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File 130553135134.png - (63.91KB , 716x720 , Sabrina 210.png )
2739 No. 2739 [Edit]
You write to a letter to your waifu revealing your undying love for her, you can't deliver the message yourself for some reason. However you can choose anyone in the universe real or fictional to deliver your message for you. This person would read your letter to your waifu. Who would you choose to deliver your message?
This may come as an odd choice to some but I would choose Big Boss from the Metal Gear series. I feel he could deliver the message with the intensity and passion I have. Not to mention he's the manliest man in all of fiction.
(In before someone says Morgan Freeman)
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>> No. 2740 [Edit]
File 130553162167.jpg - (132.57KB , 550x480 , warhammer_space_marines_by_WhoN[1].jpg )
>However you can choose anyone in the universe real or fictional to deliver your message for you.

Then I choose a space marine. I doubt he'd care much even if he reads it.
>> No. 2741 [Edit]
Boring, practical answer: Nagae Iku

Better answer: Paul Giamatti
>> No. 2742 [Edit]
Morgan Freeman.

The practical in-universe choice would be Hisui. Kohaku might not be believable enough.
>> No. 2744 [Edit]
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Gordan Freeman
but serious Akari seems like a good choice to me.
>> No. 2745 [Edit]
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I would choose Akio Furukawa
Because He is as passionate as I am
>> No. 2746 [Edit]
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I think the choice is obvious.
I'd want a recording of the reading too, because i'm sure it'd be hilarious.
for a dick move i could ask Kagami though.
>> No. 2748 [Edit]
Shiraishi Minoru. 'Nuff said.
>> No. 2749 [Edit]
  IGSRJ. That voice is just irresistible.
>> No. 2753 [Edit]
Nothing would stop me from delivering my love to her. But for the sake of answering, off the top of my head I choose Wakamoto. His voice makes everything epic.

Post edited on 16th May 2011, 8:15pm
>> No. 2755 [Edit]
  Barry motherfucking White.

He'd deliver it in a soulful, funky fashion. Plus, he could probably shoot me some pointers, so I get such lines as: "Sheeyit, I can't lose with what I use".

...Of course, I wouldn't really choose Barry, despite all of the coolness in the world being channeled through his voice. I'd pick Homura. He seems to be closest to her. Or maybe Kazehana. I don't think it would have the passion that I'd put into it with anyone else, though.
>> No. 2756 [Edit]
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I believe the only appropriate person for this job would be Nanoha, mostly because I don't think the relationship would work without her approval (or involvement)in the first place. It'd also make it more special for Fate at the same time.
>> No. 2757 [Edit]
I'd choose Kuroko's voice from Railgun.
>> No. 2762 [Edit]
File 130572923550.jpg - (10.37KB , 188x289 , 188px-X_2cbd3576.jpg )
<-- Him, only him.
Vuradimiru Goriachev, coz all in this world are XUITA for him, even my letter. He is nomad after all.
>> No. 2763 [Edit]
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oh u
>> No. 2801 [Edit]
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Him, I guess...?
It's certainly a weird move, but at least he is very close to her, she trusts him, and the guy seemed kind of skillful as a spy.
>> No. 2962 [Edit]
I'd chose Firo from Baccano.

My waifu is Asuka.

It's just Firo is a massive bro and I'd trust nobody else
>> No. 2970 [Edit]
funny, i was thinking Isaac and Miria
>> No. 3045 [Edit]
I view Firo as the character I'd be the most bros with. And he's loyal to his friends so I could trust him
>> No. 3071 [Edit]
File 130712535549.jpg - (36.84KB , 704x396 , anime_tenchou_lucky_Star.jpg )
No long thinking about this question.
<<< HE is my man for this task!

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