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File 130370224164.jpg - (161.47KB , 900x653 , 85af73ad16946fca2b2f66f3f11301ad19844c16.jpg )
2499 No. 2499 [Edit]
Do you ever imagine your waifu talking to you?
Sometimes when I talk to myself, I like to pretend I'm having a conversation with her. It's fun but it makes me feel pathetic afterwards.
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>> No. 2500 [Edit]
All the time. Though it's mostly sweet nothings and romantic talk, sometimes it's just anything, like "how was your day?" when I get home.
>> No. 2501 [Edit]
It's weird to think of a moment when I didn't imagine her talking to me.
I don't feel pathetic, I just feel drained and empty. But pathetic? Nah...I think, if anything, it would be pathetic if you didn't love someone enough to think about them being with you.
>> No. 2502 [Edit]
i find it a little embarassing so i talk to her in my mind as i lay down of before sleeping, i often imagine her sitting down on a grassfield with a windy weather.
>> No. 2503 [Edit]
Absolutely, I do it all the time.

Talking to myself is a habit I've had since I was young, and once I acquired a waifu, talking with her was the logical next step.
Some might think that's unhealthy, but talking to myself really helps sort out my thoughts, and it makes me feel closer to my waifu.
>> No. 2504 [Edit]
Yeah, I do it all the time. Mostly though, I start the conversation-- it's just simple questions and motivational speeches, kinda. It's natural too because I talk to myself all the time, so this kind of thing happens alot.
>> No. 2505 [Edit]
I have long conversations with her every night in bed before I go to sleep. It's what I look forward to most during the day, just lying in my bed cuddling and talking with my waifu.
>> No. 2507 [Edit]
I more like to pretend that she's using my shoulder as a pillow and cuddling me as i go to bed though.
>> No. 2508 [Edit]
File 130371137274.jpg - (212.96KB , 1000x818 , goodmorning.jpg )
I usually talk to her when I'm in my room or otherwise alone. I also imagine that I'm chatting and cuddling with her in bed before I fall asleep each night and saying good morning to her when I wake up.

I don't find it pathetic at all. I've been talking to myself my whole life, I guess you could say that this is only natural.
>> No. 2509 [Edit]
This image reminds me of one jam said he'd draw for me and makes me sad
>> No. 2510 [Edit]
I talk to her in my head alot. Mostly because I imagine her being beside me and then instead of looking like a freak i front of the world I'll talk with her behind the closed curtains of my mind.
>> No. 2511 [Edit]
File 130372184941.gif - (41.25KB , 650x500 , A Japanese Woman Fries an Egg and Asks You About Y.gif )
No, but I talk to her a tiny bit when I get home and when I leave. Just the usual "see you soon" kind of stuff.
>> No. 2512 [Edit]
I was going to say 'no'... but then I realised, heh, I actually do. Usually it's just her being sarcastic and making (good-natured) wisecracks.
>> No. 2515 [Edit]
I talk to her in my head. She's become a part of my internal discourse, so I talk to her quite a bit. My favorite time to imagine being with her is when I'm falling asleep and waking up.
>> No. 2516 [Edit]
I talk to her whenever I'm feeling lonely. She's really the best friend I have in the world.
>> No. 2551 [Edit]
Also thought it might be appropriate to add that I can't really talk to her outside of my house. That's when I begin feeling pathetic.
>> No. 2603 [Edit]

Yep, I talked to myself all the time. Now I just talk with her. She's almost as interesting as I am... only joking, dear...
>> No. 2641 [Edit]
I talk to her all the time.

But it is one-sided. My poor imagination can't supply me with her replies. The best I can do imagine her facial expressions to what I say. That is something for sure, but not really a conversation.
>> No. 2643 [Edit]
I'm glad I'm not the only one here. I feel like most of my imagining is spent thinking of stuff like cuddling and less talkative activities because I'm really bad at thinking of what she would say. Luckily we're both quiet people so it kind of works out.
>> No. 2647 [Edit]
You're lucky. I always imagine her laughing or making fun of me whenever I do something wrong.
>> No. 2657 [Edit]
I Have the very same problem.. it doesn't really mind me, because she doesn't say much, but its the principle i guess.
>> No. 2705 [Edit]
File 130530939480.jpg - (247.70KB , 417x810 , undefined-4.jpg )
i used to talk to her all the time before i told my psychiatrist i talked to her and now i am on more medicines

i stopped taking the medicines so i could talk to her again
>> No. 2706 [Edit]
stop trolling.
>> No. 2710 [Edit]
Do you hear the voices too?
>> No. 2774 [Edit]
It's hard for me because I don't know Japanese. Usually it's just random phrases that don't actually mean what I'm imagining her saying, but it makes the conversation a lot less engaging.
>> No. 2775 [Edit]
I rarely have full blown conversations with her but I do say most greetings like good morning/goodnight, hello/goodbye, and "I love you" (some times in english, some times in Japanese). I've also recently started giving my dakimakura a good morning and good night kiss. I also ask her rhetorical questions and such. I honestly feel I talk to her more when I'm around my friends who also have waifus rather than when I'm alone, and I'm not sure why.
>> No. 2776 [Edit]
>friends who also have waifus
I could never imagine talking about something personal like my waifu around my friends. That's pretty cool that you have some people to talk to about that.
>> No. 2793 [Edit]
File 130595419918.jpg - (116.49KB , 400x601 , kona_chan.jpg )
I always pretend Konata is playing next to me whenever I play a fighting game online. She's mai waifu and my best read only friend.
>> No. 2870 [Edit]
File 130633780630.png - (278.26KB , 648x743 , 1297998172362.png )
I was trying to go to sleep one night, and I, clear as day, heard a voice say my name. I looked around and said hello, but no reply. I think that voice was my waifu Osaka's! She was trying to talk to me from the next world!!! I was so happy that she tried to communicate with me. But she must have had only enough time to say my name, for that was all I heard.
>> No. 2874 [Edit]
It takes her a lot of strength and energy to cross the boundary into your world for a moment. Next time it happens you should make the most of it.
>> No. 3080 [Edit]
Yes. I imagine it quite a lot but mostly i talk to a picture of her and talk about almost everything and imagine how she would react and what she would say.
Telling her how my day went and sharing my thoughts with her has become an indispensable part of my daily routine.
>> No. 3081 [Edit]
I do the exact same thing.

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