No. 3054
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The only person fully aware of it is my youngest sister, however the rest of my family has more or less connected the dots. However, aside from my youngest sister, they have no idea who exactly Miku is, aside from the obvious "some anime character that he has a thing for". My parents and my oldest sister refer to my figures as "Miku dolls", which I find amusing but slightly annoying at the same time. They never really talk to me about it, let alone say anything negative about it, however my mother once said something around the lines of "I know you're old enough to live your own life and make your own decisions, but don't you think you're taking this too far" after she found the cake that I bought for Miku's birthday last year in the fridge and asked me about it. I stayed silent. She then jokingly offered to give me some candles.
Outside my family, I've told no one about it. It would only draw unwanted, unneeded and unessessary attention to myself if I told anyone. Besides, I hardly talk to anyone beyond the occasional smalltalk. However, a couple of my coworkers at my previous job did ask me about her after they saw her picture on my phone. Again, I stayed silent, because considering how nightmarish things can get with normals online when waifus are brought up, I can only imagine that it would be worse in real life.