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File 130276933012.jpg - (27.04KB , 550x458 , Sabrina 56.jpg )
2310 No. 2310 [Edit]
Let's say all of our waifus are crammed into one room.
What do you think your waifu would be doing?
Would she be vocal or would she's off in a corner of the room by herself?
Do you think your waifu would get along with one of the others in particular?

I think Sabrina would be in a corner of the room reading the emotions of the others. I think she would get along with the quieter ones but seeing as how she is psychic, I think she can get along with anyone. I don't really know many of the waifus on this board as much as I know Sabrina. Out of the others I know of, I think she would befriend Hanako, Minagi and Raven.
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>> No. 2311 [Edit]
Chatting quietly with the more socially adjusted girls, but not to make friends, rather just to be polite and not seem socially awkward.
>> No. 2312 [Edit]
She'd probably leave.
>> No. 2313 [Edit]
Probably serving tea
>> No. 2314 [Edit]
File 130280409036.jpg - (173.24KB , 590x594 , 10093117_m.jpg )
Probably not saying a lot, but playfully poking some girl or something. He'd just sort of click in to a group.
>> No. 2318 [Edit]
File 130282275961.jpg - (100.71KB , 600x800 , 1243358075499.jpg )
Off in a corner keeping to herself probably.
>> No. 2319 [Edit]
File 130283639812.jpg - (368.73KB , 673x1000 , 8c9f01cf55dafcfc9cbd9c4bf4c60e3d.jpg )
Observing with grace and elegance.
>> No. 2320 [Edit]
File 130283751065.jpg - (276.24KB , 1200x900 , 1265874694217.jpg )
I guess Miku would try to be social and at least try to strike up some friendly conversation. Or sing.
>> No. 2323 [Edit]
She'd probably be like "Ohhhhh Why am I here?".
Of course, if she can just leave; she'll get out asap, but if not... I guess she'll just ask other people what's going on while waiting for me to come and rescue her.
>> No. 2325 [Edit]
File 130288849373.jpg - (180.10KB , 453x663 , Tenshi is going home.jpg )
Also this sounds like one hell of a party
>> No. 2335 [Edit]
File 130291769791.jpg - (122.87KB , 455x600 , 1626.jpg )
Knowing her tendency to actually get scared of trying to socialize with others, she might try to find a way out and escape. (No offense GM, but she just ain't that social.)

While nonchalantly reading everybody's minds. Like a boss.

If there's anybody who could break the ice with the karaoke, it's Miku.
>> No. 2346 [Edit]
File 130294140995.jpg - (199.81KB , 550x708 , 64.jpg )
Don't worry bro, my waifu has your waifu's back.

My guess would be that she would chatting or be making tea.
>> No. 2349 [Edit]
File 130300070131.jpg - (687.42KB , 1000x1294 , b3274148f3b2506d542cd682d21f6a027232eaf7.jpg )
Reading/hanging out silently giving responses when talked to.
>> No. 2350 [Edit]
File 130300418641.jpg - (183.38KB , 1024x768 , 1280007062379.jpg )
Interesting thread.

I think she would be vocal, yes. Centre of attention, trying to break as much ice as possible. Probably even annoying some. I'm sure she'd join Miku in some Karaoke, but generally try to talk to everyone.

I picked an extroverted genki girl for a reason, heh.
>> No. 2354 [Edit]
File 130302046457.jpg - (252.05KB , 400x1181 , nar_take8.jpg )
She'd be off by herself, watching TV or staring forlornly out the window. Unless your waifu happens to be dying of an illness, in which case it is my waifu's solemn duty to explain to her the Official Rules of Dying.

Also: my deepest sympathies for your loss. ;_;
>> No. 2355 [Edit]
So many introverted waifus in here.
>> No. 2356 [Edit]
Seems like half and half if you count those trying to be friendly or serving tea as extroverts.
>> No. 2357 [Edit]
She wouldn't be hiding off in a corner.. but she also wouldn't be the life of the party..
She'd probably be nice to anyone that came up to her, but wouldn't start conversations on her own, but maybe if they're a cute little girl...
I don't see why she wouldn't be able to get along with the many nice waifus we have here.
>> No. 2359 [Edit]
She'd be cooking dinner for everyone.

That's assuming there's adequate supplies and equipment, and she gets over the "What the hell am I doing here?" feeling.

I think she would get along really well with other waifus. She has a very caring and nurturing personality, but she doesn't take any shit. Then again, that might be what makes everyone hate her.
>> No. 2398 [Edit]
Collecting trash and cooking. Despite how she looks, she's adept at cooking because her sister uses food items for her fashion and her father is a gourmand. She'd just cook what she's good at, serve it to people, and just keep to herself.
She's introverted, so she's all by herself. She doesn't get along with anyone unless if she's close to them.
>> No. 2467 [Edit]
File 130359343785.jpg - (190.56KB , 854x480 , 1265937176983.jpg )
She would attempt to be the center of attention and not take no for an answer
>> No. 2478 [Edit]
File 130362173368.jpg - (455.34KB , 1600x1768 , 8cd02239b0c100526f9b368f440fbf848093aa82.jpg )
Try to find a way do murder everyone using trickery. I can't help it, it's just the way she is.
>> No. 3204 [Edit]
File 130756960131.jpg - (56.45KB , 316x406 , Kanako 205.jpg )
She would probalby disguiste herself as someone completely different to avoid trouble.

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