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File 130527268235.png - (376.25KB , 640x906 , 8b98fb4c05e898f64a2ffa2c4d19308f.png )
2696 No. 2696 [Edit]
It is mai waifu's birthday today.

/a/ is doing some gigantic image dump but I just want to be alone with her and celebrate quietly.

Maybe we can keep this thread around when the special day rolls around and you want to let her know that you care?
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>> No. 2697 [Edit]
File 130527288871.png - (107.14KB , 1122x999 , 1305260691354.png )
tohno masterminded the original 20 page saber image dump
>> No. 2699 [Edit]
File 130527337638.jpg - (736.71KB , 2280x1425 , 0a667c03a38a95f802a0353a5a454c84.jpg )
I'm aware, I was there.

Just kind of sick of seeing newfags dump huge threads when they don't really understand why.

I might just be bitter, now is when I should be joyous.
>> No. 2702 [Edit]
File 130528139879.png - (218.86KB , 444x530 , 1291545732247.png )
Happy birthday, Arturia. I love you.
>> No. 2703 [Edit]
File 130528343571.png - (170.50KB , 458x800 , 1303470211213.png )
Happy birthday, Saber!
>> No. 2707 [Edit]
I hope you have a great day with your waifu, anon! I don't know her but I'm sure she's wonderful and that you'll treat her well on this special day.

Personally I can't wait until mai waifu's birthday but it isn't for a long time.
>> No. 2708 [Edit]
Hapee burfdae
>> No. 2709 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
I have anniversary dates but no real birthdate for mai waifu. Anyways, enjoy this day! You two deserve it.
>> No. 2712 [Edit]
I've always found Saber to be a very admirable figure. An excellent warrior, and excellent king, and an excellent woman. At least Friday the 13th's bad luck can't affect her with below A rank magic being dispelled. Have a great day, although (at least for GMT) it's about 2 and half hours late.

Shame I cannot find anything about Fate's birthday. I haven't seen or heard it mentioned.
>> No. 2714 [Edit]
I remember reading some where it's supposedly 08/28/1993, though not sure on the credibility of the source and there hasn't ever been any mention of it from canon material.
>> No. 2724 [Edit]
did you get her a cake?
>> No. 2728 [Edit]
File 130543080151.jpg - (2.63MB , 3000x4000 , SAM_0147.jpg )
I only do cakes or special things for Christmas and Valentines, Birthdays are more special than that.

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