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File 130491097896.png - (332.13KB , 2560x1440 , 17313771.png )
2650 No. 2650 [Edit]
A bit late, but did everyone wish their waifu's/husbando's mom Happy Mother's Day?
Kind of ironic that i'm making the thread considering... ;_;
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>> No. 2651 [Edit]
I have no idea who my waifu's mom is, she was never shown during the show and only mentioned in passing. It's a shame really, since it would be nice to learn more about her family.
>> No. 2652 [Edit]
My waifu doesn't have a mother. I don't even know how she came into being. It's one of those great questions that keep me up at night - Like the depth and stretch of the universe, how black black is, and whether or not anything I do will really change the course of history. Spoiler: It probably won't.

One thing I take solace in, though, is that not many waifus have mothers.
>> No. 2653 [Edit]
Sure did, made some sweet tea for Lindy, and then later tonight it's going to be special night for Fate and Nanoha mommy.
>> No. 2654 [Edit]
File 130492273152.jpg - (34.35KB , 447x543 , Sabrina 55.jpg )
Damn, I completely forgot. I feel ashamed now. She's a really nice person too, she still pleaded with Brock and Misty that Sabrina was a good person despite turning her into a doll. She's like me in that we both see the good in Sabrina.
>> No. 2655 [Edit]
I probably should have, but I have no idea who she is, She wasn't even mentioned. Maybe with the full version...
>> No. 2656 [Edit]
I'd imagine that Makoto's mom would be pretty cool; but then again I'd think she was some sort of house wife or something.
>> No. 2659 [Edit]
File 130498757957.jpg - (103.19KB , 643x483 , FU kyoko.jpg )
Congratulate Kyoko? the fuck I would: before turning into a megamonster, she was a batshit insane cunt who pretty much ruined mai waifu's life (she wanted to hang her, FFS)...

Also, german/austrian mother's day (Muttertag) holds the stigma of a nazi celebration, so really I think I'll just better let it pass.
>> No. 2660 [Edit]

I feel that feel, OP. My waifu is Konata as well. Disregarding the unfortunate fact you pointed out though, I still enjoyed the day with her nonetheless. I spent time imagining how wonderful of a mother Konata would be, with all of her silliness aside.
>> No. 2665 [Edit]

Not quite - Surtic's with her more introverted sister.

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