Rabu rabu~

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File 130333159849.jpg - (508.25KB , 2048x1536 , Tea%20With%20Shinku.jpg )
2438 No. 2438 [Edit]
Have you taken any photos like this of your waifu?
Do you do any activities together?
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>> No. 2439 [Edit]
Whenever I drink, I like to think she's there with me. In spirit.
>> No. 2440 [Edit]
hopefully you aren't drinking spirits or that would be terrible
>> No. 2441 [Edit]
Is ethyl alcohol really terrible?
>> No. 2442 [Edit]
I almost never drink spirits. Every once in a while I'll drink some type of liqueur though.
>> No. 2445 [Edit]
File 130336495412.jpg - (62.17KB , 640x480 , 185822_183713791671389_100000983079883_421926_5444.jpg )
heres us on v day
>> No. 2446 [Edit]
it appears that you eat pizza in the bathroom
>> No. 2447 [Edit]

is that you?
>> No. 2449 [Edit]
Dammit Thad, so you're the one who shared my idea of having a heart shaped pizza.
Anyways,I wanted to take a picture on Valentine's day this year but I never got around to it.
>> No. 2450 [Edit]
Anon, you are so horribly wrong, not in spirit, but in shower. Read it by letters S-H-O-W-E-R.
>> No. 2451 [Edit]
I don't get that at all.
>> No. 2455 [Edit]
Thad, you haven't peeled off the price tag sticker off the chocolate.
>> No. 2486 [Edit]
File 130362880923.png - (943.88KB , 1024x768 , MeAndHanako.png )
There's >>1356 from last valentine's day, and this before it, as well as how I enjoy lunch with her at work every day, and sometimes I just spend hours just daydreaming of her, just imagining us being together.
>> No. 2993 [Edit]
File 130688646427.jpg - (518.99KB , 1639x1229 , happy happy.jpg )
I rarely take pictures and the others have a little bit of me in them this is from valentines day whilst we where relaxing, just before playing games together.

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