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File 130587223916.jpg - (85.53KB , 1000x671 , Tenshi Desert.jpg )
2777 No. 2777 [Edit]
Has anyone ever had a discussion about waifus with other people in real life? I don't mean arguing about it with your parents, I mean talking about who your waifu is, how you show your love for her, etc.

I wish I could say I have; even my friend who always remarks how much he loves some 2D girls, or another friend who might fit in decently here, did a double-take when I even suggested the idea.

Post edited on 20th May 2011, 2:16am
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>> No. 2778 [Edit]
Was this inspired by my post >2776? Just curious.

Anyway, I've never discussed my relationship outside of an anonymous imageboard like this. It's an extremely personal issue for me and is embarrassing on a variety of levels. I do have a few friends who watch anime and know what waifus are but I've never mentioned to them that I actually take things seriously.
>> No. 2779 [Edit]
I don't talk to anyone outside of my family and they don't even know about my love for 2D girls. If they did, they'd either consider sending me to a mental institution or brush it off and say something along the lines of "it's okay, at least you're not out doing drugs or something."
>> No. 2780 [Edit]
>Was this inspired by my post >2776?
You shouldn't be embarrassed about having a waifu. Of course, you shouldn't flaunt it, either, but I was wondering because the few people in the world I thought would understand, didn't.
>> No. 2781 [Edit]
I did, about a year ago, with a couple of my past (male) acquaintances at college, who have some philosophical background and whom I can still be civil/friendly with, encountering them on the corridors when I've had to return there for whatever reason.

They acknowledged my arguments, finding them unconventional and maybe too radical/idealistic but overall coherent and reasonable. Nevertheless, that didn't change anything, neither in my current path of life or theirs; they keep on living in a way I can't stand, and I keep on living in a way they aren't up to join and wich we actually couldn't really follow together, as it is the path of virtuality and anonymity.

At least I'd like to assume that I gave them a few things to critically reconsider about, but who knows? Honestly thought, what I really wished for myself is that they had gave me any critique, elaborated feedback or things to reconsider about, to refine my own views; but I just kind of felt even more isolated, after verifying how far apart my way of thinking has grown from theirs (wich is somehow the one that keeps the world spinning round).

Post edited on 20th May 2011, 12:11am
>> No. 2782 [Edit]
I've had civil conversations with my mother but I haven't really gone into detail about it. She just kind of accepted it. Outside of family I haven't. I recently started searching for old friends of mine and none of them are even into anything I am interested in. They are like the most normal people I've ever seen. I talked to my old best friend and I tried to slide Pokemon into the conversation since we both loved it as kids.He seemed to kind of laugh it off, it would be strange enough if I told him I was still into the games. If I told him I was still into it and had a waifu from it he'd probably cease all communication with me.I really, really, wish I could tell my friends of my relationship and be accepted. Reality is cruel and I'd most likely be felt sorry for and treated oddly.
>Of course, you shouldn't flaunt it, either
I've been very guilty of this, which is hypocritical of me as I hate the attention whores of the waifu meme. I just like to express myself alot
>> No. 2783 [Edit]
No. There's some things that I just can't discuss with people (face to face, that is). I don't know, though, now I might just bring it up in terms of a 'hypothetical' situation, just to see how people react to it.

It's just so strange to imagine talking about such an absurd topic as 2D love to somebody who isn't feeling the same way (at least a little bit).
>> No. 2784 [Edit]
I'd advise against it; even people you think would understand rarely do.
>> No. 2785 [Edit]
I have talked to my some distant friends about it, of course, I haven't mentioned that I had one, and if I did they would have thought I needed to be sent to the looney bin. The results that they came to were that only virgins would willingly love a 2 dimensional girl, and it would be ridiculous to love a 2 dimensional person. They didn't explain why although they acknowledged the fact that people only love their concepts of human partners.
I have not had a discussion with anyone in person describing her or my feelings for her.
>> No. 2786 [Edit]
I did start to get into the topic a bit with my friend, but as I started to get into it I could tell he was starting to make fun of me, so I just stopped right there. I'm not gonna even try with my other friend, as he's a 3D chaser and buys Naruto.

Nobody outside of you guys (and part of /a/ and the KS forums) knows about my relationship with Hanako. Though I fear that one of the guys at work suspects it when he saw me staring at my Hanako desktop while eating lunch.
>> No. 2787 [Edit]
Nobody I know in real life would understand the concept, and even if they did they'd call me insane and/or pathetic. I'm even afraid to tell my psychologist, though I know I should.

Were you staring longingly at her or something? That might give you way.
>> No. 2788 [Edit]
Yes, with multiple people actually.

I have one friend who completely understands the whole waifu and 2D love concept and has a waifu of his own. I have another friend who understands it and also understands that while he does have a 2D girl he really likes and enjoys, but he feels that its not the same level as having a waifu, especially dedication and devotion wise.

I have three more friends that have varying levels of understanding and opinions on the subject. One passive-aggressively has a waifu but he hates himself because of it. The other is pretty much the closest thing to an IRL troll you can get and he understand the concepts behind it but also knows how to make jokes about the whole thing and knowingly pokes fun of it, but understands not to go so far as to anger me about it (he even went so far as to get a dakimakura and pull the whole /a/ waifu bullshit, but it's okay because now it's completely fine for me to bring my dakimakuras over to their house when I crash there). And the third one visits image boards enough to know what waifus are but is so apathetic about it, but acknowledges that I do have a waifu.

I also met a guy at my previous work place who was into anime, and when I kind of described the 2D love thing he said he understood completely, but that he still likes 3D women because he enjoys the companionship (and sex) they give him. Though he did end up getting a Horo dakimakura while I met him (even though he already had a 3D girl), though he was commenting how his GF would probably end up sleeping with her more than he would (or with him for that matter). He was a pretty cool guy overall and I never expected to be able to hold conversations about otaku culture with what most would describe as a normalfag (smoked weed, had a GF, snowboarded, etc...)

I've also kind of talked to my parents about it, my mom didn't really want to hear it or think about it, even though she knows about my dakimakuras, figs, etc... So I just kind of dropped the subject and she won't bring it up or complain about it if I don't bring it up. My dad kind of understands and just told me I can do whatever, but to try and not overstress my mom (I feel shes just mad cause she knows both of her sons don't have any interest in real women and thus she won't get grandkids, if my older brother was more normal she probably wouldn't care as much but meh).

I've also gone and talked to a psychologist about mai waifu. I originally went to him to discuss some other things (mostly motivational, and social anxiety) but I wanted a professional psychologists opinion on it where I could tell them everything and they couldn't tell anyone else under doctor-patient confidentiality (something I couldn't do with my psych professors). I was really nervous at first and not sure how to bring it up but in two to three sessions I brought up the concept of moe, gave him some reading material on the subject, and explained that I preferred looking at 2D girls over 3D. Eventually I dropped the bomb that I loved a 2D girl, told him who she was and such. In another session I brought in my dakimakura of her as well as convinced him to watch the anime she was from. It was really tough to do because I was still really embarrassed the whole time, but he was always nice about it. He asked me how I felt about Fate and what I loved about her. What I felt when I looked into her eyes and what makes me happy when I'm with her. I don't think I ever actually had previously described it in real words, even to my friends, only online. He said this was the first time he felt that I was truly excited and happy about something when talking to him. He also asked several times whether I would ever consider a 3D girl and I told him my exact requirements for a 3D girl and that it'd be impossible to find one, and that if I did I still don't think I could ever break my strong emotional attachment to Fate. He just said that he'd encourage trying at least one more mature relationship with another girl since my last major experience was in HS but that if I didn't want to I didn't have to and as long as I was happy and not depressed or lonely, that's what truly matters. He also felt confident that he found out why I have such a strong attachment to Fate based on one of my previous relationships. But that may be another story for another day. I don't want to turn this into a giant blog post.

Anyways, yes I have quite a record of people I talk to IRL about waifus and feel that I have been lucky to have found other people that share my mindset and feelings about 2D girls. It makes the outside world and people on a whole seem less terrible.
>> No. 2789 [Edit]
Wow, that's really quite impressive. I would never talk to a psychologist about that sort of thing, and sure as hell not my parents.

I have sort-of discussed it before with a friend of mine. He's pretty well-versed in anime culture and the like so I just casually mentioned it every now and then without explaining it, assuming he already knew about it. He later admitted he didn't understand the exact meaning of the word, and I haven't mentioned it since as i'd prefer not to talk about it to someone who wouldn't understand.
>> No. 2790 [Edit]
I was, and he even started asking me things like "do you like her?". I still do it though, cause if I didn't I would end up caving people's skulls in for being stupid by the end of the day.
>> No. 2791 [Edit]
IDK I found discussing it with my psychologist to be really helpful. Mostly because he didn't try and tell me it was wrong and that I was crazy. He even thought it was funny when I told him my mom thought I might be schizophrenic and had a Peter Pan complex.

It's also been nice when people tell me that I'm crazy and to see a psychologist about it, and I can tell them with a straight face that not only have I talked to one about it, but that there was nothing wrong with it. Gives this nice little self esteem boost.
>> No. 2792 [Edit]
Wow, I'm sure it took at lot of balls to bring that up but it sounds like it went really well. It's at least reassuring to know that the people who actually know what they are talking about (psychologists) understand that the whole thing is not really a big deal like some make it out to be.
>> No. 2794 [Edit]
>I've also gone and talked to a psychologist about mai waifu.
Stuff like that makes me actually want to become a psychologist. I tinkered with the idea late in high-school, but nothing came from it (considering my grades, motivation, etc.). I don't know why, but I think it would be awesome to see a dude who's having 'waifu issues' come into my office. I think it's very, very cool that he was as tolerant as he was.

Takes a lot of guts to bring that up. I always thought it would be something akin to coming out of the closet, except people look at you like a madman.
>> No. 2795 [Edit]

When you think about it, 2D love is pretty much akin to how homosexuality was viewed until recent decades.
>> No. 2797 [Edit]

Lets not do this

Theirs nothing wrong with it but if you give people the wrong impression then you'll have people fighting for 2d rights

You honestly can't compare the two
>> No. 2798 [Edit]
>In another session I brought in my dakimakura of her
How did you manage this?
>> No. 2799 [Edit]

I wasn't insinuating anything of that sort. We'd just be laughed off. I'm perfectly happy being in obscurity.
>> No. 2800 [Edit]
>people who actually know what they are talking about (psychologists)

Mmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh... this just doesn't sound right to me. Neither I think their theoretical background capacitates them better to understand and judge this -or any?- phenomena (I have been myself in treatment in the past and now I'm esentially against it; it makes way too poor readings of its subjects and offers trivialized solutions to intricate problems. I rather use philosophy, in large spectrum, to try understanding the complexities and problems of human mind. But that's just me).

Post edited on 21st May 2011, 1:40am
>> No. 2803 [Edit]
I don't. no talking about relationship shit please
>> No. 2805 [Edit]
I talked it about it once before and then I asked if he wanted me to bring her in so he could get a better understanding of what I meant. He was more than happy to have be bring in the closest thing to a physical representation of her that I could hug and feel. So I just brought her into the office and sat her down next to me. He was a kind of blown away because I don't think he understood when I initially said body pillow.

I don't have a major problem bringing her out into public for short periods of time while transporting her and if I feel like it'd cause a problem I just wrap her up in a blanket from the car until my destination.

I've also brought her to events at my college anime club, conventions in my state, and to friends houses. I've kind of mastered covering her in places where it might be awkward if someone saw us and then not being too self conscious about it. I think my biggest fear though is getting pulled over whilst she's in the passenger seat because I just don't want to shove her in the trunk so I put her in the passenger seat properly or lie her in the backseat with a blanket covering most of her.
>> No. 2809 [Edit]
File 13060423833.jpg - (98.40KB , 386x500 , nemutan.jpg )
So you kind of act like nii-san, with his Nemu-tan... well; I wouldn't take my dakimakura out, at least in order to keep it (and myself?) out of danger.

Post edited on 21st May 2011, 10:39pm
>> No. 2812 [Edit]
Not quite the level of Nii-san or the Korean guy or Melon-pan. I still understand that over here it'd bring about bigger issues than just people pointing and laughing. So it's really only to places where I know people won't judge me for it or won't care about it and sometimes even understand it. The most ironic part about this is that on average most females I've come across at conventions and such have given positive reaction of having a dakimakura and constantly complain about how few good female oriented dakis there are, they also seem to understand that they aren't used to fuel some sick sexual desire but are used to cuddle with at night. But the more "normal" guys are usually the ones that will give me crap saying I'm a "disgusting sick fuck". But it's pretty easy to laugh it off and ignore them. I remember I actually got into a pretty in depth conversation with a guy who called me sick and disturbed one time and he ended up apologizing at the end for being so judgmental without understanding anything about dakimakuras and a little bit of 2D love.

Of course I don't have nearly the same social anxiety quite a few people on /tc/ have and I'm a rather argumentative person in general and most people don't expect people like us to be the confrontational type.
>> No. 2818 [Edit]
No, I couldn't discuss waifus with anyone in real life. I often give allusions to 2D love to a few people, but didn't say about me having mai waifu. A few know about it and just laugh it away. But I know one person who knew that he was already familiar with the concept. He was actually more familiar with it because he met someone who had a waifu and went into his house and something like that. He said something that he may understand the underlying concept behind 2D love, but still believes that 3D is more complete yet at the same time, he accepts that both are just forms of love. Much of what I wrote before are somewhat based on my conversations with him, but expanded a little further. I also suspect someone around me who does have a waifu, I know who he is and who his waifu is, but I wouldn't discuss it here. I think that he just thinks its a flavor of the season thing and that she is his first waifu. I knew about it when I just happened to see what he was browsing, and it was an /a/ waifu thread. My family doesn't know about my love for mai waifu. Even around those who are well versed in the culture, I wouldn't dare discuss waifus.
>> No. 2819 [Edit]
>"disgusting sick fuck"

Do they assume that the pillows are sex toys or something?
>> No. 2820 [Edit]
Yes. It's honestly amazing how many guys think they are some kind of sex toy.
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
I'm sure it doesn't help that many of the designs are really lewd and sexual.
>> No. 2824 [Edit]
>most females I've come across at conventions and such have given positive reaction of having a dakimakura and constantly complain about how few good female oriented dakis there are

Oh! you mean fujoshi... well, they should've noticed already that the entire thing wasn't originally aimed to them, so if they want to keep on doing men things they're gonna have to endure that and more.

Now, certainly I do not deal with them IRL, neither with any male otaku (even less if a con-going clumsy one). But it is not out of that social anxiety psycho bullshit that someones in here love to use as a pretext, but simply because I can't stand so many of them being poorly educated. I don't care if they watch the same shows I do, there's absolutely nothing of interest either on weeaboos who know about nothing but anime and otaku culture, and even that only in the cheapest way, just sucking fun without any sense of theorization and/or (self)criticism.

I'm on /tc/ because I'm still positive we have some users in here fairly better than that.
>> No. 2831 [Edit]
I hate to admit that I have done lewd things to my dakimakura. Warmed up fleshlight placed on top

I really love her; she isn't my sex toy. I just want to make love with her. I feel bad about this as I seem to be one of the few even here that thinks this way. I feel like I have crossed a line with 2d love that even you guys wouldn't.
>> No. 2832 [Edit]
Subcultures tend to reinforce interest in/dedication to them. The very fact that this board exists is a pretty good example of that. If anything it seems very counterproductive to come to a place that's so narrowly focused on otaku culture (to the point where we're using its creations for love) if you want the exact opposite of that.

Also, do you get asked why you bother coming to /tc/ a lot?

Post edited on 22nd May 2011, 6:52pm
>> No. 2835 [Edit]
>Also, do you get asked why you bother coming to /tc/ a lot?
No, never; but this time I previsualized the possibility of butthurt and felt like answering in advance. And if you don't mind me telling: /tc/, since I've had direct knowledge of, has never been very much into con-going and weeaboo circa behaviour but likely against it (wich isn't at all in contradiction with our declared faithfulness to 2D love and the ways of a hiki life).

Post edited on 22nd May 2011, 11:19pm
>> No. 2836 [Edit]
Yeah, my best friend is actually a regular up here and we talk about our waifus all the time.
>> No. 2839 [Edit]

What's wrong with wanting to make tender love with your waifu? It's not like your attraction is based on pure animalistic lust eg. most 3D relationships.
>> No. 2840 [Edit]
There's nothing wrong with this. Most users here get so caught up anti-3D stupidity they forget sex is still a form of love.

Post edited on 22nd May 2011, 8:24pm
>> No. 2841 [Edit]
My bigger concern with that is the possibility that the cover would get dirty and I'd just feel terrible about that. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to have sex with your waifu.
>> No. 2845 [Edit]
One person, but he's online He actually made a thread once, his waifu is Misao

I fap to my waifu.
Rarely and only with good reason, but i have.
Usually the only times i actually enjoy doing it too.
>> No. 2846 [Edit]
I couldn't agree with this more than I do. I don't want to derail the topic but there was a time I felt guilty about fapping to mai waifu. (It was after I saw a bunch of surveys in the survey thread and alot of them didn't fap to their waifus).
Back on topic, I've wanted to talk to a psychologist about Sabrina. I often use my online friends to fill in the role for me as they understand. It works to a degree but I wish I could get professional help that understands me. (I suffer from many more things than just the waifu issue.)
>> No. 2847 [Edit]
You sound pretentious.
>> No. 2848 [Edit]
Guess I am, but they genually annoy me (as I might annoy others).

I've absolutely no problem with that either. I'm just not usually that way myself. The only time I felt really aroused by my dakimakura was the first night I slept with it: it smelled like new; the overall feeling was surprisingly soft; the position was really comfortable and she looked so beautiful...

Anyway, I finished with my hand alone, for not leaving any marks on it (as pointed out by >>2841).

Post edited on 23rd May 2011, 2:58am
>> No. 2865 [Edit]
i have a friend in the 3D world whom i have occasional discussions with about. We often comment on others inferiority for being incapable of accepting our ability to love outside the boundaries of 3D reality. I owe him alot because not only did he understand and listen but he was the one who had introduced me to Kanade (by showing me angel beats) but he also allows me to use his 'facilities' to be with her on special occasions (allows me to escape my ever vigilant parents) His waifu is Nagisa Furukawa.
>> No. 2866 [Edit]
I have a couple of friends I introduced the idea of waifu to a few years back. They're pretty much my only friends and we're really close. The thing is, I totally regret telling them about it; because I feel that I influenced them and somehow pressured them into getting a waifu. While it may be my fault, they're actually really subtle about their waifus. Occasionally, the topic comes up when something shows; like a new anime or game featuring said waifu.

I think the biggest problem is that we don't know the boundaries when it comes to talking about waifus. It would have been better if we didn't know eachother's waifu because there are certain problems that come along with that knowledge. Sometimes, my friends talk to me about my waifu and normally I kind of hate it when anyone talks about my waifu at all (good or bad), so I try and remind them that I don't take it well.

The good times though; are when my group of friends share this mutual loneliness and we just gather up one day and, along with a few drinks and food; share how much we love our waifus. It's like sharing strength, and I could swear I wasn't the only one tearing up.
>> No. 2876 [Edit]

Post edited on 26th May 2011, 11:45am
>> No. 2877 [Edit]
I don't think I could bear to talk about it with anyone outside of the internet. In a weird way, though, it's less about what they'd think of me, and more about what they'd think of her. It's like... I've got this beautiful and special relationship, the sort of love I've never experienced with anyone else, and I'm VERY protective of it. If other people knew how I felt about Setsumi, I'm afraid they'd ridicule her and make cruel jokes, and our relationship could suffer for it.

Knowing what the 3D world is like, I believe the loving thing to do is shield her from its cruelty as much as possible.

Yes, I know she's fictional and doesn't "really" have feelings etc. It's the principle of the thing.
>> No. 2883 [Edit]
I'm the same way. I feel like if someone mentioned her to me in real life, it would ruin the perfect mental image/fantasy I've created in my mind forever. It terrifies me.

Not that I talk to anyone about my hobbies, but still. I try not to mix my thoughts about her with thoughts about real life stuff. It feels like this world is corrupting her by imagining how she would react to or feel about something that happens in my life. All my fantasies involve being in her world.
>> No. 2885 [Edit]
This was me. I ran away for a few days, shocked at what I had admitted to and scared at what you guys would think of me.

I am so happy to see that you understand. I was really worried that most 2D lovers were asexual or thought that doing lewd things to your waifu wasn't right. There isn't anything wrong with feeling that way and I will never question you for it. I often wish that my sex drive wasn't so strong.

I always shower before, and wrap a towel around the fleshlight to keep her clean.
>> No. 2897 [Edit]
File 13064166152.jpg - (128.10KB , 595x890 , japanese-love-doll-book.jpg )
ya niggas smalltime

pic related, except it's a custom-made one of Rin from KnJ (btw i'm not American so I don't have to deal with retarded customs laws)
>> No. 2935 [Edit]
Did you really get a custom made love doll?
How much did it cost you dude?!
Did you get it done online or something?

I've been wanting to get a life sized doll of my waifu for years now.
>> No. 2937 [Edit]
Oh are you the guy from /jp/? The one who buys cosplay stuff for his doll?
>> No. 2939 [Edit]
I dropped like 80-90k on the doll itself, about 5 thousand a month. But I also had to give out like 30k in bribes just to get them to make the thing, because I insisted on basically the finest materials, the best craftsmanship money could buy. I'm a trust-fund kid from basically the top 0.1% of wealth though i actually make 180k a year on a real job, and even though I got it through connections I'm actually good enough to have the job on my own merits so money is not much of an object.

The doll is an incredible piece of work; the hair actually feels real, the eyes are as expressive as they might be on a real person, and the fleshlight is the perfect tightness (I knew beforehand, because they sent me sizes to test) for my cock. I even hired a voice actor that kinda sounded like Rin's VA, to record lines as well as sex noises for an implanted voice box. I usually turn it on for sex noises, because the lines are pretty limited, but it just goes to show how much work was put into her. Cleaning her is easy too.

Pretty much, imagine your waifu perfectly translated to 3D, yet still keeping everything about her that is charming in 2D, and you have her.

Incidentally, I don't talk about my waifuism with anyone because for the most part, I'm a lolicon (anything over A-cup is just no; I know it's shallow but that's what I like, though strangely enough I'm not attracted to 3D lolis AT ALL), and thus it would be even more uncomfortable.

I also have secondary waifus (Satori and Madoka) but it's more an issue of attraction than anything, I have a few dakis of them and I fap to them, but I wouldn't drop 90k on a DW for them. I have about 50k of Rin stuff other than the doll.

Anyway, I don't actually mean you guys are small-time, I understand that nobody can pull the shit I did; I'm pretty sure I'm the only 2D-exclusive guy with my means. At the same time though, the average guy could probably buy a decent love doll pre-fab of his waifu if she's from a well-known series. You could probably get a custom one made for like 20k min, but it will likely run into 40k.

I'm just waiting for technology to advance: I'm either expecting them to perfect cloning (which would be able to produce waifus based on their source personality traits in real life, except of course that they would be dynamic personalities, not static), or to perfect virtual reality so that we could freely enter their universes. I'll be one of the first ones in the door, obviously.
>> No. 2940 [Edit]
yeah, you are the /jp/ guy. Nice to have you here
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
Holy shit. I never really thought of a waifu guy being wealthy, but I guess there's no reason it couldn't happen. Very cool that went all out like that.

Also regarding the technological advances, I agree that we're definitely on that path, but I worry it's not going to happen in my lifetime. Or if it does, it will be too expensive for ordinary consumers and will mostly be used for research and government programs or something. How amazing it would be if we could live to see the day where our waifus come to life though.

Post edited on 26th May 2011, 5:56pm
>> No. 2942 [Edit]
when the tech to transplant ourselves into a virtual world happens maybe that guy will pay for us to come with him!
>> No. 2943 [Edit]
Can i borrow a dollar?
>> No. 2944 [Edit]
buy everyone in the steam group a bunch of games just for the hell of it. Otherwise you are not a TruBro™
>> No. 2945 [Edit]
Stop trying to mooch off the guy.
>> No. 2946 [Edit]
I'm sure he's only joking around.
>> No. 2947 [Edit]
I'm not. If this complete stranger doesn't buy me a video game right now I will be so miffed I tell you what
>> No. 2948 [Edit]
>though strangely enough I'm not attracted to 3D lolis AT ALL
>I'm either expecting them to perfect cloning (which would be able to produce waifus based on their source personality traits in real life

Does not compute
>> No. 2952 [Edit]
My dream is to get a 1:1 doll of my waifu, but I would want her modeled like a fig, so more closely to her anime counterpart.

That's a very nice doll, but it's too realistic for me I think. Would it have been possible to make it more fig-like?
>> No. 2955 [Edit]
Most people online know i have a waifu, but i dont think they know the extent...

I had (not have, had) an online friend who claimed to have a waifu but i think he was just using it as an excuse to troll people, he now has a 3DPD and i have lost alot of respect for him.

unfortunately i never really had any friends who were 'on my level' so to speak.
>> No. 2957 [Edit]
Well, I had in mind cloning that produces anime-style features and body shapes. Basically like my doll, except sentinent. Probably not possible, but who the fuck knows.

I think VR is more likely though, and more likely to be accessible to the average waifu lover. It just depends on how much they refine it, and to what extent they can create the AI for it.

Also, I'm mostly working so I can be confident in my financial security, once I hit like, 15 million in savings, I'm gonna go all out NEET.
>> No. 2992 [Edit]
I've asked a close friend what he thinks of loving a 2d character, he seemed ok with the idea, but when he had to borrow my phone and he saw my online avatar, well it doesn't take a genius.
>> No. 3750 [Edit]
>> No. 3795 [Edit]
I talk about it a lot with my older sister
She's an /a/non as well, so she understands it perfectly. She even helps me cook stuff for Christmas and stuff.

I think partly the reason I haven't lost it is because she helps keep me in perspective
>> No. 4652 [Edit]
I am not sure if this belongs here or in >>3003 but making up a new thread for this would be over the top so, i´ll just begin.

The question that roams through my mind since a few days is "When will be the right time?", yes i know its cryptic....i am just wondering when i´ll find the courage to tell my friends and familiy about Kanako and my feelings towards her.
I always hated it when people knew things about me that they could use to mock me or something simliar, even though i am much more open than i was in the past, i wouldn´t want anybody i know to make fun of Kanako or my love for her.
My friends would may be able to understand or at least accept it, but my family would never be able to, they already look down on my for even liking anime (with exeption of my brother but thats another story) and they would never accept that i love an twodimensional girl, if i would tell them it would be nearly impossible to live a peaceful live with Kanako.
How would i explain it to them anyway? My friends watch anime and read manga, but they are unfamiliar to the waifu concept. I cannot think of a proper way to make them understand, how can i find words to explain this relationship to them, when there are so many things that i can´t describe with words no matter what language i use.
I can´t stay quiet about it either since my life made a sudden "turn" a while after i fell in love with Kanako and it will be inevitable that i have to explain this sooner or later.
I kind of want them to know about it, i want to tell them about the girl that made me clean up the mess that once was my life and ever since i met her made me smile everyday.
At some days i just want to shout "This is the girl i love and she is the reason i get out of bed every morning!"
But fear holds me back every time, i am still a coward after all, another thing i need to change.
I hope it didn´t end up too long.
>> No. 4653 [Edit]
what kind of turn did you life take that you feel the need to tell people about your waifu? I just can't see this being a good idea at all, unless someone is likely to understand it.
>> No. 4664 [Edit]
I have talked about it but I quess conversation was a bit ironic. Another person didn't have waifu, but he totally understood what I meant. He said he kind feels bad because he hasn't found his own waifu yet.

Also I tried to explain my 19-yo little sister about my waifu but she didn't really understand, but she didn't judge either. We ended up in this conversation when she asked me "Why don't you have girlfriend? You are really nice guy" and I answered "I already have someone.".
>> No. 4665 [Edit]
I agree with poster >>4653 If your situtation is that, you shouldn't tell anyone. You don't need to tell anyone about your waifu, specially if you think they will judge you.
>> No. 4695 [Edit]
Thank you for your anwers.
It is sure that my familiy will never know about this and i am just fine with that since i don´t have much buisness with them anyway.
As for my friends, it was good luck for me that we had a discussion about the topic and i was able to get the waifu concept in, after some explaination they got it and they seem to respect it. So i think it went well, they don´t know that it is Kanako who i love, but its better this way anyway.
So again i thank you.

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