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2001 No. 2001 [Edit]
I've had a question that I've really wanted to ask all of you about for a long time...but I've been too afraid to because of things I've witnessed before on /a/ and /jp/.

But tonight I decided that I think it's worth giving it a shot; as most people on Tohno are really kind (especially when compared to those of 4chan)...so here I go!

Since the very first time I saw Taiga I have always felt very strongly for her. It's kind of funny because normally I really dislike 'Tsundere' characters, but she just felt very different. Over time I have collected figures of Taiga, pictures of her, a Dakimakura, and other various things of her. I'm sure most of you understand how I feel about her (with your waifus I mean) I just love her so much!

The problem I'm having is that I'm actually really confused about what kind of 'love' I have for her. I'm actually a girl, and not a lesbian...but I still feel these strong emotions towards her. I wouldn't say it's platonic, but I don't really know. What do you think?

If it helps I can try to explain how I feel about her?

I hope I don't sound too creepy (´・ω・`)
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>> No. 2002 [Edit]
File 130139793950.jpg - (100.33KB , 1280x720 , wut.jpg )
Your feelings are pretty personal. If you want to sexualize your waifu go ahead, she's not a real girl. That said, some people here won't even look at ero of their waifu. It's not a requirement to fap to your waifu.
>> No. 2004 [Edit]
It's perfectly okay to fap to your waifu. Think of it as love making. How would you feel if your waifu refused to fap to you? I'd much rather hear that she shlicked to pictured of me.
>> No. 2008 [Edit]
Anime has taught me that all girls are lesbians deep down.
>> No. 2013 [Edit]
I remember reading some threads on /u/ where girls said they didn't know they were lesbians until they saw some yuri and realized how much it appealed to them, or something like that. So maybe you are, in fact, a lesbian and just didn't realize.

Though I've also heard of women having "girl crushes", which are nonsexual feelings of admiration and desire for friendship/connection (or something like that). Supposedly they're considered a normal part of growing up in Japan, called "akogare."
>> No. 2031 [Edit]

I definitely don't like looking at porn of her...well I suppose it's ok if it's very true to her and she's happy. But sexuality has a small roll in my feelings I think.
>> No. 2032 [Edit]

It's possible I guess, but I really don't feel like a lesbian. I feel more attracted to men sexually.

'Akogare' seems like it's close to how I feel though possibly.
>> No. 2043 [Edit]
I think sexuality is a lot more fluid than most people give it credit for. Just because I downloaded those Mariaholic trap doujins doesn't mean I'm "gay", even if they're pretty gay themselves. These are just convenient labels we use to put each other into neat categories.

Besides, we're talking about 2d. It's a different thing.
>> No. 2045 [Edit]
Exactly. Sexuality is various shades of gray, not black and white
>> No. 2049 [Edit]
Oh man, I don't think I understand OP's post... or more accurately, the second post. I don't know what in OP's post suggested anything erotic or sexual...

Anyway, it's really fine. I sort of have a way where I don't really even care about gender anymore.
>> No. 2055 [Edit]
Sometimes I'm just sick and tired of people who claim that if I don't fap to mai waifu, that I'm somehow being unfaithful to her.
>> No. 2057 [Edit]
Whoever claimed that is obviously wrong.
>> No. 2080 [Edit]
I think you want a sister.

You either don't have an actual one, or if you do, your relationship with her isn't ideal.

Or maybe you really want a best friend. People who move around a lot often are denied having such close friendships. For some of us though, we end up without them anyway ;_;
>> No. 2134 [Edit]
I think you might just admire her immensely (for now). You probably want to be like her so badly, even physically (disregard of the chances), that the supreme beauty you recognize on her overlaps a bit with lust, getting you all confused about your sexual preferences.

As far as I concern, love is much more of an intellectual process than a physical call (maybe someday I'll finally make a full post about that; maybe...); so if you ask me if I think your thing can be (or turn out to be) love in every sense of the word, my answer is: yes; of course.

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