Rabu rabu~

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File 130155568233.png - (17.19KB , 550x254 , Waifu calculator.png )
2096 No. 2096 [Edit]
Someone reminded me of this.
You know what to do.

don't take it too seriously though, it IS just a silly random program after all.
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>> No. 2097 [Edit]
durr, would kinda help if i'd link it

>> No. 2099 [Edit]
14% :l
>> No. 2100 [Edit]
I used to remember these 'love calculators'.

And it's 18% ;_; Meh.
>> No. 2101 [Edit]
File 130156119592.png - (27.31KB , 1334x639 , The Love Calculator -.png )
>> No. 2102 [Edit]
58%, Any doctor that thinks my love for Sabrina is below 100% is clearly a quack. Dr.Love needs his license revoked.
>> No. 2117 [Edit]
>> No. 2128 [Edit]
49% with myself.
>> No. 2133 [Edit]
>58 %
Fuck you, Dr. Love.
>> No. 2136 [Edit]
Ah, cooltests. I remember going on that shite with the old AOL 56k modem...

Anyway, I've got you all beat in shit score top trumps - 11%.

Although if I use Fraietor!ldEN21PHUk for my name, it's 81%.
>> No. 2138 [Edit]
I got 02%...with myself ;_;
>> No. 2139 [Edit]
>> No. 2142 [Edit]
After going through the variants of my internet and real life names, the best I could get was 87%.

Not good enough, "Doctor".
>> No. 2143 [Edit]
File 130181204767.png - (19.09KB , 722x272 , 無題.png )
We're radium!
>> No. 2144 [Edit]
this is just here to make me angry at myself
>> No. 2145 [Edit]
I doubt he has a medical degree.
>> No. 2149 [Edit]
I doubt he exists.
>> No. 2287 [Edit]

Somehow I was expecting less. These things always give me a really low score
Sometimes makes me feel bad ;_;

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