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File 130359972122.jpg - (51.21KB , 525x475 , 1303349751869.jpg )
2468 No. 2468 [Edit]
I was wondering something, /mai/.
How fond are you of the Anime/Game/VN/etc from were your waifu originates from?

Are you a huge fan, or its just a random production that just so happens to have your beloved in it and that is the only reason you care about it?

Obviously those are two extremes, you probably fit somewhere in between.(or not, that is fine too)
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>> No. 2469 [Edit]
I'm a huge Touhoufag. I went to Akihabara last year, and I think all I bought was Touhou merchandise.
>> No. 2470 [Edit]
I don't think AIR was bad.. But I've seen better.
I rather liked the manga, because she was a big part of the first volume, but lost all interest in the second part which I don't think she was in.
I also didn't care much at all for the AIR movie, but that might be becuase she was in it for all of 1 second with no lines.
Even if she wasn't in it, I'd still have liked AIR, just not nearly half as much, she's the only reason why I've re-watched the show, and I've honestly got little interest in the other roots of the VN.
>> No. 2471 [Edit]
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I love the busters.
>> No. 2472 [Edit]
Sekirei is a mediocre ecchi series. I accepted that when I first unzipped volume 1.

I will, however, admit to enjoying it every once in a while. I totally love the 'Pokemon meets Highlander' aspect of it - If you'll allow me to delude myself into thinking that it's a unique take on the harem genre, then I'll do so. It combines my boyhood loves for Pokemon and breasts with my new-found love for mediocre romance stories.

To say it coherently, I am quite fond towards it, yes. However, because of what it is, I feel the need to justify myself.
>> No. 2473 [Edit]
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I liked Yume Nikki well enough, but it has basically no replay value. Since the entertainment factor is entirely based on exploration and the creepiness of the unknown, it becomes a lot less fun once you've discovered every last nook and cranny.

But it's also a lot like Touhou, in the sense that there's a truly insane amount of fan works to keep you busy, and some of them are (IMO) even better than the original.
>> No. 2474 [Edit]
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Index is an alright series. I like it, I'm just not a huge fan of it.
>> No. 2475 [Edit]
Lucky Star is alright.
I enjoyed it, but thinking back, it's not quite as great as i thought it was.

Still wanna rewatch it again though, i even have it on my computer.
>> No. 2476 [Edit]
I'm a pretty big fan of Idolm@ster. Unfortunately, I only had the chance to play the PSP and DS versions; and I haven't even finished them due to language problems. I'm about to buy a Japanese 360 just to play the original, the expansion, and the sequel; but then again I'd need to learn the language first. I also have the entire game soundtrack and many other albums.

The Xenoglossia anime, I'm not too fond of. The new upcoming anime I'm actually really worried about. It's got me nervous as hell.
>> No. 2477 [Edit]
Tsukihime was the first VN I ever read. I liked it a lot, at least the far side routes, which featured a lot more Akiha. I'd love to see an anime adaptation of it someday.
>> No. 2479 [Edit]
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Portal 1 and 2 are one of my favorite game series, way up on my top 3.
>> No. 2481 [Edit]
The Touhou games are pretty good, I guess even though I suck at them. And there's tons of fanart and doujins so I can't complain.
>> No. 2482 [Edit]
Man, that portal song just sounds weird in Japanese.
>> No. 2483 [Edit]
Why does she look like miku?
>> No. 2484 [Edit]
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Her humanoid form is based on Miku I believe.
>> No. 2487 [Edit]
Well, I haven't really played many VN's, so I really don't have anything to rate KS against...
>> No. 2488 [Edit]
It's very good.
>> No. 2489 [Edit]
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I absolutely love Evangelion. Strong contender for my favorite anime series ever, and EoE is definitely my favorite anime movie.
>> No. 2490 [Edit]
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SW is my second favourite anime. All the squads are excellent but the 501st is still my favourite.
>> No. 2492 [Edit]
Touhou is OK. I don't really care for it past a tiny bit of music and derivative works including her. Some of the doujin games are very neat however.
>> No. 2498 [Edit]
I feel compelled to read/play all the source material. It just wouldn't feel right to worship someone unless you really knew everything there is to know about them.
>> No. 2506 [Edit]
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I'm probably one of the biggest nerds for the Narcissu series in the English-speaking world, which, unfortunately, isn't saying much.

Still, the original VN seriously changed my life. There was a time when I thought that nothing would ever make my cry harder than Kana: Little Sister did. I was so fucking wrong.
>> No. 2514 [Edit]
I quite enjoy Vocaloid music, along with just about everything else spawned from it.
>> No. 2517 [Edit]
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Pokemon is one of my favorite video game series. I loved the first couple of seasons of the anime series. So yeah I'm a big fan of her series, they both have big nostalgic places in my heart.
>> No. 2526 [Edit]
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Loved the Tsukihime manga. Been playing the VN but it hasn't really caught my interest yet. I've heard the anime was horrible so I probably won't be watching it. There's also a fighting game I still need to try. I've read the parody manga called Take Moon, and thought it was pretty funny. Plus there's a new comedy coming out called Carnival Phantasm, so I'm looking forward to it.
>> No. 2529 [Edit]
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I find the touhou series quite magnificent. Whenever i play them, it feels as if we become one and the same character, and we are dancing to the fast-paced beat of danmaku.
>> No. 2530 [Edit]
File 130389722783.jpg - (170.21KB , 530x421 , 101807.jpg )
As far as slice of life anime and 4-koma manga go Hidamari Sketch is one of my favorites.

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