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File 130293069234.jpg - (150.50KB , 500x727 , tezuka_fire_safety_6.jpg )
2341 No. 2341 [Edit]
How do you feel about watching other characters sharing the VA of your waifu? If her (or his) voice is a big part of your crush, do you feel the same attraction to the other characters as well?
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>> No. 2342 [Edit]
Nope, but still reminds me of mai waifu.
>> No. 2343 [Edit]
While I really enjoy her voice, it doesn't especially impact my affection towards a certain character.

An example being Yuko from xxxHOLiC. I liked Yuko before I found out she shared a VA with my waifu. However, the singular exception to the rule is Beatrice, who I began to like more when I found out that she was voiced by Ohara.

All in all, though, the characters voiced by her will always be tied to my waifu in some way.
>> No. 2344 [Edit]
Mai waifu is mute.
>> No. 2347 [Edit]
File 130294406143.png - (312.33KB , 475x500 , 11657587.png )
Yes. I played Rune Factory 3 because Yukari Fukui was Shara's VA.
>> No. 2348 [Edit]

>How do you feel about watching other characters sharing the VA of your waifu?

I really wanted to start a topic like that a few weeks ago, as it's of great interest to me. I'm a waifuless guy but I think it would bother me a lot if I had a waifu so it's interesting to see how fellow Brohnos feel about it.
>> No. 2358 [Edit]
I've seen maybe 25% of the VA's roles
I rather liked Shamal from Nanoha, but didn't know at the time of watching she had same va.
Tsubame from Natsume Yuujinchou, another character I liked but didin't notice at the time.

The va has a good range I think, looking back at her stuff done, I'm honestly suprised, like with Oriana Thomson from the second season of index or Cattleya from queens blade, I never would have guessed them in a million years.

I knew she did Tokiko Tsumura before I watched Busou Renkin, but it just couldn't register with me as her, I couldn't hear my waifu's voice.

Eruruu from Utawarerumono is one of the few roll she's done that I've seen, that feel.. "right" ..or at least, familiar.

Apparently she'll be doing the voice of Arcueid Brunestud in Carnival Phantasm, I certainly wouldn't want to miss that!
>> No. 2360 [Edit]
She doesn't have a va...
>> No. 2365 [Edit]
IDK usually she doesn't use the same type of voice for other characters as mai waifu and she has a really good range. Though I do enjoy a lot of the characters she voices, her being the same VA as mai waifu doesn't make a lot of difference as far as why I like them and usually it's a much different attraction.
>> No. 2396 [Edit]
A few of them. The one I actually liked the most was Touka from Saki.
>> No. 2448 [Edit]
Same here, but I find it to be quite favorable. I often hold prejudice against certain characters due to my association of voices to personalities. This way I can project as many interpretations of my own as possible.
>> No. 2496 [Edit]
How does one feel about the guy who designed his waifu's character?

How does one feel about the guy who penned her story?

Basically about the same. I owe them all a lot of gratitude and purposely seek out more stuff they've made because they're responsible for creating the thing I enjoy the most.

That said I don't apply my feelings towards the artist who designed her or the writer who penned her or the VA that voiced her. If anything I view their other work more as my waifu's sisters than her.

Basically, the VA is her mom, kind... of.
>> No. 2497 [Edit]
I've convinced myself that my waifu isn't fictional at all and her creator just created a whole series of games around places and people who actually exist, somewhere.

So I just regard him as a chronicler of events and nothing more.
>> No. 2521 [Edit]
she often plays similar roles so its not odd for me to enjoy other characters she voices.
>> No. 2527 [Edit]
I like to imageine it's actually her doing the voice acting, gives me motivation to watch other anime with the same VA.

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