Rabu rabu~

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File 130291392143.jpg - (394.56KB , 717x468 , touhou2iq5.jpg )
2330 No. 2330 [Edit]
Exactly how do you love a waifu?
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>> No. 2331 [Edit]
File 130291552284.jpg - (14.98KB , 141x136 , 1297750884318.jpg )
obviously as a wife (i can't elaborate but it's obviously not as a daughter/etc. as some do)
>> No. 2333 [Edit]
Deeply and passionately.
>> No. 2334 [Edit]
File 130291738899.jpg - (22.23KB , 400x533 , 82c694e1953e4e44add87b7c236abd82e97cb6fd.jpg )
just like >>2333 stated but in a somewhat yandere way, because i go berserk then extremely sad if someone also loves mai waifu
>> No. 2336 [Edit]
Simply acknowledge that you do, in fact, love your waifu. It's all you can do, really, aside from buying figures and other merchandise related to her.

That's a little tragic to think about, isn't it? Our waifus will never know, and yet, we still love them.
>> No. 2337 [Edit]
In -most- cases, trying to increase their popularity and expose them to more people would be an appropriate way. For example, assuming that it wasn't a troll, I'm sure that the person who wrote the letter regarding Taiga a little while ago would be happy to know that it was what made me watch Toradora.

Sidenote, I was thinking exactly that the other day. Eventually, though, I realized that her inability to know is part of what I love about her. I don't personally see it as tragic. 2D love is what it is.
>> No. 2338 [Edit]
You should love your waifu more than anything. Atleast I do.
>> No. 2340 [Edit]
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

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