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2984 No. 2984 [Edit]
In some alternate dimension there's a small asian recluse quietly collection pictures of you and sharing them on imageboards.

Keep it alive, /mai/.
>> No. 2994 [Edit]
I don't like that kind of thought because it means that in some strange dimension I abuse mai waifu or some horrible stuff like that.
>> No. 2995 [Edit]
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like that idea. I wouldn't find solace if in one dimension my Waifu pines for me or we are together, at the moment she is just a construct of a person's mind.
>> No. 2996 [Edit]

Wait, huh? How did you make that connection?
>> No. 2997 [Edit]
The theory of alternate dimensions suggests that there is a infinite amount of dimensions, one for every decision, one for every possibility, including being a waifu beater.
>> No. 2998 [Edit]

Well at least that's no possibility, since my waifu could probably kick my ass.
>> No. 3000 [Edit]
Makes me feel watched.
>> No. 3001 [Edit]
>kick my ass.
only in this universe.
>> No. 3002 [Edit]
If we're going with the alternate universe theory I'd rather imagine one where the two of us are together instead of her just collecting images of me, though I suppose they are both comforting in a way.
>> No. 3021 [Edit]
Anyone still have that alternate-dimension copypasta-esque story that was posted on old tc?
>> No. 3028 [Edit]
>Somewhere in an alternate universe your waifu dreams about you, her husbando. She frequents a board very much like this one and she posts pictures of you, In this dimension you are a star of your very own slice of life anime. She has a folder on her computer dedicated to you, it is over 10 GB big and has every conceivable fan art, rule 34, and picture related to you, She sleeps with a tear stained body pillow with your image on it, She is madly in love with you and only you.

Well this is all I could salvage if anyone remembers. There were threads like that on /a/. Go search on greenoval if you're interested. As for /tc/, the thread was lost when ib4f was gone.


Post edited on 1st Jun 2011, 10:29pm
>> No. 3029 [Edit]
There was also a reply where a guy got attacked by a superhuman hobo whilst inside a cubicle and had that copypasta whispered into his ear or something. That was what I was trying to find.

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