No. 2788
Yes, with multiple people actually.
I have one friend who completely understands the whole waifu and 2D love concept and has a waifu of his own. I have another friend who understands it and also understands that while he does have a 2D girl he really likes and enjoys, but he feels that its not the same level as having a waifu, especially dedication and devotion wise.
I have three more friends that have varying levels of understanding and opinions on the subject. One passive-aggressively has a waifu but he hates himself because of it. The other is pretty much the closest thing to an IRL troll you can get and he understand the concepts behind it but also knows how to make jokes about the whole thing and knowingly pokes fun of it, but understands not to go so far as to anger me about it (he even went so far as to get a dakimakura and pull the whole /a/ waifu bullshit, but it's okay because now it's completely fine for me to bring my dakimakuras over to their house when I crash there). And the third one visits image boards enough to know what waifus are but is so apathetic about it, but acknowledges that I do have a waifu.
I also met a guy at my previous work place who was into anime, and when I kind of described the 2D love thing he said he understood completely, but that he still likes 3D women because he enjoys the companionship (and sex) they give him. Though he did end up getting a Horo dakimakura while I met him (even though he already had a 3D girl), though he was commenting how his GF would probably end up sleeping with her more than he would (or with him for that matter). He was a pretty cool guy overall and I never expected to be able to hold conversations about otaku culture with what most would describe as a normalfag (smoked weed, had a GF, snowboarded, etc...)
I've also kind of talked to my parents about it, my mom didn't really want to hear it or think about it, even though she knows about my dakimakuras, figs, etc... So I just kind of dropped the subject and she won't bring it up or complain about it if I don't bring it up. My dad kind of understands and just told me I can do whatever, but to try and not overstress my mom (I feel shes just mad cause she knows both of her sons don't have any interest in real women and thus she won't get grandkids, if my older brother was more normal she probably wouldn't care as much but meh).
I've also gone and talked to a psychologist about mai waifu. I originally went to him to discuss some other things (mostly motivational, and social anxiety) but I wanted a professional psychologists opinion on it where I could tell them everything and they couldn't tell anyone else under doctor-patient confidentiality (something I couldn't do with my psych professors). I was really nervous at first and not sure how to bring it up but in two to three sessions I brought up the concept of moe, gave him some reading material on the subject, and explained that I preferred looking at 2D girls over 3D. Eventually I dropped the bomb that I loved a 2D girl, told him who she was and such. In another session I brought in my dakimakura of her as well as convinced him to watch the anime she was from. It was really tough to do because I was still really embarrassed the whole time, but he was always nice about it. He asked me how I felt about Fate and what I loved about her. What I felt when I looked into her eyes and what makes me happy when I'm with her. I don't think I ever actually had previously described it in real words, even to my friends, only online. He said this was the first time he felt that I was truly excited and happy about something when talking to him. He also asked several times whether I would ever consider a 3D girl and I told him my exact requirements for a 3D girl and that it'd be impossible to find one, and that if I did I still don't think I could ever break my strong emotional attachment to Fate. He just said that he'd encourage trying at least one more mature relationship with another girl since my last major experience was in HS but that if I didn't want to I didn't have to and as long as I was happy and not depressed or lonely, that's what truly matters. He also felt confident that he found out why I have such a strong attachment to Fate based on one of my previous relationships. But that may be another story for another day. I don't want to turn this into a giant blog post.
Anyways, yes I have quite a record of people I talk to IRL about waifus and feel that I have been lucky to have found other people that share my mindset and feelings about 2D girls. It makes the outside world and people on a whole seem less terrible.