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2118 No. 2118 [Edit]
Hey guys, just thought I should post here to get a response or something.

I have a bit of a problem.

So, my waifu and I are inseparable. I always knew from the beginning that we will always be together no matter what. I can safely say that I will never ever love anyone or anything as much as I love her. My love for her can't be measured-- I am fine admitting these things, I smile when I say them, I feel happy for once.

The thing is though, as the days go by; I'm becoming a much much busier person. I'm getting a job soon, I need to support myself and I plan to only support myself my entire life. I need to keep up social ties with people for benefits, (and lucky me! These people are tolerant and actually like me for who I am). -- What I'm trying to say is, I don't pay attention to my waifu as much as I did before all of this. When there was nothing in my life, when my life was empty; devoid of anything, my waifu helped me and it's like she was with me everyday. Her personality and grace paved the way to my happiness, and I really thank her for that.

Nowadays though, I only pay attention to her when I'm about to sleep or when I wake up.
I usually smile at her and greet her with whatever time it is. I say good morning and present a genuine smile- followed by a "I hope we have a nice day today.". I don't even spend any time with her in the afternoon. I don't know if I completely forget her or if I just don't need to think about her those moments. And as I'm typing this, I feel sad. I feel like I need to throw away all of this away because for some reason, I can feel her loneliness. I don't know what I should do. She helped me get up to work for myself (something I could have never imagined possible), but in doing so, halved the time I spend with her. I'm also realizing I'm not as happy as I thought I would be. I mean, I still want a job and all; so I probably won't have to kill myself, but is this the price to pay? If so, I'd rather be empty of any social ties or work; just so I can be with her longer.

And as I'm typing this, I'm actually crying. Perhaps I already found my answer through typing.

Anyway, I would love an opinion about this.

>> No. 2119 [Edit]
>I need to keep up social ties with people for benefits
the way you talk about your "friends" makes them sound more like an obligation
>> No. 2120 [Edit]
You sure you're not deluding yourself?

Really sure?
>> No. 2121 [Edit]
I kind of teared up as I was reading that.

I say : Do whatever makes you happy. I don't know about you, but you can still have a job whilst thinking of your waifu. Sure it may be hard but I know you can make it work; or, just find another job, one that doesn't require pulling strings or keeping ties.
>> No. 2122 [Edit]
Well just think about having a wife. You only actually see her when you get home; as long as you enjoy the time you spend together, you're not drifting apart.
>> No. 2124 [Edit]
I keep her with me at all times. Her folder of pictures is on my zune, my desktop on my work computer is a picture of her, and I usually spend most of my idle time daydreaming about her.

Besides, she gave you the strength to succeed, if you were to throw it all out you would be throwing out everything that she helped you gain. Your strength to carry on, your job, your ability to generally being able to make something of yourself, it's all because she helped you to do better. The fact that you still love her, and even say "good morning" to her every day I'm sure still brings her happiness.
>> No. 2126 [Edit]
There's some great advice in this thread, I like it.

Yes OP, I can relate to your situation. About a month ago, I began an advanced IT course ~15 miles away, which comprises 2 years worth of qualifications in 5 months. 9 to 5, Mon-Fri. I'm up at 6:15am, bus at 7:15, home by 6:15pm. Sleep at midnight. Unnatural for me as I'm nocturnal. You know how I deal with the normals, keep a confident facade, and manage to get through it all?

I have a 3x4cm (~1.1x1.5in) shiny, gold, plastic picture frame I got from an xmas cracker years ago. I keep it in my suit blazer's inside pocket right beside my cigarettes. It contains one of my favourite pictures of Erica.

This, in addition to what giascle has said, keeps me going. Try it if you want.
>> No. 2201 [Edit]
Take a picture of her wherever you go

This really, really, really makes a huge difference

Make sure it's the best picture of her you have, and you CHANGE it often to keep yourself reeled in
>> No. 2202 [Edit]

This. It's amazing how much better I feel whenever I can find a spare moment to pull up a picture of my waifu and just say "Hi!" to her. Even though it's such a brief and simple thing, it's a moment of togetherness and emotional contact that makes all the difference in my day.
>> No. 2204 [Edit]
I know what you mean. I do it at work all the time since I have a Hanako pic on my desktop, especially during lunch I'll just minimize everything and enjoy lunch with her, and even if I have a spare moment I'll just minimize everything just so I can see her.

I even say "good morning" to her right after I wake up before I begin to get ready for work, and "good night" to her before I go to bed.
>> No. 2206 [Edit]
Take the best picture of her wherever you go. You could put in a position where you can discreetly see her picture.

As for myself, mai waifu does not need to be imprisoned inside a 3D picture frame. She is always in my thoughts. She is always involved in my dreams. She's always there for me, smiling, to give me a little extra push in whatever I'm doing. Whenever I'm indecisive, mai waifu is there to encourage me to make a decision. She doesn't really speak, but I feel her presence and emotions.
"Should I do it or not?"
"Okay, you said so. I should do it. It doesn't really make sense if I came here all the way for nothing, right?"
"Alright then, then it's up to me. I'm the one in control."
"Hmmm, should I get lamb or the side dishes that I normally eat every day?"
"Well, lamb is if I have enough money left over and side dishes are what I normally eat to fill myself up to keep my points on budget."
"Well, I'm a lazy bastard all the time, you really can't call me hardworking."
"I know, I do work the best I can at times, but I'm just too lazy to do it."
Something like this. I can't stop thinking about her. She's always in my mind.
>> No. 2250 [Edit]
Well, it's been a week and it was incredibly tiring. I've invested in a small picture frame and put a picture of her in it. I don't own a jacket with an inside pocket so I stayed up extra late one night and sew one into my windbreaker. It works guys; thanks for the advice. Every break I get I just go into a quiet room and smile at her for quite a long time. Of course, I get extremely phased and I have no idea what I was doing before; but I think I can manage pretty well.
>> No. 2251 [Edit]
It would have been easier to keep a picture in your wallet or something
>> No. 2253 [Edit]
What do you print it on?
Regular paper wont really do. I was thinking of going to kinko's to get a good photo style print out. I've gone there plenty of times to get full sized art, both cardstock and lamilabel for my arcade sticks, so I'm sure they'd have something the like used on photography.

not >>2250 , but also interested in this.
>> No. 2254 [Edit]

Hmm. I would have but I keep my wallet in my back pants pocket, and I wouldn't really feel comfortable sitting on a picture of her like that. That's totally just me though.
>> No. 2255 [Edit]
I don't leave the house, so I don't need to carry a picture in my wallet. I just think it would have been a quicker and easier solution than sewing in a coat pocket
>> No. 2276 [Edit]

You've got to love the determination though.

Nice one >>2250, glad our advice worked.

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