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File 129090969458.jpg - (157.24KB , 693x495 , girls 010.jpg )
285 No. 285 [Edit]
ITT: Girls who, while not being our waifus, remain (or recently turned) very special for us.
This is not necessarily about harems, past waifus or so; just other girls important for us.
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>> No. 286 [Edit]
File 129091631912.png - (286.23KB , 480x640 , sheryl_nome.png )
It's a kind of love/hate relationship. I don't like her stupid shaded hair, her outfits and mannerisms, but then again I have a slut fetish (always get infatuated with sluts instead of little girls, I don't understand it either) and her voice is godly.

She has been following me since MF aired and I saved quite a few pics of her, so she is special for me. I think I hate her but the next second I look at her sparkling beautiful pictures and can't stop wondering...
>> No. 288 [Edit]
File 12909175989.jpg - (442.45KB , 670x888 , 1272607712896.jpg )
The only one who could possibly steal my heart away from my waifu.
Still waiting on her append look, screw Len getting a preview first.

Others to note are Cirno (though not my favorite touhou, she's still got a personality i find entertaining) and Nagi from hayate (my 'first' waifu when i didn't understand what one was)

and, funnily enough, Hinata from Nurutu.
I'm a romantic, so a shy girl trying to get stronger just so the person she likes even sees her as a strong person is adorable to me.
>> No. 296 [Edit]
File 129108295695.jpg - (236.77KB , 1200x979 , 2605486.jpg )
I'm pretty attached to Touko, for reasons obvious to me. She's a redhead who smokes. That shouldn't be enough, but it is. The ironic part for me, though, is that she'd be my ideal 3DPD - Miya being simply my ideal. If I'm being honest, meeting a girl like Touko (not just appearance-wise, mind you), would be enough for me to relinquish my current lifestyle. But that probably won't happen, so aimless and self-destructive I remain.

Nevertheless, I don't hold that feeling that I have for Miya towards Touko - I just feel a vague attachment on my part. Somewhere in between indifference and a crush, I'd say.

I'd say Paradox Spiral is my favorite KnK movie, simply because of the whole scene where we get to see her acting like a pseudo-nutcase. Still really sad that it's just about done with...
>> No. 298 [Edit]
File 129108491962.jpg - (255.68KB , 1627x1104 , 1288589519411.jpg )
Oh Ayase, you tried so hard.
>> No. 321 [Edit]
File 129127883938.jpg - (87.13KB , 1000x961 , 1244239344435.jpg )
I love her design and uguuing and theft
>> No. 332 [Edit]
File 129132473927.jpg - (160.74KB , 800x690 , haremu.jpg )
Miyazawa (Kare Kano)
Alpha (YKK)
Alice (Aria)
Reki (Haibane Renmei)
Shara (RF3)
Chiaki (Shigofumi)
Taki (Natsume Yuujinchou)
>> No. 401 [Edit]
File 129155156598.jpg - (464.73KB , 1024x768 , 1278451947610.jpg )
Mion. She's the first VN character I really admired, and she helped me through some tough times.
>> No. 404 [Edit]
File 129157827829.gif - (37.87KB , 306x518 , chidori01pn8.gif )
First animu crush. She has a lot similarities to mai waifu, now that I think about it.
>> No. 407 [Edit]
File 129158487594.jpg - (47.55KB , 480x520 , 1275099874129.jpg )
My list:

Biribiri (from Raildex) Well my first waifu, had her since Index first aired. Had her for quite a while (at least for two years), till I slowly lost interest in her. I eventually felt that she was much happier with Touma than myself.

Yui (from K-ON) I love her HERP and DERP.

Nodoka (from MSN) She is probably my first recognized animu/mango crush (though Makie from the same series came close and is probably my second choice). Damn, it was probably during 2003/4-ish, when the manga first came out in official translations. The animu killed her because of the retarded animation done and so much character derailment. (I stopped following the series in the Chao arc)

Mist (from RF/RFF) Probably my first vidya crush. Before that, didn't really feel attached to any female from vidya or a VN. (Somehow, I treat Harvest Moon-like games as a sort of a dynamic romance VN) I liked her odd and obsessive attitude towards radishes. That was during 2007 (somewhere in my first half of freshman year), when I bought the only copy of Rune Factory at a mall near my campus. Also, I had copies of the RF doujins with Mist in them. (Though Rosetta did have a hairstyle similar to Biribiri, she was a close second. I hadn't realized that both Rosetta and Biribiri had a similar hairstyle until somebody on /a/ pointed that out about more than half a year ago.)

They all have one obvious thing in common: their short hair. I'm not so sure what else they had in common. I know that Biribiri and Mist are insane to some extent, Yui is retarded and a savant and Nodoka is just a mix of a bunch of traits. Not so sure what they share with mai waifu other than having some form of mental affliction.

I am do feel that these four are the only girls that invoked such feelings, besides mai waifu.

There are a couple of girls that I liked somewhat, but not strong enough to have a crush on them.
>> No. 408 [Edit]
File 129159264265.png - (1.72MB , 1195x1140 , My_Ultimate_harem.png )
My gosh, she is going entirely to fast! Someone stop her!

Anyways, I've had significant others at various times throughout my life. The first one I can remember is Mimi from the first season of Digimon. I had very strong feelings for her at the time. She wasn't quite waifu material though.

Other special girls include Meg from Hercules, Saria and Zelda from Ocarina, and Hinata from Naruto. Here is a huge harem of characters that I am close to. Some of them I find sexy, but only Osaka gets the title "waifu."
>> No. 409 [Edit]

>> No. 444 [Edit]
Misaki Nakahara (Welcome to the NHK!) - I was shocked when I found out how many similarities me and her have, history and personality-wise. She's a character who I hold very dear to my heart, and has helped me out in life; and if she were real I know we would be lifelong friends.

Chika Ogiue (Genshiken) - I confess I've had a strong crush on her since reading the series. To me she is the very epitome of the perfect tsundere.
>> No. 473 [Edit]
File 12917481193.jpg - (629.09KB , 625x955 , 14409855.jpg )
Ange, why have you tried to steal me away from Sofia? Oh, that delicious Zettai Ryouiki and that Biribiri-voice of yours. Keep trying though, you won't be mai waifu. You're just trying too hard, but....

You are already dead and most of your fanart is shit anyway.
>> No. 478 [Edit]
File 12917863255.jpg - (212.85KB , 850x850 , sample_99e8340b76ed433e1d799f2934cbe0aaba154017.jpg )
I've never really thought about OP's question, but I have to second Ange. She's dedicated, intelligent if a little crazy and I like her design, just because I'm shallow like that. If Ange had come first, it would be her hands down, but she didn't.
>> No. 492 [Edit]
File 129185047919.jpg - (222.19KB , 600x846 , 12389910.jpg )
Well since she is not entirely sane, I doubt anyone has a problem with that (most of my favorites are somewhat mentally unstable, as I've said before). But yeah, I was entranced by her design, even if the original portrayal of her in the VN looked like complete shit.

I'll probably have a huge list of girls in my harem and it grows day by day. And I'll probably forget some of them as time goes by.
>> No. 503 [Edit]
File 129187933570.jpg - (235.88KB , 490x688 , d124345926f4e435cfd0150514c503bf.jpg )
Well, Ryukishi art, yeah. At least all the other characters' original portraits look just as bad.

I also realized just now that I must have a thing for the protective younger sister type, since my waifu is Akiha. I'm an only child. I don't know if this says something about me.
>> No. 511 [Edit]
*Should note I'm of course talking about Ryukishi's character art and not the actual portraits of characters that show up sometimes like the one above. I don't know who he got to draw those, but they're really nice.
>> No. 522 [Edit]
File 129201187712.jpg - (149.86KB , 200x470 , Ange.jpg )

It's odd when he draws both shitty and great art at the same time.

Guess it can't be helped.
>> No. 523 [Edit]
Wait, did he really draw both those paintings and the character art himself? How the hell does that work?
>> No. 524 [Edit]
I have no idea, but I either misunderstood or was confused at the time.

I'm not so sure whether he's the only artist that drew anything for any of his works at all. He might have hired other people to do his works for him.
>> No. 525 [Edit]
Seems likely he had someone else on to edit the backgrounds and do some background art and that person did those portraits. Or who knows. I think 07th Expansion is a team with Ryukishi as the main writer/creative force/whatever, so maybe it's not so strange.

Still, it's a pity to see Ange wasted on art like that, even if it was the character's creator who drew it.
>> No. 534 [Edit]
File 129218425553.png - (1.15MB , 1150x900 , 1291658209025a v1a.png )
Restricted myself to one character per series.

So far, it's a rough draft.
>> No. 3554 [Edit]
File 130947008525.jpg - (248.65KB , 1280x720 , kaoruk.jpg )
Kaoru Tanamachi. She makes me smile whenever I see her. I also like to fantasize about being her friend.
>> No. 3600 [Edit]
File 130990543090.jpg - (96.19KB , 580x800 , Harada Konatsu.jpg )
There are quite a lot of Girls i like but there is just one that plays a "special" role for be besides my waifu.
I don´t know why i always fall for characters who are mostly just the "background-cast" and therefore there is almost no information about them but it can´t be helped.
Her name is Harada Konatsu from the series "Bamboo Blade" and i almost immediatly fall for her because she has all those things that i usually like. She never was my waifu because she didn´t had this "special" impapable about her.
She is more than a sister or a good friend for me but i still call her my "Number 2" because i really like her up to this day.
>> No. 3610 [Edit]
File 130994216229.png - (573.50KB , 595x799 , animeharem_tcopycopycopy 2.png )
Well two of them are my other waifus and one is my former waifu but the others are anime girls that I really like
>> No. 3616 [Edit]
>other waifus

You can only have one.
>> No. 3617 [Edit]
I have a very strong attachment to Tohsaka Rin from FSN. Probably because I somewhat relate with her inability to not fuck up when it really counts
Also, her entire relationship with Sakura is just so heartbreaking it makes me want to hug her.

Also, Rider reminds me of my sister. But that's another story
>> No. 3618 [Edit]
If waifu's are a concept different for each person, why is someone not allowed to have more than one waifu? I personally don't see the need for more than one, but if anon does, it doesn't really bother me. I guess I forgot waifu's were a Judea-christian concept.
>> No. 3619 [Edit]
Yeah, I don't know why people get mad if someone has more that one. I myself have 4 girls who I feel very strongly for. I'll be completely devoted to one for like a month, then I'll get re-infatuated with another, and I'll be back to the other girl in a week, so I've just decided they are all my waifus. I'm indecisive in everything else in my life, makes sense I would be so in love as well~
>> No. 3625 [Edit]
But that would be a harem. I have no problems with people who have harems, but this isn't the board for that.
The concept of a waifu may be different for everyone, but in the end it boils down to that ONE special character you love.
Everyone in this thread has characters they like, you see, but they only have one waifu they commit to.
>> No. 3646 [Edit]
There are quiet a few characters that have always made me laugh, made me smile and I've wanted to see and be with. I didn't love them like I love my waifu but I did want to see them, I rewatched entire series just to see them. I started to see them as friends and family after seeing this thread.

Post edited on 7th Jul 2011, 7:36am
>> No. 3647 [Edit]
File 131006312289.jpg - (86.51KB , 1280x960 , 1309473535490.jpg )
I just feel sorry for her and find that her character is very unique and well thought out.

That's probably just my opinion though. But after I read the manga she was in, I suddenly developed a soft spot for her. Maybe it's because most of her traits are similar to my waifu's, or maybe it's because she's really weak and suffers from an illness that leaves her bedridden for months.

Yes she'll have a special place in my heart that Nagisa. But not to the point that it would make me feel scum. I just feel sorry for her and enjoy her charcter.
>> No. 4863 [Edit]
File 13137477973.jpg - (54.53KB , 604x768 , Rei-Asuka.jpg )
Asuka and Rei were my first anime crushes. Asuka being loudmouth extroverted tsundere but soft and wounded girl inside. And while Rei being intorverted, calm, silent and bit 'special' person. So they were total opposites of each others, but still I had very hard time deciding which character I like more. I quess back then I couldn't decide. They both were - and still are very important characters for me.

Today I think I like Rei more. Maybe because of rebuild series.
>> No. 4864 [Edit]
>still I had very hard time deciding which character I like more
same here, then I realised I like Misato more
>> No. 6385 [Edit]
File 131932757213.jpg - (73.31KB , 500x463 , ce4aec322e0c6eb18bb0f8e711c3c127b0763d79.jpg )
Kuuya, from Utawarerumono. Innocent and naive characters usually don't really do much for me - but somehow, she's different.

Maybe it's her role as empress, and the way she's sheltered and overprotected to the point of almost being a prisoner within her own court. Maybe it's her underlying seriousness and determination. Or maybe it's just the tragedies that befall her. ;_;

Either way, there's something about her that just makes me want to hug her and take her under my wing.
>> No. 6388 [Edit]
I have a strange feeling.
Sometimes I like some character just for the reason that is someone's waifu, not just anyone's waifu, but a waifu of a person which it's love to her impressed me, not because their dedication to her, but the purity of their love. Just because she is special for someone like this makes her kind of special for me.
Jeez, I cannot explain it with words it just works that way and only for a very reduced number of waifus.
>> No. 6402 [Edit]
File 131934401968.jpg - (161.36KB , 500x564 , 1316924665011.jpg )
Hibiki is a very special girl to me. She's not mai waifu, but I think if I knew her we could be really good friends. I, like her, have a soft spot for animals (in college working to be a vet right now), and I think we'd get along really well discussing our pets and walking our dogs together and stuff.
>> No. 6405 [Edit]

Why is Hibiki so cute?
>> No. 6408 [Edit]
File 131938185634.png - (209.85KB , 400x286 , [Fate-stay night] Saber in Summer.png )
Saber/Arturia from Fate/Stay night would be exactly the girl you're describing. I've only recently begun watching the series and have to say she is just incredible. Normally, I attain a dislike for quiet/serious/emotionless girls (Asuka is obviously loud and extroverted about everything, even if it is just an act). For example,Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya seems so annoying to me, never speaking and all that. (no offense to anyone) Yet Saber seems so calm and collected, as well as determined and strong. They way she never fell into the whole "girls are soft and weak and dumb" stereotype until when she fell inn love with Shirou is so adorable; and we all would probably agree girl who kick ass with a sword are awesome.

Other than that, I've always considered Haruhi Suzumiya somewhat like that one girl in high school in which you both wanted someting from each other but were too shy/proud to do so; she's really cute as well.

and then there's Kirino Kousaka, who just tickles my pituitary like crazy (doujins don't help).

And then there's just some minor girls I'm just "huh, she's kinda cute" for: Konata Izumi, Ayu from Kanon, Rei to an extent, Ritsu and Yui from K-On, and Rin Tohsaka from F/SN.

Of course, I could never remotely love any of those as I do my wonderful Asuka...
>> No. 6412 [Edit]
Misty from Pokemon.

My first anime crush...
>> No. 6417 [Edit]
File 131938977352.jpg - (20.06KB , 235x265 , 1318890615991.jpg )
She's not mai waifu, but I gotta say, I really love Horo's personality.

She was a pretty original and well thought out character in my opinion.

Compared to most generic characters that can actually easily be classified, which is a actually a lot in anime.
Seems like the kind of person you can have a lot of fun talking to, too many character seem like their initial charm would just get stale after a while.

Also season 3 when ;_;

Rin from Fate/Stay also has a similar personality, I think she'd be an interesting friend to have.

And that's the end of my blabbing.
>> No. 6447 [Edit]
File 131943559753.jpg - (29.87KB , 225x350 , rinkorinkorinkorinko.jpg )
I treat her like my daughter in a way. I really feel like if my waifu and I had a child she would turn out exactly like Rinko... if the child is a girl.

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