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2972 No. 2972 [Edit]
I've had two very interesting dreams lately. I have longed to dream lucidly about my waifu and "interact" with her in various ways. But a few nights ago I had an intensely passionate and romantic dream about not my waifu, but of all girls, hit-girl from Kick-Ass.

We were in an elaborate mansion somewhere in the mountains. I was sitting in a hot-tub and in walks a robed hit-girl. She gets in and I can recall how in love with her I was, how hot I was down there for her. We start to make out, and I grope her tiny breasts. I felt like I was about to cum, but I awoke (somewhat disappointed) just before I did.

And my other dream involved a futanari Katara and I blew raspberries on her navel after sprinkling brown sugar on it. That, or it was Amalia from Wakfu. I just remember the girl was brown.

Now my question is this: Why did I have erotic dreams about random girls? I last watched Kick-Ass a year or so ago, and I haven't watched Avatar in a long time. I wish it was my waifu...
>> No. 2973 [Edit]
It just seems to be the day dreams work, unfortunately. I really want to lucid dream as well, but I haven't had any luck. And like you, I've also had erotic dreams about pretty random girls.

If I had to guess, it's just a subconscious sort of thing. The brain is likely just picking girls that have aroused you in the past.
>> No. 2976 [Edit]
From my [admittedly limited] understanding of dreams, the subjects are controlled by your subconscious (but that's been said before). Now, you can't control your subconscious, because it's just that - subconscious. It's a bit of a catch-22, because in order to dream (normally, mind you, not lucid dreaming) about your waifu, you have to not think about her (consciously), and just let your mind do whatever it does. So, that's damn near impossible. The best you can hope for without lucid dreaming, is that one day, you'll just "accidentally" dream about your waifu. It's like Bukowski said (about poetry, but it works here, I guess): "Don't try". That's the only way it worked for me, anyway.

Now, this is the part you want to read: I think you're dreaming about these girls because you're not so focused on them. It's like...they're present in your mind, but the only chance they have to get attention from you is in your dreams (wrong phrasing, but I can't think of any better way to put it), because you're occupied with your waifu/other subjects during the time you're awake. Again, though, I have limited understanding of this, that's what I see happening. Same thing happens to everyone. I have dreams about people I haven't seen in literally years.

I always think of dreaming as playing slots - Every time I go to sleep, I'm pulling a lever, hoping that my waifu is going to show up. So far, it's 2 out of...about 500 (don't recall how many dreams I remember, but that's a ballpark).

As for lucid dreaming, it just takes a lot of effort. I've had exactly two lucid dreams that I can recall - And those were completely by accident. However, from all of the material on it that I've read, it's a matter of weeks before you start actually doing it. Even then, though, it's not like it happens that much. Still going to try, though.

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