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File 130704426912.jpg - (840.79KB , 3504x2480 , image_name1.jpg )
3034 No. 3034 [Edit]
This diagram represents combination of different factors that leads to emergency of waifu phenomenon
It is based both on my own experience and different /mai/ and /so/ posts.

------- means "Hypothesis"
_._._._ means "Sometimes it can be true"

Line of grey dotes divide "positive" and "negative" parts (I saw them after I'd created the whole scheme)

Though I can read very well, it's usualy hard for me to express my thoughts in English. Also I'm

not very talkative online. So I'm an ideal lurker.
But I have many ideas to share with you, brohnos. I've suppose that form of schemes, tables, etc would be most suitable.
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>> No. 3035 [Edit]
I wish I could reply to your post, but I need to go out and buy 3 extra monitors so I can see your image
>> No. 3036 [Edit]
File 130704450373.png - (113.26KB , 1000x757 , Clipboard01.png )
>> No. 3037 [Edit]
That... looks about right, I think.
>> No. 3039 [Edit]
>Urge to create an imaginary friend

I sincerely hope this is not the case for anyone around these parts.
>> No. 3041 [Edit]
Interesting, though the chart is a little difficult to understand. Are we supposed to be charting our own personal paths on this? If so, for me it went like:

introversion, social anxiety, etc -> no girlfriend -> unfulfilled urge to protect and nurture -> moe feeling while watching certain characters -> ideal anime girl -> waifu
>> No. 3043 [Edit]
I guess it started with introversion and social anxiety that lead to watching anime

But after that, I don't really see my example. But for the sake of argument, lets say I went through the "unfulfilled desire to protect and nurture"

Still, it's not quite right
>> No. 3046 [Edit]
Wait so where does the chart begin?
>> No. 3998 [Edit]
Bumping the Russian's unnecessarily huge diagram. I would like to see what the most common reasons that lead to having a waifu were as well. For science!
>> No. 4001 [Edit]

...are you saying a waifu is something other than an imaginary friend?
>> No. 4002 [Edit]

imaginary friend

Lets take a look at this name/phrase.

first we have 'imaginary'
This implies one has a imagination, and has crated something from their imagination.
with the exception of the "original waifu, do not steal" waifus are created by other's, not one's self, their personality behavior appearance and so forth is already there, not created in one's head (although many do expand on this, like modding a game.)

Second word 'friend'
let me start by saying, "waifu" is derived from the word "wife" and I'm sure you know that a wife and a friend are not the same thing at all.
a friend is a buddy, a chum, someone you talk with hang out with and go out to have fun with, but not a lover, and that is what a waifu is.
Sure, there's no reason why someone can't be friendly with their significant other, but boy, friends that kiss are no friends let me tell you.
Well, let me just say, a waifu is a lot more then a friend to the people around here.
>> No. 4003 [Edit]

Regardless of whether your waifu was designed by you or by someone else, she is imaginary by definition.

I would argue that the word "friend" in the phrase "imaginary friend" can be construed loosely enough to encompass the idea of a waifu. No matter how you slice it, we're talking about a fictional person that only exists in your fantasies, for the purpose of love or companionship.

And at any rate, even if a waifu and an imaginary friend are two totally different things, I would still like to know why >>3039 is so incredulous about the concept that desiring one could lead to embracing the other.
>> No. 4005 [Edit]
You can't tell me you've never heard someone say their spouse is their best friend.
>> No. 4020 [Edit]
File 131159477069.png - (285.82KB , 3504x2480 , 130704426912.png )
I decided to edit the picture to show on how I love my waifu.

(The one with the red path shows my reasons and the percentage on the picture is how true it is)

I did that for random reasons so don't ask.
>> No. 4022 [Edit]
>Meeting girl,
>Corresponding with ideal of women in anime

What do you mean with this?
3D women can't be waifus.
>> No. 4026 [Edit]
He's talking about meeting an anime girl that fits your concept of an ideal woman.

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