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File 130161568237.jpg - (206.69KB , 800x1198 , f08e7a565aa6e8eb56205f2b0b62772e.jpg )
2103 No. 2103 [Edit]
How do you feel when a 3D cosplays as your waifu?

What would you do if they acted nice to you?
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>> No. 2104 [Edit]

No thanks.
>> No. 2105 [Edit]
They don't do her justice.
>> No. 2106 [Edit]
I have one pic, but I don't like it that much since the girl who cosplayed her was a bit chubby.
>> No. 2107 [Edit]
No thanks Jim.

>Acted nice (Meaning not genuine).

Plus, the general idea of cosplaying really irks me.
>> No. 2108 [Edit]
I have never seen a 3D cosplay mai waifu.
>> No. 2109 [Edit]
I've never really liked the idea of cosplay
frankly it seems insulting to the character to me.
>> No. 2110 [Edit]
I've yet to see cosplay of mine, but i doubt they'd do her justice.

If i did see one, and they did act nice towards me, i'd be more then a little annoyed.
>> No. 2111 [Edit]
>How do you feel when a 3D cosplays as your waifu?
Disgusted. How dare a 3D pig tarnish mai waifu's image! No, seriously. I don't want some 3D pig make a mockery out of mai waifu.

>What would you do if they acted nice to you?
Just because they act nice doesn't mean that they are.

Also, the very essence of cosplaying is attention whoring.
>> No. 2113 [Edit]
File 130162937694.jpg - (134.57KB , 487x640 , 0002-tomoyo_sakagami_cosplay_ponko_01.jpg )
Honestly I don't know how I feel here. She looks really good for 3D, but it just doesn't seem right.
>> No. 2114 [Edit]
just know she only looks that good because of photoshop, and is about as real as 2D because of it
>> No. 2115 [Edit]
Also her personality is probably shit
>> No. 2116 [Edit]
I usually don't care, it's just another human, only wearing my waifu's clothes. Even if they acted nice it's still just the usual annoying nonsense.

It's when they roleplay my waifu (rare, I only see it when ambling about the internet) that It irks me. I can't stand it, they can't hope to ever come close to her personality; even if they could it would still be just a facade. I could care less about how some 3d looks, but roleplay of my waifu is terrible.
>> No. 2123 [Edit]
Cosplayers are the biggest sluts imaginable so I get really annoyed if they cosplay my waifu.
It doesn't even have to be my waifu, just any character I like. It feels like they are mocking them with their impurity.
>> No. 2127 [Edit]
I've never seen anyone cosplaying mai waifu. I don't know how I would feel about it if I saw it, though. I think there must be at least a few girls who are really like her in the world, but none of them are probably the type to cosplay.
>> No. 2129 [Edit]
I think it should be taken as a compliment; imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. This poor 3DPD is doing everything in her power to be as beautiful and cool as your waifu. She fails, of course, but bless her heart for trying.
>> No. 2140 [Edit]
File 130180130485.jpg - (292.35KB , 979x1450 , rie_021.jpg )
What if it's the VA of the character herself who's doing the cosplay?
>> No. 2141 [Edit]
She'll sound cute, but being 3D still inferior to the real deal
>> No. 2153 [Edit]
This >>2123 anti-cosplay guy here.
No matter how much I hate cosplayers, I could never hate Rie.
Even with her being flawed 3D.
>> No. 2170 [Edit]
File 130190292191.jpg - (104.34KB , 330x445 , asuka last.jpg )
>How do you feel when a 3D cosplays as your waifu?

At this point: disgusted.

Ubiquitous and uber-popular, she's been cosplayed countless times. I used to photoshop some of the best attempts to make them almost likeable, but finally gave up on that too; v.gr. the girl on the pic maybe looked decent in close up, but the entire thing wasn't different from anyother plugsuit con-going cow...

There was another cunt on Deviantart, a while ago, who started to rise some hope but ended up disappointing me the most.

>What would you do if they acted nice to you?

Ignore them (nice or not).
>> No. 2175 [Edit]
Why would one even ask this question.
>> No. 2190 [Edit]
>How do you feel when a 3D cosplays as your waifu?
Makes my dick hard.

>What would you do if they acted nice to you?
Ravage their body.
>> No. 2191 [Edit]
The only time I've ever seen somebody cosplay mai waifu IRL was a cross-play. It was very awkward and I just wanted to pretend the entire event never happened.
>> No. 2193 [Edit]
I don't think I could stomach it. Thankfully I've never seen any examples.

If she acted nice to me? I guess I'd try to be generically polite, like I do with everybody. Just because I'm not romantically/sexually interested in 3D doesn't mean I can't be nice to them.
>> No. 2208 [Edit]
File 130215573899.jpg - (82.70KB , 400x600 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
This is the first time I've seen anyone cosplay mai waifu. Just found this image today while still looking for waifu pictures.


I saved it so I could post it on here.

And as soon as I saw her face, my face contorted in disgust. But I have to say that the 3D pig worked hard on mai waifu's costume. But still flawed and imperfect.
>> No. 2238 [Edit]
File 13024051601.jpg - (632.90KB , 719x929 , 1298757063989.jpg )
It makes me very angry.

Very angry indeed.

I shlepped my ass to a convention recently because Hendane.com had a booth and I wanted to stock up on some C79 stuff. Of course I waded through a sea of terrible but typical weeaboo cosplay. I was unfazed, though, as I knew what I was getting myself into when I made the decision to go.

Then I looked and saw a whole pack of land whale hambeasts dressed up like Touhou characters. My stomach flopped at the prospect of possibly seeing my beloved waifu desecrated in this way but luckily (and strangely) Reimu was not amongst them.

I made my way to the doujinshi booth with great haste.
>> No. 2239 [Edit]
>Then I looked and saw a whole pack of land whale hambeasts dressed up like Touhou characters.
I never understood why there are so many people who dress as Touhou characters. If STG's are that popular, then why are there so little of them on the market.
>> No. 2241 [Edit]
STGs aren't popular, just Touhou.
>> No. 2242 [Edit]
File 130240689014.png - (418.61KB , 359x530 , notawaifu.png )
I take it as slightly flattering, and a little cruel.

Flattering because all in all, my waifu is a somewhat obscure character in a series full of characters that overshadow her. It's nice to think that somebody is interested enough to dress up as her, you know?

On the other hand, it's cruel because, frankly nobody comes close. It's a weird, awful feeling, because there's still the 'hope' that somebody can at least do a decent job at looking like her. Then I remember, ''Oh shit, my waifu is perfect'' and descend a little into the despair that comes with realizing the one you love will never be real.
>> No. 2294 [Edit]
File 130271016399.jpg - (41.95KB , 426x640 , 2621206.jpg )
Its not all bad
>> No. 2298 [Edit]
I have no strong feelings one way or the other. Yuki is a psychological and partially digital construction I've created. People in costume are simply that.
>> No. 2303 [Edit]
File 130273435252.jpg - (70.23KB , 640x426 , midori Tenshi cosplay 4.jpg )
I finally found some cosplay pictures of Tenshi, though they're not Japanese. Most sucked, but this girl was decent.

She's still not mai waifu, though.
>> No. 2332 [Edit]
I've never once seen any cosplay of my waifu. If I ever did see someone cosplaying her, I'd probably just be impressed that they even knew who she was.
>> No. 2351 [Edit]
File 130300506646.jpg - (482.39KB , 800x1200 , 0d5bc45152fc822981f8f85d27d7409e52fd4066.jpg )
It's all about the outfit. If the outfit is really well done, then I can find cosplay neat. I don't actively go looking for cosplay pictures or anything, but if I happen to find one that looks like it took time and care to pull off, then I can appreciate it. This is more how I look at cosplay in general, not just particularly of mai waifu.

This is a pretty good example of one that I like because the outfit looks great.
>> No. 2352 [Edit]
File 130300518831.jpg - (66.32KB , 1203x799 , 2b902f0a260a5aff439f73535a6d188f.jpg )
>What if it's the VA of the character herself who's doing the cosplay?

Yukari Fukui is adorable, so it's ok with me.
>> No. 2409 [Edit]
i just realized that you could buy the outfit off of the 3d and dress your pillow in it.

my waifu is a massive slut with a terrible personality.
bad choices, i don't know why i always make them.
>> No. 5473 [Edit]
The only girls that I have ever seen cosplay her have been hambeasts
And also in their twenties, she's in her mid teens for fuck's sake

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