Rabu rabu~

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File 129112511359.jpg - (8.50KB , 148x150 , kagami_sick3.jpg )
303 No. 303 [Edit]
So when I woke up this morning I found that I have become sick as this tends happens often when you tend to eat fairly poorly and don’t get any fresh air. Plus a virus has been in full cycle for the past few months in my residence now that we have more people living in my house. Now you may ask me why this has relevance but I simply must say that I love being sick just because of having a waifu.

For some unknown reason her character album came up on my playlist just as I awoke with my symptoms which is a sore throat and a pounding headache. Usually I don’t think of her voice actors’ songs much other than a cheap smile or a snicker here and there. But today was different, I managed to drift off into dream land and somehow I’m already blessed with having dreaming about Kagami quite often. In this dream she was there for me doing the stereotypical of taking my temperature while placing a facecloth on my forehead. As this dream progressed I talked to her, complained like the whiney little bitch I am and laid there as I drifted off to sleep again by the lullaby of her voice. It was pretty much heaven it was one of those events to where having a waifu is really worth it and it shakes you down to your core. While I was sadly awoken again still feeling like complete crap, my mood is a bit more optimistic now. I really do love having a waifu and its made these past years of my life much more bearable.

Keep loving your waifus as even if not physically they can still take care of you~
>> No. 304 [Edit]
Heartwarming story man. Kinda funny too, sounds so much like something that really happens in anime.
I've been there too, not by being sick but through other means though never in such a realistic way. Sounds like a super lucid dream, a beautiful dream.
A waifu can really make everything better. Mine makes me feel better and gives me strength to face the world, makes me a better person and the world a better place.

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