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3003 No. 3003 [Edit]
What are some boundaries that you share with other people about waifu?

Is it the secret kind of boundary where you hide every possible trace of it?-- if so, how do you deal when (somehow) the topic of your waifu gets brought up in a conversation? (and what if it was a bad one)

Is it the kind where they know you have a waifu but leave you alone anyways?-- if so, how do you deal with the possibility of people knowing that you have a waifu and using it against you? I for one would be even be enraged at the fact that someone mentioned my waifu even with the most purest intent.

Is it the kind of boundary where people know you have a waifu and understand it? -- I've never seen this happen. How does it feel?

I'm asking because I have a group of friends that know of my waifu. They know of her and I'm not sure they know how much I love her and how sensitive I am when it comes to the topic of her. I want to tell them to really just keep it quiet and or don't mention her at all but it seems rude.

Just some thoughts /mai/, feel free to put any input or critique or whatever. Thanks as always.
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>> No. 3004 [Edit]
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The only people who know about mai waifu are on the internet; on this site, specifically. If I were ever in a situation where someone did know, and were speaking ill of her, I probably wouldn't do anything because I'm a coward. Though I suppose I'd never know until it actually happened, which I don't intend to ever make a reality anyway.
>> No. 3005 [Edit]
Same. The people I know don't even know anything about anime or VNs or any of that, though, so it's not even an issue. If I told them about my waifu I'd have to give them a set-up explanation that would probably take a while for them to begin to understand even.

I feel like I should tell my psychologist at least, but that would involve a whole long explanation too, so I'm not even bothering. He sort of halfway gets that I'm not interested in women, but he seems to think it's because I'm depressed and I can get over it somehow.
>> No. 3006 [Edit]
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I make it pretty freaking obvious. No one (besides my brother) has brought it up, but I'd be surprised if they haven't connected the dots by now.

No one I know in real life would talk about Tenshi because no one knows who she is, but even online I don't care what people say about her, good or bad. As I've said before, I certainly don't like when people say mean things about mai waifu, but it's their opinion, and I can't change that.
>> No. 3008 [Edit]
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My family knows I am only attracted to 2d and little girls. They berate me for both, whenever it comes up. Pretty mean shit too.

It's all good in the hood, though, as I have a pretty thick skin. Their remarks only bother me a little bit at this point. I've tried explaining my interest to them, but they are so old-school that it falls on deaf ears. Even my brother, who watches anime and reads manga constantly just doesn't understand.

I suppose the only person who I can talk to about it is my single, lone friend. He doesn't truly understand the concept of a waifu, but he won't flip me any shit about it whenever I hesitantly bring the topic up. He'll make fun of me for it, certainly, but isn't that what bros do?

I can't understand how you people get pissed off when people talk about your waifu. She isn't some sort of precious commodity dedicated solely to you. Maybe if they were specifically slinging insults at her directly to draw your ire, but getting angry whenever people mention even good things about her? Come on guy, stop being autistic.
>> No. 3009 [Edit]
To my parents, I probably seem like a black hole. I stay in my room without a peep and only come out to bring food back into my room and go to uni. I guess its sad thinking about it from their perspective, to see that their son has grown so distant. But if they knew about who I really was, that'd be even worse!
>> No. 3010 [Edit]
I have posters of mai waifu, avatars, forum signitures, wallet photos, phone themes and lots of other stuff, people online and irl joined the dots.
My friends learnt about her and I occasionally get asked about her, people use to talk bad about her and I stood up to them. Now I think everyone who knows me knows I love her, not sure they know how much though.
My parents obviously don't like her but have never talked directly about her, I suppose that is the only boundary.
>> No. 3011 [Edit]
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>forum signitures
>> No. 3012 [Edit]
I know absolutely all of those feels. Trust me when I say you never want your parents to find out what you are really like. I love and respect my mother, so I thought it would be okay if I shared some of my feelings/thoughts/whatever with her; try and bridge the frosty gap we used to have, and become a little closer, ya know.

Nope. Nope nope nope. Terrible idea. Normal people just cannot understand or accept people like us. It's pretty sad when the people who should love you most tell you to go die, or say you should move far, far away from them if you wish to "fuck little kids." I can't even defend myself and say I would never do that, because to them, liking lolis is abhorrent, and unnatural.
>> No. 3013 [Edit]
It was just a small forum I used it on where nearly all of the small userbase had one, mine just had my gaming team, name and waifu on it.
>> No. 3014 [Edit]
>Same. The people I know don't even know anything about anime or VNs or any of that, though, so it's not even an issue. If I told them about my waifu I'd have to give them a set-up explanation that would probably take a while for them to begin to understand even.

It's basically this. Nobody I know (Offline) has a legit interest in anime and related stuff, and probably wouldn't understand the concept even if I explained it.

When it comes up online, ehh... People online can be as hard (or harder) to deal with as people offline, because they can hide behind their screens to troll and fling insults and what-have-you. I tend to take other people discussing her less seriously unless the discussion itself is serious.
>> No. 3015 [Edit]
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Offline, nobody even knows I like K-ON, let alone that I'm in love with a character from it.

I have a few online friends who know that I like K-ON and that Mio is my favorite character but that's about as far as things go. Considering that I went awhile without even telling them I liked K-ON I tend to keep a low profile on these kinds of things.

I do worry that things will become more obvious in the future. I just bought my very first anime figure, and of course it's of her. I have several wallpapers of her in my wallpaper folder and her character albums on my iPod. I'm a pretty private person but if someone cared enough (which I doubt anyone does) they might be able to connect the dots.
>> No. 3016 [Edit]
A few of my friends know about how much I love Awaki, and that she is my waifu. A couple of them are assholes about it, the other two of my friends that know don't really care.
>> No. 3017 [Edit]
No one knows about my waifu, though I don't think I would care too much if we were found out. I don't keep figures of her because I have no money, and I just keep my images in an inconspicuous folder (never save lewds) and my wallpaper of her would suggest I'm a fan of the character/show at most. As far as my dad is concerned, I'm just a regular anime/game/computer geek.

As long as I'm not out doing drugs or anything to jeopardize my future, he probably wouldn't flip out about too much if he knew the full extent of my otaku'dom, he is extremely conservative, but he's surprised me before and I honestly have no idea how he'll react to certain things anymore. Even if he does act irrationally, I've only about a year before I can hopefully start living on my own.
>> No. 3018 [Edit]
This. This is what I was always afraid of, and this is why I never dropped a hint about what I was really like. I've heard my mother, who's generally fairly open-minded, make comments that make me think she'd disavow me forever if she found out what was on my hard drive, regardless of the fact that it's 2D. And God knows what my father would do. The same goes for the waifu thing, though that would just involve disappointment and probably suggestions to seek professional help. To this day I put up a front with them.
>> No. 3019 [Edit]
I've had an argument about waifus with my parents before. It came down to the conclusion that; as long as I don't show it off like some sort of idiot, it's better than being gay. So, yay. I'm still human. My friends know I love my waifu; maybe a little too much if there was a limit, I smile at her when looking at my phone's clock, and if someone were to bring her up I just try to quiet them down because I do not feel like they have the right to talk about her.
>> No. 3020 [Edit]
>I can't understand how you people get pissed off when people talk about your waifu. She isn't some sort of precious commodity dedicated solely to you. Maybe if they were specifically slinging insults at her directly to draw your ire, but getting angry whenever people mention even good things about her? Come on guy, stop being autistic.
Also this. Someone please explain this to me.
>> No. 3022 [Edit]
>it's better than being gay. So, yay. I'm still human.
Worst parents of tohno-chan?
>> No. 3024 [Edit]

I think it's normal. People get paranoid when other people speak about their most precious things. Sometimes, I take anything even mentioning her name as an attack towards me. I can't really explain it but it's like they're not supposed to be talking about her like that; I feel as if they don't understand exactly the relationship between us and I take it as an insult.

Of course, I'm just being paranoid but hey that's what happens when I'm living in secrecy.
>> No. 3025 [Edit]
My mother used to think I was gay. Every once in a while, (2 months, or so,) she would bawl her eyes out and tell me that I could tell her anything, and she'd still love me for who I am. You know, that kind of shit.

Eventually, my stoic nature broke down, and I told her I liked little girls and 2d only. As you can see from my other post here >>3012 , it didn't turn out so hot.

Hahaha. I think I probably have the worst parents here. What a terrible claim.
>> No. 3026 [Edit]

>She isn't some sort of precious commodity dedicated solely to you

Some people think this way. It's impossible to say that they don't. Sometimes, there is just too much faux-2D-love involved in a lonely person's life that even a speck of disrespect can anger them. It's totally reasonable.
>> No. 3027 [Edit]
Of course it is. I'd be pretty damn angry if someone insulted my waifu as well. However, we are talking about being angry even when they say positive things, or have the temerity to bring it up at all.

That isn't reasonable. Not in the slightest.
>> No. 3030 [Edit]
I hide the fact that I have a waifu like I used to hide my porn habits. It's weird, I think - I love something, and yet, at the same time, I will do anything in order to stop the uncovering of her.

It's just an awkward thing to explain, I guess. I'd rather go through the pains of hiding it than the pains of having to explain it.
>> No. 3032 [Edit]
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I presume that excludes on this board, right? After all, that is the purpose of /mai/ - waifu discussion.

>That isn't reasonable. Not in the slightest.

I agree completely. I shall contaminate their food with marijuana; then they'll chill out.

The desire for secrecy, though, is one I do understand. About 0.5 people IRL know about my waifu.
>> No. 3033 [Edit]

It's because some people see anything as an attack. I'm probably not talking about myself but when someone has been screwed to the point where they find safety with having a waifu, anything can be considered an attack. It's like having that one special thing in your life that nobody should be able to take; you want to defend it to the point where nobody can talk about it. Good or bad, some people can take things differently; it's like if I said someone's waifu was "Good". Normally people would take that as a compliment but I guess some people can take it as an insult. "She's just 'good'?" "Good in what way?"... Things like that. You have to remember you're dealing with different people. Saying something is unreasonable without taking that into account is just plain ignorant.
>> No. 3042 [Edit]
Only my sister and my two best friends know about my waifu.
And only my sister really understand what it feels like, mostly because she's the same as me.
Then again, I'd trust me sis with anything
>> No. 3054 [Edit]
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The only person fully aware of it is my youngest sister, however the rest of my family has more or less connected the dots. However, aside from my youngest sister, they have no idea who exactly Miku is, aside from the obvious "some anime character that he has a thing for". My parents and my oldest sister refer to my figures as "Miku dolls", which I find amusing but slightly annoying at the same time. They never really talk to me about it, let alone say anything negative about it, however my mother once said something around the lines of "I know you're old enough to live your own life and make your own decisions, but don't you think you're taking this too far" after she found the cake that I bought for Miku's birthday last year in the fridge and asked me about it. I stayed silent. She then jokingly offered to give me some candles.

Outside my family, I've told no one about it. It would only draw unwanted, unneeded and unessessary attention to myself if I told anyone. Besides, I hardly talk to anyone beyond the occasional smalltalk. However, a couple of my coworkers at my previous job did ask me about her after they saw her picture on my phone. Again, I stayed silent, because considering how nightmarish things can get with normals online when waifus are brought up, I can only imagine that it would be worse in real life.
>> No. 3060 [Edit]
That's kinda how I feel, since my waifu is the most important thing to me. I don't mind if people mention her, but some things people say can really bother me.
>> No. 3069 [Edit]
Where i live there are not many people who like Manga or Anime and even less people who would understand what a "waifu" is about.
So there is only me and her, and a few friends on the internet.

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