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File 13068574376.jpg - (24.78KB , 280x251 , 1280047423282.jpg )
2983 No. 2983 [Edit]
What would she think if I started crossdressing? I love Konata more than anything but I've always found the though of dressing up as a woman a huge turn on. What's /mai/s opinion on crossdressing whilst in a relationship with a waifu?
fyi I'm a guy
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>> No. 2985 [Edit]
I like to do this too and am also interested in what you guys have to say. I think it's ok though; What's the harm?
>> No. 2986 [Edit]
>fyi I'm a guy

that kind of goes without saying
>> No. 2987 [Edit]
I want to live my life the way Konata would like me too, for example I rarely drink and don't do drugs because I don't think she would like that. But crossdressing I don't know what her opinion on it is and don't know what to do.
>> No. 2988 [Edit]
I Don't think Konata would have a problem with her guy being feminine and or a cross dresser.
She had an online boyfriend or wedding or something in one ep where in she was the boy and he was the girl right?
>> No. 2989 [Edit]
To me it sounds like the sort of thing Konata would tease one of her friends about. I doubt she'd have too much of a problem with it, she's a little odd herself and she has a nice sense of humor. Plus she was really quite happy when she turned 18 and was able to buy adult games, it doesn't make me think she'd have too many problems with this.
>> No. 2990 [Edit]
File 130687638518.jpg - (90.14KB , 365x517 , 1254167086723.jpg )
I say go for it. I don't think Konata would object. Maybe you could dress up like her in a sailor school uniform.

And if she does, she'll let you know, I guess.
>> No. 2991 [Edit]
Deep down inside we all want to be the little girl. It's up to you whatever you want to do.
>> No. 3023 [Edit]
I think that Konata would be down with it if she already knew you well, OP. You have to remember that she's part of the japanese imageboard culture and probably already thinks of such things as otoko no ko (crossdressers) as relatively normal. Also fuck if she isn't open-minded about most things.

No worries imho.
>> No. 3038 [Edit]
Go for it. A girl like Konata would probably find it amusing. If I had the looks for it I'd probably do it too.
>> No. 3092 [Edit]
File 130713588373.png - (162.45KB , 276x377 , Konata20101122053048.png )
Thanks for you help everyone.
I think she is ok with it but something else happened.
For the first time I masturbated to her after reading a lot of the stuff in >>1782
and right now I'm not sure I want to crossdress anymore. All I want is Konata, I am happy with just her.

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