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2586 No. 2586 [Edit]
I remember back when it all started, when I first 'met' her. I didn't even notice her at first, but before long she caught my eye. Slowly, she crept up on me: i'd think about her more and more, I saved as many pictures as I could find, and I even, heh, didn't fap to anyone else for a good while. (a-although not anymore, obviously!) Something at the back of my head did wonder why all this was, but then I realised I was in love.

Funnily enough, this was only just about half a year ago, September or somewhere abouts. Just this Feburary, on Valentine's Day, 'we' had our first meal together. A bit improvised, yes, but it was still wonderful.

Not long after that, though, things started to turn sour. I'd always felt unworthy of someone so amazing, obviously, but this was far more intense. Every time I went to my desktop, she'd be there, and i'd feel her staring at me with hatred even though she was smiling. I tried to shut her out of everything I did, so I could stop thinking about it, but it plagued me for months(and I never did find the courage to change my background). I started to feel 'swings' of sorts - some days it'd be fine, and I felt that old warmth, and other days she felt like someone i'd never seen before, and that I was falling out of love.

Lately, this has eased up. I still don't feel entirely comfortable, and I feel like the situation could collapse at any minute, but I can certainly say I still hold affections towards her.

Why make a needless post, then? Well, i've managed to make things complicated for myself. A while before this all started, I watched something everyone was making a fuss over at the time. Turned out to be quite good, but that's not why I mentioned it. There was one character, who I didn't even notice at first, but gradually she caught my eye. She began to creep up on me, but until I began to feel strain between me and mai waifu I never noticed it. I tried to deny it, and tell myself it was impossible, but ultimately it was futile.

So, that puts me in a rather precarious position. I don't want to toss aside my old love as if I was some flavour-of-the-month normalfag, and as if she never mattered to me.
>> No. 2587 [Edit]
if she does harm to you then i think it's the best for you

and if you don't want to forget her/dump do something special for her, try doing stuff that your waifu would like, to make you a better and deserving person for your waifu. if you can't then i think that's there are other solutions but i can't think of any at the moment.
>> No. 2591 [Edit]
Although I don't know you at all, it does sound like you had some self esteem issues going. One of the beauties of 2D love is that you really never do have to worry about her leaving you or something like that. There was no need to put yourself down and feel "unworthy" of her.

I'm sure it's more complicated than that but I hope this helps a bit.
>> No. 2598 [Edit]
I've had similar experiences as well, I've had several long-time 2D crushes over the years but they never developed to the "waifu state", because I feel so bad about myself.

Instead I tend to be very obsessive over pairings I like a lot, I spend up nearly all of my free thinking time (lying on bed awake, walking, etc.) making up fantasies/fanfics of the characters in my mind (I'm really bad at writing and I have good visual imagination so eh), spend hours taking hundreds of screencaps of scenes with them together, look through hundreds of Google pages with the character names in Japanese looking for new images and discussion of them, etc. 2D love is technically a fan pairing with you as the other partner, so it's not that much different from this.
>> No. 3100 [Edit]

In my case, I've had several times when I would just start to force myself to ignore her because of the irrationality of the entire thing.
Happened like 2 or 3 times. I'd delete everything relating to her, and spend several months trying to move on, force myself to see interest in girls and such

2 years ago, I guess I finally found a point of zen.
Mind you, I'm probably walking towards self destruction with what I came to conclude, but it's either this or constant self doubts. I prefer it this way

Also, about your love for her. If you have doubts, maybe she isn't your waifu. Well, I view a waifu as someone you truly truly love beyond anyone else. You can't get over that

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