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File 130524878489.png - (49.30KB , 417x331 , 1302932188529.png )
2675 No. 2675 [Edit]
I used to be part of a forum in which the people in there had a sticky thread for waifu claiming. They actually took it serious and you could not have the same waifu as other members if they had gotten there first. You could only actually claim your waifu if the other person stayed inactive from this thread for a certain amount of time.

Do you guys agree with this? I don't think waifus should have to be claimed or need some sort of proof to be yours, and find it silly for people to think a waifu can only be one person's only.
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>> No. 2676 [Edit]
Absolutely not. If they think about the concepts of sharing or claiming a Waifu they mostly likely do not take it seriously or do not really love them.
>> No. 2677 [Edit]
Hell no
>> No. 2678 [Edit]
File 130524989675.png - (130.67KB , 724x854 , 18597991_p0.png )
Every person has their own interpretation of their waifu, so while the name of the character might be the same, the version of them being held in their heart is completely unique.

That, and it seems silly to grow so fond of someone only to then be told "you can't love her any more because I posted her name first in this thread."
>> No. 2679 [Edit]
what the hell is wrong with that thumbnail
>> No. 2680 [Edit]
"We'd love to have you, but if you have a waifu that someone else has GO F***ING DIE." is how I see that.

I don't like that concept at all.
>> No. 2681 [Edit]
Was it Sankaku Complex?
>> No. 2682 [Edit]
What asshat forum was this?
>> No. 2683 [Edit]
The site software doesn't like .png much.
>> No. 2684 [Edit]
If it is FAKKU, then we know about it already. Shitkaku is also likely.
>> No. 2685 [Edit]
I had two waifus and every time there was one person with the same waifu as me here, and still is. Sometimes it's a bit tricky because someone will write something about your waifu you don't completely agree with but you need to be tolerant and accept that.
>> No. 2686 [Edit]
I really hate the idea of "claiming" waifus.
It implies they are objects that can be bought or traded for.
A waifu is someone you care deeply about and love, not some pet to show off.
yeah sure, no one likes seeing another guy with the same waifu, but it beats seeing another guy with the same waifu, and not being able to say she's your waifu also because he called dibs on her first.
It's insulting that they would expect people who might truly love someone to just say "oh well, can't be helped" becuase some jurk that might not even care about her half as much joined the site first.
I believe anyone that supports claiming waifus, is not serious about waifus, as least not in terms of real emotion, really caring for them and really wanting to be with them.
>> No. 2687 [Edit]
File 130525136226.jpg - (959.33KB , 939x1327 , oktbatch Tenshi skirt.jpg )
I'm going to make a copypasta of this, because I've written it many times before:

On the Sankaku Complex forums, there's a thread where users can claim their waifu, and if someone wants a waifu who someone else already claimed, they have to hope that user gives her up. When I went to this thread, I was ready to claim Shameimaru Aya as mai waifu, but I found another user had already claimed her. He was willing to choose a different waifu and let me have her, but that felt weird to me, so I just said I'd find someone else. I thought for a long time about whom to choose, considering all sorts of things from appearance to personality to compatibility. I finally settled on Hinanawi Tenshi.

Now I realize that was the best decision I could have made. Aya just ticked off a lot of my fetishes; I wasn't actually in love with her. Tenshi does not fit my idea of a perfect girl, but I love her more than any of my previous waifus who did. I wasn't "settling" for her, she was the girl I should have chosen in the first place. Tenshi and I have now been together for about two years, and I have not had second thoughts.

So while I don't completely support claiming threads, I can't completely hate them, either. They can give users a chance to think if they really love this girl, or if she's just a flavor-of-the-week character they're going to dump later.

Post edited on 12th May 2011, 6:51pm
>> No. 2688 [Edit]
Iam throughoutly glad that others agree with me. It was not Sankaku nor Fakku, it was actually a small general forum of japanese games discussions, the site itself is not important.

Im just glad to know I am not the only one to not agree with this type of thinking. As others have stated, to have to claim a waifu seems to turn it into an object or prize. I tried to argue towards this but they wouldn't bend.
>> No. 2689 [Edit]
File 130525771739.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , 27-10.png )
Absolutely not! If waifus could be claimed, someone would have stolen Mio from me before I even found out she existed. And then what am I supposed to do? Try and settle for someone I don't care about as much because the girl I actually fell in love with was taken by someone else? That sounds too much like a 3D dilemma to me.
>> No. 2690 [Edit]
Claiming is stupid.
>> No. 2691 [Edit]
I pretty much agree with everything said here. I may be going a bit off topic wih this but I feel it's related. I really hate the "meme" of waifus with a fiery passion. I'm talking the people who pull this kind of shit, go around claiming some character as their waifu when they couldn't give a shit in reality. I've been deceived by many groups of people who did this, just when I thought I found somewhere that I belonged shit like that popped up "Oh, I really couldn't care less. This is just my favorite character." Then why do you claim them as your own? Idiot.... In the end I feel the whole waifu meme is just some excuse for people to attention whore themselves. "Hey look at me I'm being weird, duh huh!" Thank goodness I found this place, I was really starting to lose it. I hope I didn't scare people off with my rant but that's how I feel.
>> No. 2693 [Edit]
No I'm with you on that one. The only other site I go on that talks about waifus is /a/ and I've noticed they've increasingly been more hostile and taking things less seriously. Granted, I'm fairly new to the phenomenon but I really do like it and hate to see it tarnished by people who don't know what they are talking about. I guess it's the curse of anything becoming popular though.
>> No. 2695 [Edit]
You should remember that the (meme) term "waifu" itself was invented by people who take the whole 2D love thing as a joke. The first time I came here I thought this board too was one like them with a name like this. I still find it a disgracing term, but it seems that other people don't anymore.
>> No. 2698 [Edit]
i think its a form of claiming a negative term as your own, like the n-word.
>> No. 2718 [Edit]
I still dislike the term, and it still sounds silly and like a joke to me, but the only other term I honestly know of is '2D lovers', and where as "waifu" sounds like a joke "2d lover" sounds almost like an insult.
"Look at that fat wast of a life, he has no friends or job and he's a 2d lover!"
I don't suppose you know of a better term?
>> No. 2719 [Edit]
I can't stand claiming, it's like treating her like an object, not like someone you love. But personally I don't get the whole sharing thing either. No one wants to see their loved one with someone else.
>> No. 2720 [Edit]
I think the term "waifu" is fine; we shouldn't come up with something new just because others gave it a negative connotation. "Liberal" now sounds like an insult just because Republicans always use it as an insult.
>> No. 2723 [Edit]
It is good to see that waifu claiming is still frowned upon here. If you find a character you love, then love her. It doesn't matter if others do too. Some of you never would have found your waifu if she wasn't in a popular show or vn.

It can be a little awkward when you see someone else loving the same girl, but it isn't so bad here. Most, hopefully all, the people here genuinely care about their waifu.
>> No. 2725 [Edit]
the forum I joined allow the members to have up to 4 wives and infinite harem... but now I'm losing my only waifu, as the new rule only allows claiming for members with more than 200 posts... also if you're not 'caring' enough to your waifu (writing fanfics, fanarts or at least saying happy birthday) you'll lose your claim
>> No. 2726 [Edit]
Although it's nice that they are at least trying to make people care, that's still pretty messed up. Nobody can really tell you how you're supposed to love your waifu and they can never tell if you are truly trying your hardest or not. It's a personal relationship that shouldn't be interfered with.
>> No. 2727 [Edit]
what the hell kind of forum is that
>> No. 2731 [Edit]
thats all kinds of fucked up.

Sort of related:
Am i the only one that kind of likes seeing other people with the same waifu? It seems nice to know alot of people care about her, and there is some weird form of respect between two people who share her.
>> No. 2732 [Edit]
Sorry but you need to post here more before you're allowed love someone.
>> No. 2733 [Edit]

that's normal...
>> No. 2735 [Edit]
No, you're not the only one. I actually met one of my best friends because I thought he had Sabrina as a waifu. I found out this wasn't the case but his fandom for her really struck a cord with me. You're right, you kind of get an odd respect for that person. Well in our cases at least
>> No. 2737 [Edit]
There is nothing wrong with people having the same waifu. I feel, if somebody loved Miya as much as I did, I'd be really quite happy - She's just sort of...helping another person cope. Plus, he doesn't love 'my' Miya, he loves 'his' Miya, you know? It's just how you interpret it. Come on, I know you guys have watched Evangelion at least once.

Now, when people just talk about her with 'lustful tones' in passing, that's what bothers me. I know it's ridiculous and neurotic, but I just can't help feeling a little...disenchanted when people talk about her like she is what she really is.

It's fucked up that they actually found a way to be elitist about 2D love.

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