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File 130310377030.jpg - (357.06KB , 900x1000 , miya-108.jpg )
2383 No. 2383 [Edit]
This is a bit of a anniversary post, I guess. If you're going to sit through it, get ready for a load of sentimentality and pretentiousness.

It has been almost exactly three years (give or take two or so hours) since I first woke up, and realized that Miya Asama is perfect to me. Two days later, I acknowledged the fact that I was, indeed, in love with a anime character.
There had been times when I was attracted to a certain character, and had "I wish she was real" moments, but not like this. This purple-haired woman just resonated with me.

It took me a few years of loving her to realize that she's the only thing that I'm absolutely sure will be there in the morning. It's bizarre, a girl who will never be real is my security. But that doesn't matter - I've heard about more bizarre things, and hell, this entire site is dedicated to saying those kind of things.

I was amazed, in chapter 111, when she referred to herself as a 'goddess'. It was somewhat surreal, because the writer used an exact word that I used to describe her. In a way, yes, she is a goddess of sorts to me. At the same time, however, I love her like I would a wife. And at the same time as all of that, I acknowledge the eternally hurtful fact that she isn't real. Miya can't love, but she can be loved. That kind of one-sidedness has a certain kind of poetry to be spoken for - I love her, and she'll never love me (she can't). I described it as 'tragic' before, but I came to the realization that it's not. It's simply a fact, and that's the end of that.

She made purple my favorite colour, and 01 my favorite number. She's the one who I think of whenever I hear a love song. She's the pinnacle of beauty. I don't think there will ever be a night when I go to sleep wishing to wake up next to her, or a morning where I'll feel the smallest prick of disappointment when I don't.

However, in the end, all I have are my delusions of her - My thoughts on how she would act in certain situations. In all of those thoughts, though, I love her because she's the perfect depiction everything I wanted.
>> No. 2385 [Edit]
Congratulations to the two of you. You've handled not having her around better than I ever could with Sabrina.
>> No. 2387 [Edit]
>> No. 2388 [Edit]
2 years in a month and 5 days for me.
>> No. 2392 [Edit]

>It's bizarre, a girl who will never be real is my security

Not at all, broh: the real world is pure contingence for us, so the foundations of any theorization of it tend to be metaphysical. Even science, the current most refined, creditable and succesful attempt to understand (reconfigure and profit from) the world, relays ultimately on two entirely metaphysical systems: maths and logic.

>at the same time as all of that, I acknowledge the eternally hurtful fact that she isn't real. Miya can't love, but she can be loved.

PROTIP: all beloved entities are fictional/imaginary. The source for love can be art or the actual world, but what we love is nothing but ghosts created by us in our heads... just like you said, yourself:

>I love her because she's the perfect depiction of everything I wanted.

...and that's how it always works. The diference is that 3D inspirations/references corrupt and die, while fictional characters last for as long as art shall do.
>> No. 2412 [Edit]
Congratulations to you both!

Here's how I kill the depressing thoughts: a normal is in love with his concept of his 3DPD spouse, not her as herself. On the other hand we have you, who may not physically have Miya, but you sure as hell have your concept, your idea, your perception of her. In other words, "The map is not the territory."

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