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2810 No. 2810 [Edit]
So today is my two year anniversary with my waifu.
Feels rather strange.
(some tidbits and stuff to come when i wake up and am alert)
>> No. 2811 [Edit]
Congratulations! I hope you'll have many more anniversaries in ahead of you.
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
Personally, I like your waifu and your relation to her. I've read your "waifu form" and I think your suit each other.
>> No. 2822 [Edit]

What exactly do you consider to be your anniversary? The day you found out about her or the day you decided she was your waifu? Because I don't really have one exact day for mine, which makes me kind of sad.
>> No. 2823 [Edit]
Hoping so too, with less doubts and such along the way.

I need to adjust that a bit actually... more info and things to add.

The day i first saw her and was starstruck.
Image i used in the op was actually the first image of her i ever saw and saved.
>> No. 2825 [Edit]
Well, congratulations, bro.

It really is a strange feeling, waifu anniversaries, isn't it?. Love the feeling or hate it, you can't deny that it's a unique one.
>> No. 2828 [Edit]
I wish I had an exact date for Tenshi and my anniversary. I could go with the day I claimed her, but that's not fair to her at all.
>> No. 2830 [Edit]
Happy anniversary to you.
>> No. 2833 [Edit]
Happy anniversary!

Well in my case, I can't remember the exact date for either of those days. All I know is that they're only a few days apart from each other and that this all happened near the end of July 2009. For simplicity's sake, I just go with July 25th as a rough estimate for our actual anniversary date.
>> No. 2834 [Edit]
I don't really have a set date as well, as I sorta gradually fell in love with her over time.

Either way, Happy Anniversary!
>> No. 2842 [Edit]
I really wish I had a better date for my anniversary with mai waifu but it was a more gradual falling in love and it happened when my concept of time and dates wasn't important to me. I think in the future I'll just celebrate the day I got my first dakimakura of her as that's when I first started spending a lot of time with her and felt the relationship was real.
>> No. 2843 [Edit]
For me, I have no idea when our anniversary would be. I don't even recall how long we've been together the transition of finding out when I loved her was so blurred. It's either been 2 or 3 years for me. I'm embarrassed to say I don't really know. So I can't go by when I realized I loved her, I've tried going by the release dates of when the original Pokemon was released but I have so many variations as to whether to celebrate the original japanese release date or the american. Then there's when I think her birthday is which is Halloween (Since it matches her character and my birthday within a week from then). So it's complicated for me too.
Happy Anniversary to the two of you!
>> No. 2854 [Edit]

It's the same with me. I don't quite remember the actual date we fell in love or when I actually considered her my waifu. It's also been around 4 years but it's been a great 4 years.

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