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File 129081294118.jpg - (238.37KB , 1600x900 , 1277070437209.jpg )
254 No. 254 [Edit]
Have you ever expected to like the same waifu for the rest of your life?

I'm slowly falling out of love with Biribiri. For some reason, she hasn't had the same appeal as she had before. And I feel as I'm tired of her already. I still like her and all, but it's just not the same. Not so sure if I could even call her mai waifu anymore.

Just thought that I'd vent some of my feelings out there, you know.
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>> No. 255 [Edit]
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I know how you feel, I've slowly started drifting away from Ivan.
If he had more screentime, I'd probably not have this problem.
But Stocking keeps trying to steal my heart from him goddammit I don't want to leave him. ;_;
This better just be a passing crush that I have on her, one that will fade quickly.
>> No. 256 [Edit]
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Even fictional love doesn't last exciting forever. Its just that the relationship hit its peak of excitement after sometime. This isn't a new feeling anymore for you to experience and you can't expect it to last forever.

This doesn't mean you don't feel love anymore but it does mean the level of excitement isn't isn't going to be of a young teenager getting in their first relationship.

This happens in real life all the time and theirs no reason to suggest that waifu love would be any different. This is why you'll notice on popular imageboards you'll see people switch waifus every season.

Most people are in relationships in real life because of shared needs and desires so that's why they'll stay together instead of switching partners every year. There are exceptions but it all depends on what you use relationships for as some need constant stability with one person while others do not.

So you don't let it get you down~
>> No. 257 [Edit]
That's the problem with waifus, because you can't interact with them, because there's only so much merchandise, because the anime, manga or vn they come from had an ending.. it becomes more and more challenging to hold onto those emotions one first had with them.
One could almost compare it to people who's loved ones have past away, they might still have a place in the persons heart, but the feelings slowly fade over the years as the memories also fade away, as such, they tend to move on, maybe not right right away, because they still care about that lost loved one, but after it sinks in that they're gone for good, and they'll never see one another again.
you can only watch old home movies so many times before going nuts..
just like you can only watch the same anime or read the same story's so many times..
some people have ways of dealing with this though, some people make up they're own stories, they make their own memory's with their waifu, be it fanfiction, dreams or fantasies, whatever it might be, they find a way to keep that old flame burning.

But as for waifus from on going sources, I really don't know what to say..
>> No. 262 [Edit]
I do. I hope I don't experience feelings for another character though, that would just make me feel terrible.
Speaking of this... I always feel bad for people whose love was originally in a VN or was a small character, as eventually the material including them runs out.
>> No. 263 [Edit]
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Thanks guys, I expected to get a lot of shit just by making this thread.

I felt as if I had been lying to myself for about a month. I've been trying to stay with Biribiri, but it's hard to do so. Ever since I started to play Rune Factory 3, I became increasingly infatuated with Sofia. Now, I didn't like her at first, because I found her verbal tic of speaking in opposites and her hobby of collecting trash to be annoying. Eventually, as I played the game, she grew on me and appreciated her eccentricities. Since it's obviously a waifu game, I was somewhat interested in the other marriage candidates as well. But I kept coming back to Sofia. To me, there was something more about Sofia than the rest of the characters in the game. I simply liked her for who she is. Even the mere mention of her makes me feel loved just as I has before years ago with Biribiri. The more I was into it, I felt increasingly distant from Biribiri and much more closer to Sofia, to the point that I forgot about Biribiri until I've realized it. Guess I'm back to square one.

Sometimes I wished that it was just a fleeting crush on Sofia, but things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to be. Rather than constantly thinking about Biribiri, I now constantly thought of Sofia. I really didn't want to be the type to constantly switch waifus every season. And I didn't want to force myself to like Biribiri either. Eventually, I may probably forget about Sofia and come to like Biribiri as I used to or maybe some other 2D girl, who knows what'll happen next.
>> No. 265 [Edit]
>This is why you'll notice on popular imageboards you'll see people switch waifus every season.
These people aren't a good example. They never had a waifu to begin with. They just call their favourite character of the season waifu.
>> No. 268 [Edit]
well... call me cynical but: wasn't that one of the actual advantages from our waifus being NONEXISTENT? i.e. you can go trough the sooting experience of depositing good, caring, romantic thoughts and feelings (as real as anyother's) toward some entity, without worrying innecesarily for the moment when the relationship (quite probably) fails or reach the fed up point, since it´s an unidirectional kind of relation. i mean: our waifus can´t possibly suffer from our deserting, as they exist only in our imagination. we are just finally having a soliloquium, so the only ones who really suffer for the breakup are ourselves; we experience angst, alright, and we must face that sort of betrayal to ourselves; as an ethical problem, but it doesn't hurt anyone else (or not our -virtual- waifus, in any case)...

now, if you're still willing to believe that your waifu does exist as some sort of (poorly understood concept of) soul, spirit or so, what i could venture to tell you is that NOBODY (not IRL, not any sort of so called incorporeal creature, but with a minimum of dignity) would ever want someone to stay with them just out of PITTY. so if you're done with your waifu, have the balls at least to leave her alone already.

by all means: be consequent, at least; live by the day (wich the actual temporal dimension of true ethics: the present) and just be honest with youselves, brohonos.

about their stories comming to an end: actually that's, for me, their greatest garanty of our waifus value and permanence; because unlike us (the real), fictional characters remain cristalized, in utter perfection, on the (virtual) field of arts. Hence, they're immortal; or better: they can reborn, whenever their story is retold, relistened and reinterpreted again, trough centuries and millenia.
>> No. 269 [Edit]
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What an individual uses a waifu for doesn't change it. Some people take it as a joke no doubt but its just an easier example to share. If you prefer think of your average teenager, they usually go through relationships left and right. Going with the next object of their desire.


>Thanks guys, I expected to get a lot of shit just by making this thread.

There are people who take switching waifus very seriously, but don't worry about it. They're not real nor do they care. Its nothing to be ashamed about here. As I mentioned there are people who take waifus very seriously, myself included but don't let that take anyway the feelings you have for whatever character you have. They are "imaginary friends" after all regardless if none of us want to admit it.

tl;dr, don't worry, take it easy~
>> No. 272 [Edit]
I have several girls I considered waifus. I go through them pretty quickly, but I never lose interest in old ones even when I move on. I guess I'm a waifu collector
>> No. 281 [Edit]
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It happened to me for a good while myself.
You all have the advantage of a waifu that actually has material on her, mine is but an 'alter' or something of another character.

I slowly lost interest and drifted to others, like Cirno or Rin Kagamine, because they had a voice and other things that made them more real.
After a while i started thinking about her and remembering the feeling, so i started looking at her pictures and fell in love for real.

Maybe you're really falling out of love, or maybe you're just highly infatuated by the other girl. Give it time and see.
Doesn't mean you have to stop caring for her though, i still hold affection for cirno and rin even though they're not my waifus or ever really had them called that.
>> No. 282 [Edit]
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I started to have doubts about Biribiri about a month ago, ever since I watched other animu series, especially since I rewatched K-ON and felt infatuated with Yui (because I couldn't resist her derpy cheeks). I felt that I was tired of Biribiri. Then I laid my eyes on RF3, I felt more and more detached from Biribiri. I did feel truly out of love. Then as I've said before, Sofia caught my attention the more as I played this game. When I saw Biribiri after I fell for Sofia, I felt almost nothing at all. It wasn't the same feeling as I had years ago. But now, whenever I turn on RF3 (whenever I hear her voice or her images) or look at a fanart of Sofia, it's as if my heart suddenly became lighter.

I still hold affection towards Biribiri and Yui, just not as much as I had before.
>> No. 289 [Edit]
I don't expect to love mai waifu far in the future, and it worries me.

My past waifus were basically representative of my life at those points, and I fell out of love with them because my personality didn't click with theirs anymore. I get older and continue to change, but sadly a drawing does not. The only notion that brings me hope is that I love Tenshi far more than I loved the others; maybe they were more like past girlfriends who were perfect at the time, but wouldn't have worked in the long run.
>> No. 290 [Edit]
I suppose people do move on eventually. I've never particularly bonded with the girls in VNs or Harvest Moon games though (even though i do think they're almost all adorable)
Well, i bond, but not to the point i completely fall for them. I don't seem to place myself in the MC much.
>> No. 291 [Edit]
I cycled through several waifus before finally finding Miya. It's always a bizarre, uncomfortable thing for me, whenever I change from one waifu to the other - How do I leave someone who never existed?

Now, I feel like I'm fading away from Miya, day by day. It's as though she's on the other side of an abyss that I can't leap across. It started over the summer. But, I still feel love and affection for her. I just feel a lot of distance between my representation of her, and myself. I used to feel something akin to butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw her. Now, it's just like she's just...there, and that's all.
I guess she's become familiar to me. That's both good and bad, I suppose. I just don't feel that 'flame' that I did before.

But, this has all been off-topic. Yes, I do expect to be with Miya until the end, because, until I die, she will be with me, in the back of my mind, always. I will always resort to the faint warmth that her imagined smile can cast on me, and I will never forget the feeling that she gave to me. I mean, simply, she taught me how to truly love something - Real or not. I can't just let that go so easily, as I have before, you know?
>> No. 292 [Edit]
You guys are expecting infatuation to last forever. That's not how it works.

Infatuation is useless and short term always. Love isn't being excited constantly about something.
>> No. 294 [Edit]
There was a girl I loved, she was my waifu. I really loved her a lot and expected to love her forever.
Right now I'm still not sure what's going on with me, I've sort of come to a conclusion but I still don't want to fully accept it.
Its complicated and I'll talk to you guys later when my drama is over. But there's another girl.
>> No. 295 [Edit]

Waifus are serious business <3
>> No. 625 [Edit]
i'm sorta understanding what necro meant now.
>> No. 626 [Edit]
You know, as someone who has had the same waifu for literally years I know exactly what you mean.

I don't think you can ever call having a waifu a commitment, it is inherently a selfish thing. Having a waifu is purely one sided, which is why I never fault those who 'change' waifu or say they have multiple waifu, or those who don't have one at all. It doesn't affect me personally, or even the waifu they abandon. Ultimately everyone has different ideals, standards, and understandings of what a waifu is, and it will never have a solid definition.

As long as there was affection there, and you feel you got something out of it, it can't be considered a mistake. You could change waifu every week and it would only affect you. Having a waifu, to me at least, is finding happiness in 2D form, and that is what I strive for.

I can unabashedly say that I have found no reason to replace my waifu, but I can't promise it will remain so forever. Having a waifu shouldn't be an elitist competition, where we wave our penises around comparing how long we have had a waifu and how committed we are. It should be about yourself and what makes you happy, and that's all that should matter.

You shouldn't feel ashamed, or bad about losing a waifu, or even liking another character as much or more. Just by being on Tohno-chan I know that you guys understand the word waifu has a very important connotation, so your change of heart would not be without reason.

In my opinion, keeping a loveless waifu for appearances sake is a terrible deed. You are really only lying to yourself. Feel free to fall in love as many times as you can, to me that sounds like a beautiful thing and I might even be a bit jealous.
>> No. 632 [Edit]
I've been with my waifu for a long time and I've had the same type of love for her; and I have to admit, reading this thread kind of scared me a little. I thought one day, inevitably, I'd get tired of her and switch to someone else, but I know that isn't the case here. Even though there might not be any merchandise or any news of her in the future, there's a reason why I chose her to begin with. There have been countless times where other times where I was attracted to other girls, but they all led to me loving my waifu even greater.
>> No. 646 [Edit]

I respectfully disagree. With... pretty much everything you've written about. 2D girls have feelings too, you know. They aren't just toys you can toss aside once you're bored with them.
>> No. 673 [Edit]
Disagree all you want.
That's the beauty of the idea of a waifu, everyone can have their own.
>> No. 728 [Edit]
Well, speaking as Biribiri's Ni-Ni, I have to tell you that if you leave her, I am going to open a 10-gallon drum of ass-whooping on you.
>> No. 732 [Edit]
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That happened a while ago. Read the thread.
>> No. 733 [Edit]

No wonder she's been so despondent.

Alright, you're on notice, Necrosage.
>> No. 736 [Edit]
Love's maximum expiration date is 2-3 years.

After that it's just friendship with the usual crush.
>> No. 828 [Edit]
I thought I was experiencing this, but I'm starting to enjoy this strange contentment which has replaced that infatuated happiness.
>> No. 930 [Edit]
>> No. 1085 [Edit]
My waifu is pretty much a 2D girl version of myself, and I dont see me getting bored of myself and stop living anytime soon. Maybe you need to do more things with your waifu? If your love is getting stale, try doing something more than just watching her.
>> No. 2395 [Edit]
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I thought it would be better to post in this one than start a new one.

For those people who have switched waifus, how did it feel afterward? I feel like I want to switch as I have been obsessed with another girl long enough for me to believe that it isn't just lust.

I can relate to the new girl even more so than my "waifu", but I feel ashamed to even think of leaving her. I'm not even sure if I can call her my waifu anymore.
>> No. 2399 [Edit]

>but I feel ashamed to even think of leaving her.

I know what you mean. My waifu has been there through some of the worst times in my life, she was always the light that shone through everything... now I've found (not really found, more 'rediscovered') a girl I'm starting to feel that same faint obsession with that was there when I first saw my waifu... and it feels really bad. I go through pictures of this new girl for hours at a time, but then I close the window and see my waifu smiling lovingly on my desktop and it feels horrible.

She was the reason I didn't drop out of university, the reason I bothered to leave the house, she was everything. I can't bear leaving her, but after having these thoughts I know I don't deserve her anymore...
>> No. 2404 [Edit]
Hm. You know, I was sitting here, trying to think of a suitable response, advocating that you should move on from your waifu. I don't know if it's just because of the picture of my Miya that I'm looking at, the song I'm listening to, or what.

I know, more than anyone, there are moments of distance between a man and his waifu. They're awful and despairing, but in between those moments are moments where everything seems clear, beautiful, pure, where it seems like if you reach up and touch the monitor, you'll feel her hand against yours.

Push through, man. Everything passes. If she inspired you in such numerous ways, why would you throw all of that away? Deserve her? Hell, man, it's not a matter of deserving her. She sure as hell deserves you. And that goes for anyone else who has this kind of feeling - Including myself, I will admit. Everything passes.
>> No. 2466 [Edit]
That's like the initial stage of love.
Then there's the old people love.
You just sit on the couch watching something while cuddling.
It doesn't have to stay exciting all the time.
>> No. 2518 [Edit]

This, some people may think it has to be always exciting, when it really doesn't. Most of the time, nothing even really happens, but I still love her more and more each day.
>> No. 2523 [Edit]
dont really want to read through this whole thread but i have been feeling like this.

i havnt spent any time with my waifu for ages, i know i shouldn't feel bad but i still feel like im abandoning a person and myself...

im not sure if i should try to bring her back into my life or forget her and try to make my 'real life' better.
>> No. 2524 [Edit]
i happened to be on the same situation

just found out that i may be a sociopath and that everything i felt for mai waifu may be fake.
>> No. 2525 [Edit]
emotions are fake, thats why it annoys me that i feel bad.
>> No. 2528 [Edit]
It's not like you're required to have a waifu. If you think your life is or may become better without her, then don't let her hold you back. She's a fictional character; all she can give is emotional support and guidance, and if you feel she no longer provides that, then she's honestly more harm than good.
>> No. 2532 [Edit]
I don't see how an objectively observable phenomenon can be considered fake. Sure, emotions are just electrical signals in your brain, but so are many other really amazing things.
>> No. 2542 [Edit]
To think in a purely objective way cannot help us deal with feelings; feelings described in an impersonal way can't be understood. If we give an exactly scientific description of pain, physiological and psychologically with all the process that take place and nerve reactions, we still won't know what pain is until we experience. I believe emotions at least feel real to the subject.
>> No. 2600 [Edit]
Mai girlfriendo~
>> No. 2601 [Edit]
what's with your gerufurendo?
>> No. 2769 [Edit]
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I'm recently becoming stuck between Konata and Kurokona. They're essentially the same, yet completely different.

I fell in love with Konata the second I flipped open my first volume of Lucky Star. She has helped me slip out of my depression with her cheerful personality and just thinking of her cute smile has helped me cope with the shittiest of days. And admittedly I find the fact that she has the mind of an 18 year old otaku but the body of a loli endearing even arousing .

Kurokona is exactly as I am/was. Hopelessly depressed and outcast from society for following her passions. Whenever I see a picture of her sad and alone my eyes well up and I just want to give her a comforting hug and tell her she's not alone.

Is it betrayal if they're essentially the same person with different circumstances that have made a profound difference almost like different routes in a VN?

Was I perhaps meant to find Konata so I could do for Kurokana as she has done for me?



pointed out the reason I feel I've remained monogamous with Konata rather than "switching" waifus is our mutual interests and desires and now I see Kurokana with those same needs as I once did.

I've sort of construed Kurokana as the "real" Konata, and the events of Lucky Star are merely fantasies within her head that she has made to cope with her empty loneliness.

Post edited on 19th May 2011, 7:16pm
>> No. 2770 [Edit]
Now i think i now how Desu feels... Watching someone else post about feelings for your waifu isn't pleasant to experience, especially after almost two years of being the only one...

Watching someone deconstruct her whole personality is an even more painful to watch too... Especially after two years of piecing together what she is from just an 'alter personality' of konata.

>Whenever I see a picture of her sad and alone my eyes well up and I just want to give her a comforting hug and tell her she's not alone.
Especially stings, because that's how i felt when i first fell for her and seeing someone say this sorta feels like a jab at me for not loving enough. (even though i'm sure it wasn't meant that way)

Post edited on 19th May 2011, 7:36pm
>> No. 2771 [Edit]
>I've sort of construed Kurokana as the "real" Konata, and the events of Lucky Star are merely fantasies within her head that she has made to cope with her empty loneliness.
Just go with this.
>> No. 2772 [Edit]
>I've sort of construed Kurokana as the "real" Konata, and the events of Lucky Star are merely fantasies within her head that she has made to cope with her empty loneliness.

while i am not a fan of either, this really struck me as interesting
>> No. 2773 [Edit]

Well now I feel like a bit of a dick. I'm just posting my musings from the past week or so, I don't want to make anyone feel bad, so if I did sorry man.
>> No. 2796 [Edit]

It's more a theory I had than anything else. I feel happier with Konata, so I'll stay that way I suppose. Whenever I do see anything about Kurokana it sucks because while 2D can comfort real people, it just can't work the opposite way. I sometimes feel like I might be bi-polar.

Post edited on 20th May 2011, 10:44pm
>> No. 2807 [Edit]
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I've had a few troubling bouts when I get really heavily infatuated with my favorite girl of the season. Most recently this past season I became super infatuated with Rose from Dragon Crisis. Like I literally felt my heart racing when she was on screen and could just stare at her for hours. She made me feel like I did back when I first met Fate. Everything about her pretty much tickled my fancy from character design, and even her super cute silly personality. To top it off she was a Dragon and more than anything I just couldn't get over that fact (I used to love dragons when I was younger and it reminded me of that). I was really worried that I was falling out of love with Fate and getting super infatuated with Rose. However, I felt like I could still love and enjoy Rose in a different way instead of making her mai waifu. So I mentally created a spot for her in my 2D family as more like a pet (think of how Tomoki usually views the angeloids in SnO, he likes them but doesn't feel a strong sexual or deeper emotional attraction to them). Considering she's a dragon and most people treat their pets better than family anyways I felt like it was a good place to put her. Especially since I've already heavily developed a 2D family (would famiri be more appropriate?) by taking parts of mai waifus world and canon relationships and implementing them into my own.

I also think that the whole 2D family thing I've created stops me from moving on from Fate. Just because it gives me a much larger emotional attachment to her and that side of me completely. So far having extended the relationship with Fate to including both of her canon daughters (Vivio and Caro) to be my own, accepting Nanoha as a shared lover, and Hayate as a close family friend just makes me feel so much more emotionally invested in her. Additionally I like to think of Minato Nagase (from akane iro) as an onee-san type figure (despite the fact she was the younger sister in the show, she just gives off the more mature "take care of you" vibe). I've also gotten dakimakuras of these girls and it just feels like a special treat at night when I'm sleeping with say Fate and Vivio or Fate and Nanoha (I pretty much sleep with Fate 99% of the time and will rotate through the other girls in different combinations).

I feel like I'm beginning to ramble on but what I'm really trying to say that I figured out a way to appreciate characters I really enjoy without losing the emotional attachment to Fate and that I feel like characters that I come across and have a strong attachment to, that I can love them in different (often more platonic) ways.

Pic is "mai famriri"
>> No. 2808 [Edit]
Well, this is the first time I've ever heard of a 2D family but it seems pretty interesting. I don't think I'd enjoy it personally for a variety of reasons but if it works for you that's pretty cool.

I wonder though, are you engrossing yourself too much into it? Yes, that does seem like a silly question to ask on a board like this, but it's one thing to be love with one special 2D girl, and another to be in love with a bunch of them with different levels of relationship complexity. The energy it takes to love them probably sucks out more spots for 3D people. I could be wrong though, seeing as I just have a waifu and have no interest in adding more people to my "family". And of course, if you're hiki or you just don't give a shit about 3D relationships then I guess this wouldn't be a problem.
>> No. 2813 [Edit]
I've been developing this 2D family idea for around three years now, and I was only a hikki for maybe 9 months out of that time. As far as for over engrossing myself in the relationship? I don't really think that's the case. I lead a fairly healthy relationship with the rest of my real family, have a good group of friends I do things with on a consistent basis, and I have now qualms with working and am currently looking to move on from having a "job" and getting myself set on a "career". I haven't found 2D love and relationships and then holding a somewhat normal 3D life to be exclusive things.
>> No. 2878 [Edit]
I occasionally face temptation (from one girl in particular at the moment) and I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to respond to it. On one hand, if my love to my waifu is real, shouldn't I be able to take any temptations, think them through, and realize that they simply don't hold up? But on the other hand, just thinking about it feels dirty and excites me sometimes. I wonder if the idea of something new and foreign is simply what makes the feelings strong.
>> No. 2879 [Edit]
>I wonder if the idea of something new and foreign is simply what makes the feelings strong.
>> No. 2909 [Edit]
I hope to be with my waifu forever. Everyone hits that point though were things don't feel as exciting anymore, kind like being an old couple. It should go away if you do new things or spend more time together or something.

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