lockscreen, the most understanding figure in my life at the moment, and blacking out for twenty minutes of pure ecstasy, existing devoid of the outside influences and distractions, a live lived not where my body lies, at the bottom of a parking garage stair bank, but in a place better than on this earth. Without pain, without that past in my memory faltering, but in that place where I can exist with acceptance.

Don't ever give in to your urges, this is the best advice I can give with what I have endured. Nothing of that is worth it. Don't lose your love for her. Don't accept the fascist norms of femininity and womens' iron control by means of sexual deprivation. She is strongly in your heart, and this love you feel is as pure as love has ever been. [spoiler]Remember: Curiosity only made the cat an emotional wreck who had the most gruesome murderous thoughts upon smelling a mall chain store's perfume and feeling worthless to himself.[/spoiler]

My preference in love is not in this world. I like living, and eating, and pursuing hobbies here, even making a couple good friends, but not love. It's not the 3D's fault here (well, except one), it's not a fault of anyone or anything. It's just preference, so it should be respected.
>> No. 3139 [Edit]

Amazing post.
>> No. 3141 [Edit]
At OP, yes I would.

Appearances don't matter that much to me.
>> No. 3143 [Edit]

That was powerful.
>> No. 3174 [Edit]
>Do you think you would have a waifu if real women had the personalities of anime girls? How important is appearance for you?

Possibly. Unlike most people here, the PD in 3DPD for me is mostly the personality, although I will cede that 2D girls on average look much better. But because I've never had a girlfriend and probably won't have one anytime soon, it kind of feels like a moot point.

>Did social incompetence influence your choice to have a waifu or is it completely the fault of real women?

Mixed. On one hand, I fell in love spontaneously with my waifu without any prior plans on falling in love with a 2D girl. But on the other hand, even if I found a 3D girl as amazing as her I probably wouldn't have the balls to talk to her anyway.

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