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File 130136878976.jpg - (186.30KB , 600x757 , 93d61f1bfed2436a964bc33dae418f7f84194432.jpg )
1996 No. 1996 [Edit]
If you and your waifu were in a fairy tale, which fairy tale would you want to be in?
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>> No. 1997 [Edit]
Sleeping Beauty, most definitely.
>> No. 2000 [Edit]
>> No. 2009 [Edit]
The Princess and the Bowling Ball
>> No. 2011 [Edit]
File 130142821928.jpg - (304.41KB , 520x520 , 2f8ae447877153357b81ec4b22e103334b61e877.jpg )
Handsome and the beast!
>> No. 2295 [Edit]
Lilo and Stitch (a modern fairytale in my eyes)
He is the Lilo to my Stitch
>> No. 2296 [Edit]
File 130272427731.jpg - (41.40KB , 450x449 , 1293252680801.jpg )
Rapunzel, because I love her hair.
Is that from the Stinky Cheese Man? That takes me back...
>> No. 2297 [Edit]
Holy shit I remember that book. Everyone in my class would fight over who got it during reading time
>> No. 2307 [Edit]
File 130274075423.jpg - (234.66KB , 1000x835 , Sabrina 72.jpg )
Stinky cheese man, I'm so happy that I'm on a site where people not only share the same problems but enjoy the same things I like. Never change Tohno-chan, never change.

Back on topic Beauty and the beast.
>> No. 2308 [Edit]
File 130274130930.jpg - (132.94KB , 1920x1080 , aa56903bf472ada2559f395854155447.jpg )
Well since her name means Snow White...

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