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File 130189557921.jpg - (111.57KB , 1280x720 , [QTS] Rosario + Vampire ep 09 (BD H264 1280x720 24.jpg )
2163 No. 2163 [Edit]
Things you wish you knew about your waifu, because sometimes the source material isn't detailed enough.

-Her favorite sweets
-The music she listens
-Her favorite color
-How was her childhood
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>> No. 2164 [Edit]
File 130189581057.jpg - (313.08KB , 590x749 , knees.jpg )
I've always wanted to know about her parents. Apparently her Dad likes baseball and I heard one of the novels mentions her Mom is a shitty cook, but that's about it.
>> No. 2165 [Edit]
More about her family.
All you get about her dad is that he's a freelance writer, semi-hikki, and a slight lolicon.
most of the info about him even shows up when you get the little info about her mom there is.

An ova about their school days would be neat.
>> No. 2167 [Edit]
Everything. The thing in vidya galge, is that the character designers put too little details on her. They just want everyone to like a girl's basic traits and accept her as she is. I have no problem with that, but it just isn't enough. Unless if there is a remake of the game (eventually), there's too much that I want to know. The only detailed information that I have of her is her backstory, that's about it. Maybe I'm asking too much.
>> No. 2168 [Edit]
File 130189910499.jpg - (10.40KB , 176x106 , ptkan Tenshi ?.jpg )
-Her birthday
-Her favorite food
-Her favorite kind of music
-What her home is like
-What her parents are like
-If she's actually a masochist
>> No. 2169 [Edit]
File 130189915767.jpg - (177.99KB , 640x453 , asuka075.jpg )
I've said it before: I'd love to know everything about her character's creation...
Now, being humble: I'd like to know, at least, exactly what she's got a degree on.
>> No. 2171 [Edit]
File 130190323014.png - (84.79KB , 300x450 , Sabrina 33.png )
-Her last name
-Where she lives
-Her birthday and age
-Her favorite medium (film,music,literature)
-Her favorites from said medium
-The extent of her powers.
-Her family.
-Tons of other stuff like favorite food and color, her work schedule.
>> No. 2172 [Edit]
File 130191335663.jpg - (300.13KB , 516x729 , 5fae4010dc873a3c5b8cad74b59d418b.jpg )
Where to begin? I dunno... considering that the canonical information extends about as far as basic background and a few generic lines of dialogue, I could pretty much put anything down.
>> No. 2176 [Edit]
-Exactly what her school life is like.
-Her training methods.
-Favorite Things.
>> No. 2177 [Edit]
File 130194315132.png - (717.51KB , 787x1011 , 8ffdf3fb980e397a24dc7c245bbd4ba956c78263.png )
Uhh... where do I even start?

The only thing that's canonically known about her is that she has a bunch of freaky dreams and then kills herself. So yeah, I guess I'd be happy with ANY further details whatsoever.
>> No. 2178 [Edit]
Her birthday, her favorite foods, her favorite things to do. Simple things. There isn't much canonical information about her.
>> No. 2179 [Edit]
Her birthday
Her favorite music (or even if she enjoys music)
Her favorite food
What her childhood was like (if she even had a childhood)
>> No. 2180 [Edit]
I want to know:

Her birthday, her favourite colour, what she likes to listen to, what she likes to think about, what she likes to eat, what she likes to drink, what she smells like, how she thinks about her past, her future.

How her time aboard the Asura was, how she feels about her job, how her school days were like, what she thinks about her mother. Honestly, I want to know everything, from what she likes to do in her spare time, right down to which shoe she puts on first.
>> No. 2181 [Edit]
File 130196017122.png - (76.10KB , 300x300 , OP_175.png )
Oh man, there is so much I want to know about her
-Favorite foods
-Interests (besides reading)
-Favorite authors
-Favorite genre (music, books, movies, tv shows)
-Favorite songs\musicians
-If she likes video games
-What movies she enjoys
-What shows she likes watching
-If she's planning on going to collage
--And if so what for
-What her favorite snacks are
-What her parents are like (well, her mom, I don't think she'd feel comfortable talking about her father, knowing what happened that fateful day)
Even small meaningless things like favorite color and websites (I hope this one ;_;) and whatnot.
>> No. 2182 [Edit]
Oh god, that's horrible! I'm sorry.
>> No. 2183 [Edit]
Well her killing herself might have been a dream itself, it's never really clear
>> No. 2185 [Edit]
File 130197159217.jpg - (99.27KB , 937x800 , 31d5591a6f5ca18101e568fe2928f02e764636e7.jpg )

That's alright. It's a large part of why she's my waifu, in fact. I never cried harder in my life than the first time I watched her take that jump; I felt I would do anything just to give her a little bit of happiness, to take away whatever was causing all her pain and her nightmares. Throughout the whole game, she was like a kindred spirit to me: lonely, reclusive, depressed, taking refuge in a world of fantasy. And then, she just... gave up. Lost all hope. Sought oblivion. And there was nothing at all I could do about it.

So as to the topic of this thread: I guess if I could find out any one thing about Madotsuki, it would be "why?" What happened in her past that traumatized her so profoundly? If I could find out that one crucial piece, then maybe I could help her, and maybe her dreams would be full of beauty instead of unspeakable horror, and maybe we could both be happy together. That's my dream.


Yeah, that's the thing. Everything about the game is so cryptic and open to a million interpretations. Even the stuff I've assumed about her above isn't necessarily canon, it's just the overall impression I got of her character.

(Sorry for gushing a bit, brohnos.)
>> No. 2186 [Edit]
File 130197181278.jpg - (332.84KB , 600x600 , 1299649678890.jpg )
Isn't that this girl?
i keep meaning to read up on her game or whatever, though hearing this kinda saddens me.
>> No. 2187 [Edit]

Yep, that's Madotsuki. The game she's from is Yume Nikki (Dream Diary). That I highly recommend it goes without saying. :)

(Trying not to derail this thread too much)
>> No. 2194 [Edit]
File 130209116249.jpg - (208.89KB , 800x1135 , 1302090711151.jpg )
Don't be sad!
>> No. 2195 [Edit]
I don't know, I thought the ending might have been a metaphor for her leaving her shut-in life and dream world.
>> No. 2196 [Edit]

Except she was awake when she jumped.
>> No. 2197 [Edit]
And how do you know that for sure?
>> No. 2198 [Edit]

She pinches her cheek and wakes up.
>> No. 2199 [Edit]

I saw the ending in a more positive light, as her coming to terms with and letting go of the issues that'd caused her so much misery (as she was able to unload them all in the dream world), and then free herself from her caged-in life in the real world to break out of her endless cycle of nightmares and despair.

I guess that's part of the beauty of the game though, letting you decide how you want to interpret things. Anyway, your taste in waifu is superb. She's not mine, but she's a great pick.
>> No. 2281 [Edit]
I know all I can about my waifu, but I wish I knew everything about her.
>> No. 3049 [Edit]
File 130706234040.jpg - (22.10KB , 450x500 , 1261876820797.jpg )
1. What her parents are like
2. Whether she prefers her Southern or New York accent
3. Her favorite anime
4. Her favorite shampoo brand
5. What her farts smell like
>> No. 3050 [Edit]
>2. Whether she prefers her Southern or New York accent
I never understood the Southern accent. Just because Osaka is more south than Tokyo? Osaka is way more like New York.
>5. What her farts smell like
>> No. 3053 [Edit]
I've read that the Japanese (or at least the ones from Kanto) regard the Osaka/Kansai area as hicksville, the way Americans do with Texas.

Also, what's this about a New York accent?

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 6:41pm
>> No. 3055 [Edit]
>What her farts smell like

Really? I'm not sure whether to laugh or not..
>> No. 3056 [Edit]
I guess that makes sense? I mean Houston is a major city, but people from the northern U.S. still think of cowboys and deserts when they hear the name.
>> No. 3057 [Edit]
File 130706709650.png - (73.97KB , 320x240 , Osaka_Derp.png )
Poster here. I acutally thought of Osaka's manga accent to be Bostonian, but I later learned that it's canonly New York. Personally, I call it "New England."

As for her anime accent, It's Texan, as her voice actress is from Texas.
>> No. 3058 [Edit]
I guess it should've been obvious but I just couldn't understand these last couple posts, because it never came to my mind that you guys watched this (or anything available) dubbed.

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 10:56pm
>> No. 3059 [Edit]
I watched Azumanga Daioh in 7th grade. It was the second anime I ever saw that wasn't something shown on Toonami or Kids WB.
>> No. 3067 [Edit]
File 130712352155.jpg - (26.57KB , 450x452 , Kanako 102.jpg )
I really want to know which kinds of food she likes.
At least i know that she doesn´t like sweets.
>> No. 3098 [Edit]
I can't of something I don't want to know

I literally want to know everything about her.

But most urgent? Definitely her taste in food so I'd know what to make for her.

Beyond that, like I said, there's nothing I don't want to know
>> No. 3099 [Edit]

I think Fate's birthday is August 28th
>> No. 3145 [Edit]
I would like to know what her room looks like, see how it's decorated, what kind of things she likes and so on.
I'm also kind of curious as to how she would feel about anime.. although she probably wouldn't be to interested I imagine.
I guess I'd also kind of like to know what kind of guys she likes...
>> No. 3161 [Edit]
File 130730412056.jpg - (1.41MB , 2000x1500 , 1276975694128.jpg )
As much as I enjoy the fact that her show has virtually no boys in it, I'd like to see how she would behave in a romantic relationship. It would at least make things easier for my imagination.

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