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File 130712527812.jpg - (245.99KB , 466x723 , 01cea0159547f283102e64ad7d1ace09.jpg )
3070 No. 3070 [Edit]
Hello /mai/
I've got a huge problem regarding my waifu. I've had my current waifu for over half a year now, and somehow I can feel I'm losing interest. I just don't get so emotional over her pictures anymore, nor I can't feel anything really. She's been there to support me in the hard times and now I feel very stupid that I've lost interest. Is there any way to help it? I'm in despair.
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>> No. 3073 [Edit]
It happens. That happened with me before and like I posted in other threads like this; my love for her just became stronger with every ordeal. I've been attracted to other 2D also, but none made me feel the way I feel with my waifu. Like other people say, the relationship doesn't always need to be lovey-dovey at all times, it doesn't need to be exciting. You can choose another but if guilt is holding you back then I can safely assume you still are interested; if not totally infatuated.
>> No. 3077 [Edit]
File 130712633465.jpg - (204.30KB , 600x600 , 1294455428942.jpg )
Yes, I am sometimes attracted to others too. The problem is dealing with the issue and reigniting the love. Thanks for sharing though.
>> No. 3078 [Edit]
Might wanna look into >>254

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