No. 2687
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I'm going to make a copypasta of this, because I've written it many times before:
On the Sankaku Complex forums, there's a thread where users can claim their waifu, and if someone wants a waifu who someone else already claimed, they have to hope that user gives her up. When I went to this thread, I was ready to claim Shameimaru Aya as mai waifu, but I found another user had already claimed her. He was willing to choose a different waifu and let me have her, but that felt weird to me, so I just said I'd find someone else. I thought for a long time about whom to choose, considering all sorts of things from appearance to personality to compatibility. I finally settled on Hinanawi Tenshi.
Now I realize that was the best decision I could have made. Aya just ticked off a lot of my fetishes; I wasn't actually in love with her. Tenshi does not fit my idea of a perfect girl, but I love her more than any of my previous waifus who did. I wasn't "settling" for her, she was the girl I should have chosen in the first place. Tenshi and I have now been together for about two years, and I have not had second thoughts.
So while I don't completely support claiming threads, I can't completely hate them, either. They can give users a chance to think if they really love this girl, or if she's just a flavor-of-the-week character they're going to dump later.
Post edited on 12th May 2011, 6:51pm