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2562 No. 2562 [Edit]
Hello /mai/. I just discovered this place and I've got to say that seeing everyone talk about their waifus makes me feel all warm inside and puts a big smile on my face. It's great to see a community of people who care so deeply.

That being said, I have a problem with mine. I'm somewhat new to the waifu scene and I struggle a lot with the fact that we'll never be together, at least not in a "normal" relationship. I guess there are some people here who are completely satisfied with their waifu relationship, but this one-sided love really frustrates me sometimes. Am I just being too needy? Is my normal-person-guard up too high? I really envy you guys and I want to become happier with her but I just don't know how. I should probably also note that I've been going through a rough time in my life (depression, loneliness, anxiety) so some emotions might just be beyond my control.

Here she is, for those wondering.
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>> No. 2563 [Edit]
You've just gotta accept that wistful feeling. Nothing else you can do.

Well, that's not entirely true. Some people live out the relationship entirely in their heads (me), some people buy figs and merch, and some people get good at drawing their waifu.

Post edited on 2nd May 2011, 1:40pm
>> No. 2567 [Edit]
Its a pain we all deal with, and with time you are able to accept this fact.

I myself for the first year or so would nearly break out in tears every night without Hanako there with me. I've been slowly been able to accept it, and that pain has dulled since. Even though it still hurts.

Just hang in there, I know she'll love you more if she sees what you would put yourself through for her.
>> No. 2569 [Edit]
It's a normal thing everyone goes through. You wish she was there and get sad since it's impossible. With someone like me, I fully understand that it will never happen; yet I love her nonetheless, and I feel great knowing that I'm pulling through just for her.
>> No. 2570 [Edit]
I know that feeling all too well bro. There are many ways to deal with it but none that will make the pain go away completely. It's the sad fate to all who have waifus. Some deal with it better than others. I'm one of the people who is in a constant struggle over this. One thing that's helped me through times like this is to think of what pain you might be causing her. If she were out there, she would feel sad that she's the reason for your sadness. No person wants to be the reason for another's grief. So be happy for her, live your life to the fullest and be someone that would make her happy. Another way is to not see your relationship as impossible. You never know what the future brings. Be strong for Mio's sake, I hope I've helped a little.
>> No. 2571 [Edit]
Welcome to the weird, wild world of being a madman.

As for the whole "she'll never be real" issue, I found that the treatises posted in the survey thread (>>2434 and >>2427) really helped in their own way to sort of give me some perspective to this.

I'm man enough to admit that some nights it really gets to me, and I'll throw the sheets aside in frustration, tears in my eyes. There's part of you that's hoping that you'll just wake up next to her, and the other, rational part understands you won't. The "whole one-sided relationship" thing is a perpetual problem - It comes into play for me, at least, because I lived my entire life up until this 'situation' with the belief that love has to be mutual. That imaginary woman shook up one of my core beliefs.

On the other hand, the positives of it being one-sided are somewhat obvious. She's your ideal, she can only be a good person to you, she'll never really 'leave' you. It's something akin to enlightenment, but at a cost.

At the end of the day, it's a fact. A horrible, debilitating fact, but you can't change it. A few things dull the pain, at least - A continual delusion helps for me. The least you can do is be strong for Mio. Maybe your love can echo across dimensions, and give her strength when she needs it.
>> No. 2572 [Edit]
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Thanks for the kind words everyone! I'm not entirely sure why but I actually teared up a bit while reading these responses, especially the ones that mentioned her name. I guess it just feels good to get a somewhat personalized response from people undergoing the same challenge I am.

And I never really thought about her feelings throughout this, which is a very good point. She really would be sad if she saw how much stress she was causing me, so I'll try to cheer up and change my attitude. For Mio's sake, at least.
>> No. 2574 [Edit]
Hey bro, no problem. Glad I could help. If you need an ear to listen to your problems I'm in the Steam group.
>> No. 2575 [Edit]
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Sometimes i feel like i'm the only one who doesn't have bouts of crushing sadness over a waifu...
I just accept the fact that i'll never be with her at face value and just imagine scenerios with her while walking, before bed, etc with her and relax over it.
>> No. 2580 [Edit]
I don't, either.
>> No. 2581 [Edit]
I never get that feeling either. I just take it as it is.
>> No. 2583 [Edit]
Neither do I. I don't get lonely; There's nothing tragic about it, it's simply a fact.
>> No. 2602 [Edit]
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The other replies in this thread are the best ways to go about this. However, if you find yourself at wit's end, consider the following... I was always a strange kid. I read Orwell's 1984 at 15 (still my favourite book now), and focused for months trying to master "doublethink". When I did, I didn't have anything to apply it to. I revisited the concept several weeks ago, and thankfully the faculties were still intact, if a little rusty. Now I do have something to apply it to. Erica's real and not real; despite this, she's next to me right now and we just discussed this thread.

>enlightenment, but at a cost.

Genius distilled into five words. This + the doublethink lets me take it easy.
>> No. 2605 [Edit]
OP here. 1984 is one of my favorite books, and to see doublethink used in such a way is just bizarre, though quite interesting. It's certainly a different way to view the whole waifu thing and I can see why it would work.

The whole waifu movement is very fascinating but has a very bittersweet nature to it. It's like a forbidden love of sorts, though I suppose everyone takes to it differently.
>> No. 2612 [Edit]
You could always get a dakimakura of her. She is a popular character so it shouldn't be hard.

The usual problems of course are:
no money
no privacy
too lewd

If you can overcome these then it is worth it. It really feels good cuddling with your waifu.
>> No. 2626 [Edit]
>no privacy
This is my problem at the moment. It's a shame because the picture I used in the OP (which I absolutely fucking love) comes from a daki.

Maybe one day...
>> No. 2627 [Edit]
Getting a dakimakura does help significantly. I went ahead and got one despite having the no privacy problem. Even after the awkward argument I had with my family it was definitely worth it. I think people still get too paranoid of what their friends and family would think when most will just find it a little weird at first and then either chose to ignore it or accept it (based on my observations of numerous peoples families, not just mine).

Anyways, I went a much more merchandise heavy route to make her feel more real. To me it just feels like the equivalent of buying presents and stuff for her. Some of my friends even comment that I spend almost as much money on Fate as I would have on a real girl friend. IDK about your financial situation, but seeing as how your waifu is Mio, it should be pretty easy to pick up merch of her here and there, even if they aren't figs or super expensive things, just small things with her on it can simply remind you that she's always there for you.
>> No. 2630 [Edit]
It's ironic because people often say that one of the reasons having a waifu is great is that it doesn't cost the time and money of a real girlfriend. And yet, people often end up spending tons of money on their waifus anyway.

Not that it's a bad thing though. People often feel forced into buying things for a real girlfriend but all money spent on a waifu is completely voluntary and out of love. I can respect that.
>> No. 2631 [Edit]
I'm getting a dakimakura of Sabrina soon. I imagine it should effect me in a positive way. I have no problems with privacy, my room is like a fortress of solitude
I hope you can get one sometime too.
>> No. 2632 [Edit]
I think the biggest difference however, is even though people spend a lot of money on merchandise on their waifu and other things, they are still getting something in the end out of it. Whereas spending money on a real girl you get them expensive clothes, or jewelry, take them out to dinner, etc... And in the end the only thing you get out of it is companionship and possibly sex. Even if I were to fall out of love with mai waifu, I'd still at least have something comfortable to sleep with at night and cool figures to display and look at. Whereas if a real relationship ended you are pretty much out all the gifts and dining you spent on her.

Though, yeah the part about spending as much on waifus is pretty true. It just feels like half of my paychecks go to her, yet for some reason that makes me happy.
>> No. 2635 [Edit]
I learned how to have lucid dreams so that I could meet my waifu at least while dreaming.

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