No. 2571
Welcome to the weird, wild world of being a madman.
As for the whole "she'll never be real" issue, I found that the treatises posted in the survey thread (>>2434 and >>2427) really helped in their own way to sort of give me some perspective to this.
I'm man enough to admit that some nights it really gets to me, and I'll throw the sheets aside in frustration, tears in my eyes. There's part of you that's hoping that you'll just wake up next to her, and the other, rational part understands you won't. The "whole one-sided relationship" thing is a perpetual problem - It comes into play for me, at least, because I lived my entire life up until this 'situation' with the belief that love has to be mutual. That imaginary woman shook up one of my core beliefs.
On the other hand, the positives of it being one-sided are somewhat obvious. She's your ideal, she can only be a good person to you, she'll never really 'leave' you. It's something akin to enlightenment, but at a cost.
At the end of the day, it's a fact. A horrible, debilitating fact, but you can't change it. A few things dull the pain, at least - A continual delusion helps for me. The least you can do is be strong for Mio. Maybe your love can echo across dimensions, and give her strength when she needs it.