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File 130127636078.jpg - (668.79KB , 700x700 , a067bef88080849a954ad8deec75f9d9.jpg )
1980 No. 1980 [Edit]
If your waifu had to cosplay as someone else, which outfit would she look loveliest in?
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>> No. 1986 [Edit]
File 130129071696.png - (197.91KB , 320x480 , Datdress.png )
Beatrice has a lovely dress. My waifu would look great in it.
>> No. 1999 [Edit]
Your post kind of helped me out. I was having trouble thinking of who my waifu would look nice cosplaying as. I couldn't really think of anything that captures her personality like her outfit does.
Then in it hit me: Virgilla.
>> No. 2003 [Edit]
File 13014005007.jpg - (333.26KB , 1024x576 , imgÉmÅ[ÉRÉìÉgÉçÅ[Éã10.jpg )
I don't mind Noko dressed as Miku.
>> No. 2010 [Edit]
File 130140349851.png - (157.43KB , 520x500 , Nagi character sheet.png )
This would probably do well. Close enough to work, but different enough so it's not boring.
>> No. 2150 [Edit]
File 130182175628.png - (108.36KB , 500x589 , Minagihellscythecosplay.png )
Thought I'd try drawing it.
Tohno Minagi dressed as eucliwood hellscythe.
>> No. 2151 [Edit]
Strange combination, but it works well.
>> No. 2152 [Edit]
Your drawing has def. improved.
>> No. 2154 [Edit]
Also this. Post in /cr/ more.
>> No. 2158 [Edit]
I agree with them, you draw great, Tohno
>> No. 2160 [Edit]
Damn Tohno, that's good. A pretty big improvement over your earlier works.

As for Fate, I've seen her in Nanoha's barrier jacket and dressed in some sort of Bayonetta-style outfit. Both look wonderful, although the latter is a little ecchi. Although her typical colours are black, red and yellow, a contrast with white, blue and pink make her seem nearly impossibly beautiful, noticed mainly when she wears Nanoha's white hair ribbons to replace her own black ones.

As for what clothing I think she'd look loveliest in, without thinking for any length of time I'd have to say perhaps Minette's dress (Minette of Shukufuku no Campanella), although there are far too many outfits I think would suit her. I personally really want to see her dressed as Marisa Kirisame, because I like her clothing, although it may not suit Fate entirely. I think I'll use some of my upcoming free time to practice drawing, and see what I can do. Thanks for the inspiration, Tohno.
>> No. 2161 [Edit]
Looks great Tohno, you really have gotten better. How long have you been drawing?

I would probably say my waifu would look best in a sun dress.
>> No. 2162 [Edit]
I don't do that much drawing so I can't really say I've been drawing, but I guess I could say I started drawing like 3 years ago?
I might try drawing a bit more once the touch-pad I ordered showed up.

Thanks by the way guys.
>> No. 2184 [Edit]
File 13019639389.png - (781.99KB , 1057x758 , flyingmoe0ib4f.png )
I guess I must not have known you that long, I always thought you were pretty good at it.

Especially after this.
>> No. 2228 [Edit]
File 130238323276.jpg - (238.14KB , 843x1000 , sample-2dc9f0fc5ef92d13a8f61c576348306c.jpg )
No idea in general.
But I love this particular pic of her dressed as Ika
>> No. 2237 [Edit]
File 130240484294.jpg - (17.59KB , 280x400 , ichibankallenred.jpg )

That's freaking amazing, Tohno.

This is a good thread. I have never actually considered it because as a rule I despise cosplay. Mainly because it's so seldom done correctly and just find it to be an offense to beloved characters.I don't have a problem with it if it's well-executed, though.

I think I would like to see Reimu cosplay as the Romantic Variation Wedding Version Kallen from Code Geass. Picture very much related.
>> No. 2315 [Edit]
File 13028046247.jpg - (971.27KB , 1000x1100 , 1299793076640.jpg )
I don't even know if this is an actual cosplay of some other character or if its just a fan-creation but its sexy as hell
>> No. 2317 [Edit]
File 130281982942.jpg - (970.22KB , 1597x1285 , da2ee2e5a8589008d3b0243bd92ce446.jpg )
There sure is a lot more art of someone else cosplaying as Miku than there is the other way around.
>> No. 3167 [Edit]
File 130730946532.jpg - (100.16KB , 577x340 , Kanako 121.jpg )
I cant think of a particular Cosplay of an other character but sometimes i imagine her wearing a Ninja-outfit (because she really acts like one in some scenes of the Manga) i know its kind of stupid but on the other hand i think its kind of cute.
I think that her "Battle-gear" which she wears just in one scene of the Mange really looks awesome and maybe she would look really cute in Miko-clothes.
(Sorry for the small image, but i couldn´t get my hands on a bigger one.)
>> No. 3178 [Edit]
File 130734063765.jpg - (245.29KB , 600x800 , 1299573394885.jpg )
This is the best cosplay/crossover art I've seen of her. It doesn't hurt that Homura is my favorite Madoka character as well.
>> No. 3179 [Edit]
File 130739433940.jpg - (227.92KB , 900x750 , girlycard-and-remilia.jpg )
I think Remi looks rather dashing wearing Alucard's clothes.

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