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File 130218486664.jpg - (10.16KB , 160x314 , imagesCA4CKQSE.jpg )
2212 No. 2212 [Edit]
I have a question pertaining to why people choose a waifu. While others choose their waifus most often than not, in my situation, my waifu chose me, and I'd like to hear your opinion on the matter. I also would enjoy hearing everyone's experience of why they chose their waifus.

In a dream, mai waifu Konata and I were texting one another after we had met in a game. Her number was long, and I kick myself to this day for not remembering it. Anyways, we continued with this for a while until we decided to meet. It turned out she was speaking Japanese, and our phones were translating our own respective languages. Because of this, we didn't talk, but communicated solely through body language. She and I were laying on my bed, twiddling each other's fingers as we smiled. We may have snuggled, although it wasn't more intimate than that. At one point, she was just about to say something, but her phone rang. I nodded, and just as she was about to answer, I woke up.

I never had these kind of feelings for Konata until that night, as I had simply respected her greatly and liked her person quite a bit. While the silly "moe of the week" characters are cute, I'm obligated to stay with her. I'm even going to the extent of creating an AI to communicate with mai waifu that I will program myself, although I feel a bit of a heretic for doing so.

So what about you?
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>> No. 2213 [Edit]

I would have posted at >>1106 because my incident was a dream, but the subject of my post is moreso concerning how and why you met your waifu.
>> No. 2216 [Edit]
File 130222919635.jpg - (41.20KB , 376x650 , Kurokona-chair.jpg )
I met mine in a weird way, it was actually just a random thread about a song that someone used an image of her for and i kinda somehow hijacked it asking about who she was.
I had already been rather fond of konata and i was starting to understand what a waifu really was, but i knew konata wasn't the one. i was actually calling nagi from hayate 'mai waifu' at the time. didn't truly know what waifu was until shortly after
So once i got a name and a few images, i started looking up kurokona and found the tiny bit of info there was.
pretty much: futaba alter of konata, more realistic otaku instead of the bubbly and popular fake one konata is. Near anything else, like her being konata's younger twin, are things i've filled in later.

As for why, i think it was partly her hair color and glasses at first. i've always been a bit fond of black hair with glasses, so she made me more interested on a base level. Finding out she was pretty much a calm, shy konata, was sort of the sinker.

May 22nd and 28th are my favorite days of the year now.
>> No. 2219 [Edit]

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