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File 13046594582.jpg - (194.03KB , 750x1000 , sittin002.jpg )
2607 No. 2607 [Edit]
Is it a problem if she's a bit younger than me?
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>> No. 2608 [Edit]
true love breaks any boundaries
>> No. 2609 [Edit]
No, a lot of anime girls are in the 14-17 range, and I'd hope that's younger than you
>> No. 2610 [Edit]
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Rita is actually from a video game, and there are definitely older girls to pick from in the series and even in the game she's in.

I wonder what that says about me
>> No. 2611 [Edit]

That being said, I'm a little worried about the fact that waifus don't age. We're only a year apart now but as I get older she stays in a pristine young form. It'll probably make me feel awkward if I stick it out that long.
>> No. 2613 [Edit]
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A character more or less ages with you, as your idea of who and what they are evolves over time. As you progress, they progress, becoming more faceted and complex.

If they stay physically young forever too, that's just a bonus.
>> No. 2614 [Edit]
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I almost double mai waifu's age. It did made me feel awkward at the begining -like a molester or something- but I stopped caring on the way; personally, I don't stick to her mainly due to sexual purposes but, even if that was the case, I wouldn't really mind since... well... she isn't real, so there's no way I could possibly abuse (or have any effect on) her [*SIGH*]...

I guess I just don't care, by now, in a similar way I don't care about pretty much anything (I'm really moody at the moment, so don't take all this too seriously).
>> No. 2615 [Edit]
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It bothers me that I am so much older than my waifu as she is depicted.

According to her bio though I am only a few years older than she is.

I am confused, but I still lover her. Also how did I get so old ;_;
>> No. 2616 [Edit]
Age shouldn't matter with love.
Though, based on how i determine her age, mine is actually a bit older then me
>> No. 2617 [Edit]
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She's many times older than me, but she still looks around my age. One of my favorite things about her is her maturity.
>> No. 2618 [Edit]
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I'm only 2 or 3 years older than mai waifu, so at this point it doesn't concern me much; it definitely will in the future, however.

What really makes me feel uncomfortable is my height. I'm 6'3", and Tenshi is a teenaged Japanese girl. She's usually depicted as above average height, but still.
>> No. 2619 [Edit]
When I first found mai waifu, we were both the same age. 17 years old. I would've liked to have gne through high school with her.
>> No. 2620 [Edit]
I don't think it is a problem at all. She is much older than me, though she looks like a little girl.
Really? I thought Tenshi was much older, she just 'ascended to heaven' when she was a teenager.
>> No. 2621 [Edit]
Well yeah technically she's hundreds of years old, but she doesn't age, so...
>> No. 2622 [Edit]
Well, Hanako is 18 and I'm currently 22, which puts us 4 years apart. Then again, I remember reading that if she were to age normally we would actually be the same age.
>> No. 2623 [Edit]
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Remilia is over 500 years old. I always knew, but never really understood. I can't even comprehend what it is to have lived that long. When I sat down and seriously thought about this, I got worried. Because I definately don't think I'd be compatible with someone who's say, in their fifties. How can it be that I've ended up with a girl who's lived for more than five centuries?

Then, I saw that it simply doesn't matter. At the risk of sounding cheesy, age means nothing in the face of our love. We're able to get along brilliantly, we're able to love one another, so age really isn't a factor at all.

And besides, most of the time she doesn't act her age, anyway. I tend to see her as being just a few years older than I am, usually. Maybe when you've lived as long as she has, age becomes a non-entity.

Well, after saying all that, I can conclude that age difference doesn't matter at all. I guess I could just have said that to begin with...
>> No. 2624 [Edit]
According to the "Electric Tale of Pikachu" manga Sabrina is 21. I'm guessing her anime and game counterparts are slightly younger. As of right now we're around the same age, me being one year younger if she is indeed 21. If we aged in real world time going from her debut, I'd be alot younger than her. If the anime has taught me anything it's that Pokemon characters never age. I'm thinking too much into this, heh. To answer the question, we all will eventually be older than our waifus.
>> No. 2625 [Edit]

>we all will eventually be older than our waifus.

Heh. I hope not, because in my case, I'd be immortal, but she'd be dead.
>> No. 2628 [Edit]
I forgot about the waifus who are like hundreds of years old. I guess physically we'll all be older than our waifus. One advantage about my waifu has is her powers. She could create the mental illusion that we're still young, when we get old. (I think she can I'm not sure.) I'd love her no matter how she looked but it wouldn't hurt to have an illusion that we're still young.
>> No. 2629 [Edit]
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I feel lucky because I initially fell in love with Fate when she was 9 years old. Now she has a canon age of 25 (putting her 4 years older than me) and I still love her just as much and don't feel I have to worry about an age gap (at least not for another ~15 years). It was kind of nice that she aged in source material. I do feel like having a relationship with a younger Fate would feel a lot more awkward now and when I look at loli Fate I feel more of a platonic love compared to when I look at adult Fate.
>> No. 2633 [Edit]
>I'd love her no matter how she looked

Bullshit, be it 2D love or else.
>> No. 2634 [Edit]
That's crazy to think about. I figure that would be the end of my story - When I surpass Miya's age.

I'm not even sure how old she is, though. In terms of appearance, she appears around the 24-27 range (since her husbands best friend is 24-27, and assuming they're all around the same age...). But on the other hand, she might have been alive since maybe 1200 or 1750. That's assuming the author is being clever about the shrine featured in the flashback chapters, though.

However, she was 'discovered' 21 years before the series began (that would make her 12 in present day...), except she was a full-grown adult by that time. So she's either 26-ish, 40-something, or...811, maybe 267. She probably doesn't even age in the first place (then again, she was a child at one point). I absolutely have no clue what's going on with her age, so I just completely disregard it.

Okay, then, after that massive digression:
I don't think age matters one bit. As I just exhibited (and previous posts reinforce), anime characters' ages can range from 5-10,000. I'd say being concerned about age would be the same as being concerned over eye colour.

I'm concerned about height, too. She's only 5'3". That's just a little above my neck. All of the time before I got her measurements, I always assumed she was in the 5'7"-6' range.
>> No. 2636 [Edit]
Don't women usually find tall men attractive though? Either way, I think height is a problem for most of us since Japanese women tend to be really short. My waifu is supposed be "tall" but she is only 5'3" whereas I am 5'11". I wouldn't worry about it too much.
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
It's not an issue of if she'd be attracted to me, it's us being together. I wouldn't want to get on my knees just to hug her.

Also, I can never have a dakimakura of her because they're only 5 feet long.
>> No. 2639 [Edit]
some are 160cm long now instead of the usual 150cm. Not that big a difference, but it may help.

I guess it feels good for once being a smidge over 5'8" which is something like 175cm or so.

Anyway the height thing shouldn't bother you. All the guys seem to tower over the girls in anime anyway.

An honest question about age though. If your waifu has a set birthday, do you view her age as it would be today? I do. I still see her as she was shown, maybe imagine her looking more mature now and then though, but she gets older. Perhaps it is strange, but it helps keep me from drifting away from her. I may be putting to much emphasis on age I suppose.
>> No. 2640 [Edit]
I don't see what prevents you from getting a dakimakura.
>> No. 2642 [Edit]
That's a tough question. Based on the information given I've calculated that mine is 18 at the end of her anime, but how exactly would that translate in the real world? The anime started in 2009 and 3 years passed in it so technically you could say that she is actually 17 today in the year 2011.

Of course, calculations like this are kind of silly, especially when you take into account shows that are set in the past or future. For example, if your waifu was Asuka from NGE, she was 13-14 in the year 2015 when it takes place, which means she is actually 10-11 now. And what if you fell in love with her even earlier than that? It makes things kind of weird. Waifus are more of an ideal love so I don't mind ignoring such specifics.
>> No. 2645 [Edit]
I mean I physically can (assuming I find a good one; there's a strange lack of Tenshi dakimakura), but I just don't like having one almost a 1 1/2 feet shorter than me. I've always hated being so tall, and that only makes it worse.

I think my current solution works well, though; two pillows right next to each other, which together come to almost 6 feet.
>> No. 2648 [Edit]
File 130487971084.jpg - (9.89KB , 200x181 , 2009-02-27-professor_farnsworth.jpg )
Good news everyone! It turns out I over-estimated the size of my pillows, and they only come to about five feet anyway!
>> No. 2649 [Edit]
We were the same age, and in my fantasy she ages just like me. I'm not sure whether I'd fall in love with someone >4 years apart from myself, so it has to be this way.
>> No. 2658 [Edit]
This. Age is nothing but a number.

I prefer to think of Miku as an android anyway, so I don't think she would actually age. Right now, there's a four year age difference between us.
>> No. 2717 [Edit]
File 130539791428.jpg - (82.95KB , 600x500 , what.jpg )
I'm glad my first thread here is so successful. Admittedly, I could have done a bit more lurking before I posted, but I am feeling pretty good about my posts here so far.

Just to be safe, I'll probably be doing a bit more lurking in the near future.
>> No. 2721 [Edit]
I'll admit that I'm rather new here but I'd love this board to be more active so I hope you don't lurk too much. The people here seem pretty nice too.
>> No. 2729 [Edit]
From what I can tell, this board doesn't exactly go out and advertise itself everywhere, and it doesn't get the kind of word-of-mouth advertisement that bigger boards get either.

I'm honestly surprised people post here as often as they do now!
>> No. 2730 [Edit]
i think most people here like being slightly secluded...just a hunch.

this makes me wonder how most of you feel about the age of the users here, im fairly young and i assume the OP is too.
>> No. 2734 [Edit]
Well I hate kids so if someone is like 16 or younger then I'd rather them not post here
>> No. 2738 [Edit]
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She's 17-18. I'll be 20 in a month.

No idea about the rest of the board though.
>> No. 2743 [Edit]

Average age is probably around early-mid 20s, at least for most of the active posters, specifically the ones on IRC.
>> No. 2747 [Edit]
From an old thread (on previous Tohnochan), I was susprised at how many users were excatly 22 years old (some of us are considerably older... T.T)
>> No. 2886 [Edit]
If I'm going by manga serialization date, Konata turned 18 in 2005, so she's turning 24 in just a few days, which means she's actually a couple years older than me.
>> No. 2927 [Edit]
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It's fine to be a 14 year old girl and post here as long as you are 2D, like myself. Pic related, it's me
>> No. 2932 [Edit]
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I don't think a few years (2-4) is a problem at all.
Maybe when the couple is younger, when both are below 20, it can stand out a bit, but past that seems fine I think.

Minagi was something around 17-18 in Air, and going off the anime (2004), that would put here somewhere around 25 with the real age time thing, being 2 years older then me, 6 years older then me going off the 2000 VN's' release date, if you want to get all technical and stuff.
I'd prefer us to be closer in age, but I wouldn't mind her being a few years older then me, or younger then me, which would be like 5 years difference without the ageing thing (ever 17)

but who cares about age, I'd just want to grow old with her by my side..
>> No. 2933 [Edit]
I see; althought I don't perform such calculus myself since I personally don't like considering mai waifu as an aging entity. That's one of the reasons why I prefer 2D: anime girls don't need to get old and degenerate like we do; whatever their fate it is, on their stories, they remain forever crystallized in the utter perfection that made us fall for them in the first place.

Post edited on 26th May 2011, 2:39pm
>> No. 2934 [Edit]
Oh of course, by all means I love her the way she is, and usually imagine her in her never changing form. which is what I fell for.
I find her completely perfect at the age she is.

I just sometimes wonder about the other possibilities out there, such as us aging together for example, Just a "what if" kind of thing.
>> No. 2936 [Edit]
Because my waifu and I are close in age I often dream about us aging together, having a family and whatnot. Although I certainly love her the way she is now I think she could age quite gracefully as well.
>> No. 3564 [Edit]
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I like how he's four years younger than me. It adds a certain vulnerability and innocence to him which does add to his allure.
>> No. 3565 [Edit]
Due to age progression, she is actually about a year older than me. \(//∇//)\
>> No. 3566 [Edit]
same here. She is exactly 366 days older than me. figured that was some type of weird sign when I first started falling for her.
>> No. 3568 [Edit]
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Well I fell in love with her when we were both the same age (14 when I watched Eva)

But it does feel a bit weird now

It's even stranger if you consider that technically, she was born in 2001, which means she is just turning 10 this year if we overlap both our world and hers

And if we go by release date, she's turning 30 this year if she had aged from the point she was introduced till now.
I'd prefer it as that honestly. I am not very comfortable with the thought of her younger than me

Post edited on 2nd Jul 2011, 6:21pm
>> No. 3578 [Edit]

>Well I fell in love with her when we were both the same age (14 when I watched Eva)

Actually that's a common misconception but technically Asuka is 13 throughout most of the series (being born in December and all). Coincidentally I know this only because I was 13 when I watched Eva for the first time.

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