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File 130231641346.jpg - (262.66KB , 1920x1200 , remiq_net_5294.jpg )
2220 No. 2220 [Edit]
What if your waifu was genderswapped?
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>> No. 2221 [Edit]
File 130231676955.jpg - (1.14MB , 2463x1248 , 7dac76eb95024fb7d36a6d12c56e2501.jpg )
I certainly wouldn't love him because I'm not gay, though I don't think I'd like him either. She's cute as a bitchy girl; as a guy she'd just be an asshole.
>> No. 2222 [Edit]
File 130231693288.jpg - (58.16KB , 400x440 , kyon.jpg )
What if our waifu is already a genderswap?
>> No. 2223 [Edit]
It would be the same relationship but without any sex I guess? If you had an awesome best friend, I bet you'd think he'd make the perfect match for you if they were a woman, given how much time you spend with them already.
If he ended up as a really feminine guy though, I don't know for sure what would happen.
>> No. 2224 [Edit]
I often have fantasies where me and mai waifu swap genders, and she now becomes a pretty boy and I slowly fall for him, I give him my virginity and then I become his bride.

I also have one fantasy where we swap bodies and then we try to comfort each other.
>> No. 2225 [Edit]
I wouldn't really mind.

Of course, I love her perfectly as a girl; but I think it'd take alot of getting used to if she was a boy.
>> No. 2226 [Edit]
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The entire show/manga wouldn't make sense.

Well, that's specifically my waifu, not the rest, huh?. I don't think anything would be impacted by her being a male. She might be a cute guy. Then again, when I think about the author's depiction of her, I'm not so sure.
>> No. 4948 [Edit]
Madotsuki sort of wants to be a boy
I mean with her liberality about using male toilets
along with the fact that she's a NEET who plays vidya & sleeps all day

I guess it would be okay, but I'm not too open for gay sex
>> No. 4949 [Edit]
We'd probably end up being good friends instead of lovers. It's just not in my nature to love someone, emotionally or sexually, of the same gender.
>> No. 4950 [Edit]
I'm down for it as long as she still looks feminine enough for good cross dressing; but I also love traps, so I'm probably a little biased here.
>> No. 4952 [Edit]
File 131445760478.jpg - (89.27KB , 851x1000 , s - 582185 - beard bow divine genderswap hair_bow .jpg )
As soon as I read OP's post I thought of this image.
He'd be a total badass, but I wouldn't fall in love for a viking, not even if he had cute wings on his head.
>> No. 4953 [Edit]
Then I wouldn't love him/her. Looks play a bigger part in my love than I'd care to admit.
>> No. 4954 [Edit]
I guess I'd probably kill myself.
>> No. 4955 [Edit]
I'm not sure if i'd still love him, i'd probably just be friends
>> No. 4957 [Edit]
File 131448228329.jpg - (52.16KB , 286x589 , 3a7d2bac4ed582e73f948cf2e94eda139daa51cb.jpg )
i would still love her, i would be ok with her being a boy, since she is already kinda boyish.
>> No. 4959 [Edit]
File 131448557421.jpg - (20.63KB , 550x412 , 0000205869.jpg )
I would still love him with all my heart.
>> No. 4960 [Edit]
This thread just goes to show how easily the denizens of this website can be turned towards homosexuality.
Bravo OP.
>> No. 4961 [Edit]
Pft, as if Hideyoshi didn't already show that
>> No. 4962 [Edit]
A gender-swapped waifu would be weird for me. I'm okay with traps, though.
>> No. 4964 [Edit]
Not all of us are into 'traps'
>> No. 4967 [Edit]
I would certainly feel conflicted about it.
>> No. 4971 [Edit]
I would be very confused. Her personality, if it stayed the same as a male, would still be attractive to me, but I wouldn't feel any type of sexual love or partnership toward her. We'd probably be real good bros though.
>> No. 4974 [Edit]
I am not gay but I still think it is possible for me to fall for male character. I would still love her/him but I wouldn't feel sexual attraction to her/him.
>> No. 4976 [Edit]
But how can you say you love someone if you refuse to make love with them?
By saying you don't find him sexually attractive, you may as well be calling him a disgusting eye sore.
What you describe sounds more like simple friendship, not a relationship between lovers.

No one would hold it against you if you said you would no longer have interest in your waifu if she grew a dick and turned into a man.
At least no one should.
I get the feeling most people in this thread aren't really homosexuals, they're just saying they'd love him so as to avoid others on this board from looking down on them, as if to say the person's love is shallow or petty.
I think this holds true for other threads such as the ones about pregnant waifus.
Many of us have our own reasons for having a waifu, and I feel these threads conflict with that and force us to accept things we might be trying to get away from in 3DPDs.
Both ideas make me extremely uncomfortable, but no one wants to look like an ass here.

>> No. 4977 [Edit]
>But how can you say you love someone if you refuse to make love with them?

Some old people appear to still love each other, even though they no longer have sex. Asexual people also appear to be able to love.

>By saying you don't find him sexually attractive, you may as well be calling him a disgusting eye sore.

Not really. I've seen enough images of people (kind of makes it sound like I'm talking about real people, but I'm not) I thought were beautiful, but I didn't feel any sexual attraction towards them.

I don't think I would mind if she were to be genderswapped, but I can't really be sure how I would react.
>> No. 4986 [Edit]
Afterwards it really sounds more like friendship than love tbh. Saying "I wouldn't feel sexual attraction to her/him" I think instead I should've said he couldn't fill my sexual needs anymore. If he would be as attractive as she used to be I could do kissing, cuddling, hugging etc. stuff. But even thinking sex between two males make me disgusted.

Thank you for making me think my words again. I am not certanly sure would we be lovers or just two really good friends.
>> No. 4987 [Edit]
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It would be weird, but not THAT weird, considering who she's based on...

However, I certainly wouldn't be capable of loving a genderswapped version of her, mostly because he would have to be an entirely different person because of her background, which is one of the main reasons I fell in love with her, and also because I wouldn't really feel comfortable with being in a homosexual relationship. I would probably regard him as a character I admire, nothing more.
>> No. 4995 [Edit]
You know, one could argue that by being okay with (or not caring about) changing them, you're saying you're not completely satisfied with them how they were before.

I love my waifu the way she is and wouldn't ever want to change anything about her at all.
It's not peaty to lose interest in a love one if they get a sex change if you're not a homosexual or bisexual.
I personally find men disgusting, and penis's to be horrifically revolting and can't stand the sight of them.
I love my waifu as the woman she is, I find her to be the perfect woman in fact.
and I find this idea of "if you dont love your waifu after she gets a sex change, you don't really love her" to be as completely stupid as saying "how can you say you love her if you wont eat her poop?"

Also, one's waifu would not be the same waifu, only with an added attachment, as some here seem to think, for most at least.
Growing up as a woman or a man has a very large impact on a persons life and personality.

And furthermore, why are so few people considering the feelings of their waifu on this matter?
You think he'd be okay with a homosexual yet sexless romantic relationship with you?

I always hated and avoided threads like this on 4chan.
>> No. 4997 [Edit]
Different people see their waifus in different ways.
Some people admire them or look up to them.
Some worship them like a god.
Some see them as being like very good friends.
Others as lovers, and the list goes on.

This natural means different people will see things in different ways, and react differently to different things.
and neither is necessarily wrong I think, for you to see your waifu differently then the next guy sees his.
>> No. 4998 [Edit]

>But now you're just getting into the young adult(?) equivalent of a little kid having an imaginary friend.

That about sums it up

I had em as a kid, I'll have em as an old man

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